His body moved, grace, beauty, danger
The look in his eyes could capture
Telling tales of tremendous pain, pleasure
A promise of to which, none can measure.
With black wings folded tight to skin
Raven feathers floating behind his wing
Soaring through the predators’ nightly world
Through black sky, through unworldly swirl.
Cutting the sky like velvety silk
His wings reopen in outward flick
And thrust behind his moulted feathers
They float but fall, his time near over
He pumps his wings and catches the wind
Floating higher, prolonging his sin
His hand grasping but not there yet
And he falls again, but his goal is set
Preasure forces his wings shut
Back to the beginning of his “little stunt”
But he knows what is, his goal
So once again, his wing unfold
Feathers fall from broken wings
But to the sky his heart does sing
Love propelling heart, propelling forward
Again he rises towards thy silver lunar
He does his best, he pushes and tries
But alas, broken wings cannot fly
And so he plummets back to earth
Away from his place of birth
He sheds his tears, needing to mourn
For he can never reach where he was born
To fall from the heavens was his curse
This eternal life, now, the worst...