To much black they say,
To much of a fuck up I hear,
Maybe she will die today,
No one left to hold her dear.
Grow up they tell me,
Get a life and get a love,
I am just trying to be,
I have no one to think of.
They watch me cut my skin,
They laugh at my pain,
Waiting for the pain to end,
I will die alone in the rain.
They watch him walk by,
No second glance my way,
Inside I just keep asking why,
Why can't he notice me today.
My blood drain's out,
Say goodbye my darling that could never be,
No need to shout,
Just let go you never saw me.
The unending heart ache,
Being torn apart,
Make's my heart break,
This was the death of another broken heart!
13:35 Sep 17 2009
how well i know this feeling (see the death of love in my journal similar feelings )