Is a dangerous thing
It hurts
it burns
It makes you do stuipid stuff
It is not funny
but sad
it hurts
it burns
Its what kills people
With out their knowledge
Its what hurts
and what burns
The planet you once knew is gone
the trees are rotten
the animals dead
around every alley is death himself
hes alive amd not you
The rats are curled on thier sides
Rotting because of your mistakes
The wind is calm
The sea is open
The world itself is closed
Its a crying shame
To be stuck inside
A world without happiness
Everyone inside seems dead
But no one cares to admit why
No ones to busy or free
in a world without happiness
I have a dream
To run around
I have a dream
To be free
my dream includes cotton candy
My dreams include me
To be part of it
Its rotten luck
To be i love
Its rotten luck
To be in hell
when ur alive
U wish u were dead
When u r dead
U wish to be alive
when u think of it
In the end no one wins
Life is a gamble
Its all on chance
life is the stepping stone
to the devil himself
The world is in shame
Ash is everywhere
Blood covers the street
People scream for help that wont ever come
if u see them
u'll die too
Everyone is dying
Will u join them
When u die on earth
U tend to try and stay
When u die in hell
u tend to try and move
But when u die in heaven u'll dissappear forever
never to return to wat u once knew
When u leave
My heart breaks
When u walk out the door
I cry out loud
When u say u dont love me
i break down
im ashamed
Of wat we had
im ashamed
To call u my friend
Im ashamed we even knew eachother
u broke my heart
So now i dance on urs
next time make a wiser choice
Cuz i'll always win ur little game
A butterfly is pretty
its all beauty
now that it is
u'll fall in love
From the first flutter
wat more is there to want
Id dance around the fireplace
With u by my side
we'll twirl round and round
until the world is spinning
we'll clear the room
then take a sit
Its like first love
All over again
I cry tears of happiness
I cry tears of joy
i cry when im by ur side
i cry when im near ur heart
Do u love me
Do u care
Do u understand
Y im with u
I do
3 little words
That give me joy
i love u
U try to run away
only to get lost
in the woods no less
and never to br found
ur lost with no one to hold
The world has left u
On ur own
ur so lonely
Just like before
Once again
Its a beauiful thing
it shimmers
it glows
it makes u alive
But when it shatters
That hold on love
Wat happens then
who does wat
When it breaks forever
Blackness engulfs me
smoke cloggs me
Fire cuts me off
I feel neglected
i feel left out
I feel unprotected
When i needed it the most
y must u leave me
im in desperate need
U ran and hide
while i stayed but cowered
i needed ur help
But in the end u left me high and dry
Ur not white
ur pale
ur not alive
Ur dead
So y must u disagree with everthing i say
It will start as a burn
when i look u in the eyes
while ur holding my hands
It wont hurt
Not one bit
But it will make me love u more
its like touching a stove top
But being with u is way better
I fall in love with u all over again
So plz will u be my sweet heart just for tonite
00:03 Jul 07 2015
and, all that said.... I still prefer it to the alternative.