XxDracoMasterxX's Journal

XxDracoMasterxX's Journal


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2 entries this month

The MeetingPhotobucket

04:42 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 743

Tyerel: He sis in a tall red wod tree, the moonlit water of the lake shimmering and reflecting it's

gleaming light onto him. His hair is slightly blow back by the crisp summer's breeze* ~ Katrina:

She walked slowly through the trees, humming a little tune to herself. Lifting a hand to brush away

a strand of hair that had fallen from her bun, a slight glimmer captured her attention. Brows furrowing,

and tune falling from her mind, she walked towards the shimmer in the distance. ~ Tyerel: He hears footsteps

, closing in on him. He looks sidelong at the noise and sees a yound lady. His fury brow arcs ar he ses her beauty.

He jumps at the chance. But waits till she is sitting on the tree below him. ~ Katrina: Blinking slowly at the sight

before her, she let a slow smile grace her lips before stepping towards the lake. As she got nearer toward the

water's edge, a sound came to her attention. Whipping around at the sound, all she saw was a large tree.

Frowning a little to herself, she walked towards the tree where the sound came from.

~ Tyerel: He hangs on to the branch above her with his feet and he looks down at her.

He lowers his head to right in front of hers. "Why hello, I didn't see you there." He jokes.

~ Katrina:Jumping a little, she stared at the young man in front of her like he had two heads.

Stare turning suspicious, she said "I'm sure you didn't." Gaze traveling to where he was hanging from

, both brows arched "And I suppose you're not getting a headache from hanging upside down either, are you?"

~ Tyerel: He chuckles at her words, his shirts falling down and covering his face. He pushes it back up quickly.

He then pushes himself off the tree limb and lands gracefully behind her. "How'd you guess." He circles her,

his gaze locked with hers. ~ Katrina: Crossing her arms in front of her, she met his eyes with a questioning look.

"Call it a feeling." Glancing out the corner of her eye towards the lake, she sighed, before returning her gaze to him.

"What are you doing out here anyways? Besides scaring people." Looking back in the direction she came from,

she stated "This is private property." ~ Tyerel: He continues to circle her, obsering her features when she glanced away.

A smirk tuggs at the corners of his mouth when she mentioned private property. "How do you know it is? Whasd there a sign,

or do you own it?" His tone is challanging, yet flirty at the same time. ~ Katrina: She knew what he was doing, and barely

controlled a shiver going down her spine...she chose to ignore it and instead whipped her head to meet his gaze with a slight

glare. "How do I know? Simple. I just came from the party that my friend is housing...on HER property," she spoke feircly,

yet slowly at the same time. ~ Tyerel: He chuckles once agian. Then nods to behind her, in the direction she came. "See that

, it's called a property line. I believe you're the one who is passing on private land." He walks away, tward the lake. Taking the

hilt of his dagger and drawing it from it's shieth. He slices down the length of his fore arm. Feeling light headed.

Almost immeadiatly, color floods his cheeks. "You can stay if ye so wish to."

~ Katrina: Her body tensed in preperation for running as soon as she saw him draw the dagger.

Only when he started to cut along his arm, did she start questioning leaving the safety of the party.

Realizing that she was staring at a man who could possibly bleed to death, even if he was somewhat crazy,

Katrina swiftly but gently grabbed his cut arm. Looking up at the man, questions were evident in her gaze.

~ Tyerel: He leans down, begining to drink his blood as she is trying to stop the bleeding.

Never looking away from her eyes. Once he has had his fill, He stands up again.

And looks to see her reaction as his wound starts to heal. In a mtter of seconds it is fine, no scar left to tell.

He has no need for words now. ~ Katrina: Quickly releasing his arm with wide eyes,

she definately was questioning leaving the party. Keeping her eyes on the being in front of her she slowly began taking steps away from him.

As soon as she got a good distance, she turned around and ran as fast as her legs could carry her, heart racing with the adrenaline

pulsing in her blood. ~ Tyerel: He sees her running, looking sidelong at her. "Stop" He mutters. Freezing her in her tracks.

He puts his hands on her shoulders and says "Move". Her figure is stopped by his arms. "Why do you run fron me?"

He looks at her, longing for the answer to his lifelong question. ~ Katrina: Eyes wide with fear, she tried to pry herself from his hold.

Becoming frustrated quickly, she let his question play in her mind. Why does she run? Easy answer to that. Licking her suddenly dry lips,

she chanced a glimpse toward her friend's house. She could see the light through the trees, and just barely make out the music. So close...

Making up her mind, she opened her mouth to scream. ~ Tyerel: A glimpse of what seemed like longing slipping out of his eyes and became a dull,

lifeless look. He puts a finger over her lips to silence her, looking hurt and confused. He lets her go, not caring where she goes now.

He turns and walks away from her, not even wanting to see her reaction. "I guess I will live a life of solitude for my remaining lifetime.

Go, do what you please." ~ Katrina: Shocked at his actions and words, her eyes followed his figure, her feet frozen to the spot.

Looking towards the light, and sure to be crowded but safe home, she bit her lip softly.

Turning her head, back to the strange man, her eyes softened, and she slowly let a sigh out, not believing she was doing this.

"It's Katrina." ~ Tyerel: He dosn't stop, nor look back. "Tyerel, M'lady." He continues to walk slowly into the dark wood.

His figure seemingly disapprearing into the faint light. ~ Katrina: Opening her mouth to say something but nothing coming out, she shakes her head,

causing her bangs to come down from the pins that were holding them. Taking a deep breath, she ran after Tyerel, yelling "Hey! Wait up for a second!"

Catching up to him, Katrina couldn't help but let a small smile escape as she placed her hands on her hips. "You don't have very good manners,

you know that? ~ Tyerel: Glances sidelong at her, not stopping. "What do manners help if you don't ever talk to anyone." He sighs heavily,

sounding very pained. "Your only the second person I have talked to in my life. The first one I killed." ~ Katrina: Jaw dropping a little,

she fought for words to answer that. Realizing he was walking away from her again, she couldn't help but huff, and storm off after him,

curiosity peaked. Glaring slightly at his back, she stated "Well, I wouldn't be the only person you've talked to, besides that other person,

if you learned some manners, like it's commons sense you'll scare someone if you cut and heal yourself in front of their eyes.

Especially when they don't know you!" ~ Tyerel: He stops, not looking over at her but focusing straight ahead.

"I do that when I need to eat. I eat just like you. But much different things." He then continues walking.

~ Katrina: She couldn't help but roll her eyes at that statement, before hardening her glare.

Blowing the hair out of her eyes, she crossed her arms and kept following him, quickly becoming aggravated.

"Would you stop and face me for two minutes?! I don't have any special stopping powers or whatever that was you used

and it's getting really agravating talking to your back!" ~ Tyerel: He turns to face her. His head hung low so his bangs covered his eyes.

He lifts his head in a swift movment to reveal his eyes. Now glowing red with anger. He places his hand on the hilt of his dagger once again

. "You are just begging to be next arn't you....." His voice is very demonic in character and tone.

~ Katrina: Eyes widening slightly with fear at his change in demeanor, she quickly turned put a hard glare on.

Almost whispering, she spoke. "That's how it is, is it? You scare me half to death, leave,

then stupid me feeling guilty about running chases after you instead of doing the sensible thing and going home."

Notching her head up slightly, she continued. "And now your threatening me with death, all for trying to at least become some sort of friend.

So go ahead, and let whatever concience you have eat at you for killing someone who was curious." And stupid, her mind whispered.

~ Tyerel: He shakes his head, his eyes returing to their normal color. He is drained of all his energy and falls to his knees.

Wabbling arund then compleatly falling over onto the leafy ground. ~ Katrina: A gasp escaping her throat, she knelt down beside him,

tentatively brushing his bangs from his forehead. Nevermind the fact that the guy has issues, like wanting to kill her a few seconds ago,

he needs company right now. Not knowing what to say, Katrina whispered, "Your going to be okay,"

several times before humming a lullaby that her mother taught her. ~ Tyerel :After a few moments out being passed out,

he finally starts to come to. His vison is blurry but her figure is clear. He trys to speak but his words are slurred.

"I.... sorry..... Please..... forgi me....." He blinks up at her, a smile comming to his face as he realizes someone acctually cares.

~ Katrina: Blinking slowly at Tyerel, she eventually smiled. "Forgiven but," she let her smile fall into a serious face,

yet still holding a gentleness to it, "no more scaring, m'kay?" Smiling again, she continued, "And that includes dropping down from random trees."

Bringing back her hand to his head, she combed her fingers through his hair, kept humming, and looked at the lake in the distance.

~ Tyerel: He reaches up asnd covers her hand with his, rubbing his cheek in her palm, his eyes closed. He then looks at her, not letting go.

"I can't promise. I can't control my vampire side fully." He closes his eyes then slowly opens them to look at her. "I want you to make me a promise. Ok?"

~ Katrina: Her gaze shooting back to him the moment his hand touched hers, she swallowed before answering. "Alright, what is it?"

~ Tyerel: He contiues to gaze up at her. "If I ever try to hurt or kill you. " He sighs. "I want you to kill me. I can't bare the thought of killing you."

He continues to hold her hand.

~ Katrina: Shocked at what he said, she couldn't help but demand her hand back.

After several attempts at forming some sort of sentence, Katrina sighed and looked away.

Only one thought was on her mind and she decided to voice it. "Why?"

~ Tyerel: " Why what?" h continues to look up at her. Still a little woozy from the faint.

He trys to see what she is thinking in his own mind.

~ Katrina: Looking back at the man in front of her, she revised her question.

"Why can't you bare the thought of...well." Closing her eyes, she sighed.

"You don't know me, and a few minutes ago you were going to kill me...just for talking to you. So...why?"

Opening her eyes again, they shined brightly with the question. ~ Tyerel: He sighs, not wanting to go into detale.

'' I have my own reasons. Just please. Promise me this."

~ Katrina: A brow arched in question, she took sat her hands on her lap, just staring at him.

Silently asking him to elaborate. When no answer was forth coming, she asked, "Your own reasons?"

Brushing her bangs behind her ear, wishing for those hair pins, she said, "I'm sorry, but no. Not until you explain yourself."

~ Tyerel: He pushes himself up on his hands, smiling at her. He leans forward and whispers in her ear. " I will tell you."

He then kisses her slowly and softly on the cheek. letting himself be then thrown to the ground as he removes his hands from his support.

~ Katrina: Blinking rapidly at the kiss, she fought to control the blush spreading across her face.

Stuttering a little, she raised a hand to the spot he kissed, "Okay."

~ Tyerel: He sighs, afraid that if he tells her that she will hate him for what he did.

"The first person I killed was my mother." He looks up at her, worriedly.

"She abused me alot and told me I ment nothing. So I killed her."

~ Katrina: Swallowing her now dry throat, she bit her bottom lip trying to think of something to say.

With no words coming immediatily to mind, she let out a soft sigh, deciding that thinking to much would give her a headache.

Finally, she spoke softly, questions coming out. "And after that? What did you do?" ~ Tyerel: He looks at her. No emotion in his eyes.

"I licked the blood on my blade and put it away, still wet." ~ Katina: Taking in what he told her, she slowly shook her head.

"That's not what I meant." Hugging herself, she continued. "I meant what type of life did you live after that."

~ Tyerel: He looks at her, still his eyes draw a blank look. "A life of solitude and no abuse."

He continues to stare at her. "I would rather be alone and not abused then the other way around."

~ Katrina: "I can understand that. But..."Sighing again, she hung her head low.

"How old were you when that happened? Or...how long ago was that."

~ Tyerel: He scoothes himself close to her.

Looking up at her with piercing eyes. "I was nine when I killed her." He pauses, his gaze never leaving hers.

"I'm 18 now." ~ Katrina: Caught in his gaze, she whispered, "So young..." Leaning forward a little,

she raised her hand to cup his cheek. "Where did you go?"

~ Tyerel: He sighs, looking away from her off into the distant night wood.

"I went anywhere I could. Taverns and inns. I managed to gather money from working in the fields and things."

~ Katrina: Bringing her other hand up to his face, she made him look at her.

Not wanting to break the silence that had seemed to fall upon the woods, she spoke quitely.

"How long? How have you...,"she trailed off not knowing how she wanted to say what she wanted to say.

~ Tyerel: once she put her hand upon his cheek he closed his eyes. Not opening them to speak.

"Say it now. Or not at all." He waited for her answer quietly.

~ Katrina: Chewing the bottom of her lip slightly due to being nervous,

she glanced at the ground quickly before lookng back up.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she said "How long have you been...the way you are..."

taking another breath she continued. "A vampire. Or...were you born like this...?"

~ Tyerel: He shook his head, opening his eyes slowly to look at her with a fierce glance.

"All that nervousness for that?" He stands up, leaning against a tree the opposite way of her and looking out into the clearing at the moon.

Crossing his arms over his chest. "I was born this way. I am just me....."

~ Katrina: Glaring at the ground Tyerel had just occupied only seconds ago with a little blush of embarrasment or anger,

she didn't know, Katrina quickly stood up. Brushing off the leaves that clung to her dress, she turned her back to him and crossed her arms,

again staring at the barely noticable flickering lights in the distance. "Well excuse me. I don't know anything about you!"

~ Tyerel: He did not glance back at her nor did a word fall from his lips. He stood there in silence. Unmoved and unfazed by her comment.

~ Katrina: Glancing back over her shoulder at him, she narrowed her eyes. Letting the thought that he was being rude pass her thoughts,

she mentally shook her head and decided that she would ignore him as well. Nodding her head,

Katrina decided she would try to find some of her hair pins, so she started walking in the direction of the house,

looking at the ground around her. ~ Tyerel: He payed no atention to her leaving but knew that she was.

He did not try to stop her, knowing that no human could ever love a vampire of his qualitys. He sighed.

Putting his back to the tree and sliding down it so that he was sitting on the ground. Still looking up at hte magnificint light of the silver moon.

~ Katrina: Having spotted a few lying on the ground, she bent down to pick them up, only to have the rest, more like two, fall out

, causing her hair to fall down into her face. Letting out an almost animalisitc growl of frustration, Katrina flopped to the ground in a heap,

her dress flowing out around her and hair falling around her shoulders; the night's toil's rapidly catching up with her. ~



02:24 Aug 12 2008

WOW!, Like sister like brother I guess, lol. Great story!

16:10 Aug 12 2008

It's a great story!!!!



00:17 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 745

hmmm..... ah! I got it!

Tear of Despair

There once was a tear that fell from the Moon.

But the tear was not normal, It was a Tear shaped

Diamond with a center that always changed colors

depending on the owner. But its beauty was rivaled by its knack

for causing Despair to plague its owner.

But never causing the owner to die.



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