XandraAmanrath's Journal

XandraAmanrath's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


17 entries this month


01:51 Jun 30 2015
Times Read: 342

Is it just me or as a first time user of this app it just seems weird someone reading a book to you and when things get really detailed their monotone sounds sooooooooo sooooooo wrong..It's almost comical. Laurell k Hamilton,Lora Leigh,Christine Feehan,Lynda Sands,Sherrilyn Kenyon ...yeah you get the picture.Just because I'm a celibate doesn't mean I can't read about it...





19:43 Jun 28 2015
Times Read: 345

I have a freaking ear infection.Damn sea water.

I would pump myself full of medicine and be dazed to oblivion, however...Mother duties come first,I have to also wake up early tomorrow do go get some important paperwork filed before the holiday hits.

Oh the joys of having responsibility..




Traveling in hell..

00:56 Jun 28 2015
Times Read: 351

Completely and utterly not prepared for traveling as far as I did Friday and today.

Initially the journey was only to Corpus Christi, which I didn't want to partake in.I suggested NORTH padre island.Honestly the journey itself I think can be blamed by sleep depredation and not checking what my sister entered,We ended up in the very very very very SOUTH part of the island by the Mexican border.The beach was nice and the sights weren't bad except me being in a bathing suit.All you could see of me in pictures were white,purple,black. Believe it or not haha I actually am not that dark as my pictures portray makeup and lighting make me look lively.

Alas I am home.Very tired and sore, with no tan.





02:20 Jun 25 2015
Times Read: 359

Officially a walking zombie.

I have not slept in 2 days straight and I am still highly functional.

I'm starting to finally get a bit drowsy.

If weather permits it Friday I plan to go to the beach,

let my dogs run around a bit. Maybe even drink,with current events that have been plaguing me I'll take that cue to escape and try to forget everything for the moment.

I can say this: I drink very heavily.Like a fish.At least i admit it hahaha




insomnia and good music..

07:32 Jun 24 2015
Times Read: 364

Can't sleep I keep having these weird realistic dreams.

Reoccurring oddly enough.No drugs either,I'm actually pretty straight edge besides drinking socially which hardly happens ...I guess no sleep for this person.

I did have a question asked about BITING which for me I don't really do.At first I just did along with a rate.Too much confusion came with that. Personally I don't care if you want to bite.Do it.Don't.Whatever.It is not personal to me,no it is NOT a invitation to cyber,Which is completely NOT my thing.To each is their own..

Just like rating again.

Don't message me about why you are rated a 10.

There should be no complaint/confusion.Take it and be happy.Especially if your profile is blank.Honesty right there,not bitchassness.

I have a journal mentioning how I rate which is real simple:

You get a 10.

I take in the fact if you are premium/regular and if you are new.Completely understandable if you don't know how to code etc..

However if you are Rude or offensive you will be rated low.


Everyone rates different.There is no wrong way.

Hope this cleared confusion and concern whatever you were feeling.

This is not intended to come off brash.Honest answers to honest questions.





01:07 Jun 24 2015
Times Read: 373

Seems as if every time I extend a friendly gesture with no ulterior motive it is taken as an flirt.

Some have the brain to register the simple friendly banter and conversation.


Take it as something completely different.

I do not want a long distance relationship..

I also don't want to mess up my solitude I have come to know and accept.

As I see..If it is meant to be.Then so be it.

But it is known PUBLICLY I am NOT looking for such things.

Friends like-minded as me,accepting..truly.

I don't have much of a heart left however what is left I would like to think possibly is good...maybe.

Like 80% is cold,cruel and broken and the 20% is still there..





02:53 Jun 22 2015
Times Read: 378

I found the I rescued kitten a home yesterday.

It's been raining very hard It's like a lake /mini pond..my dog dirty refuses to go outside and Deva just does her business but comes back looking like a dirty polar bear.Which reminds me to upload pictures of them.

Also need help deciding my next hair color ...Kind of getting tired of this light bright hair I have currently..

Shoot me a message with suggestions.





20:34 Jun 20 2015
Times Read: 387

Finally found something I liked for a background..Also worked it into my stamp.Of course I am not nearly finished I haven't even touched my portfolio yet and there is a lot of embedding I would like to do on my profile itself.

What is written down is definitely temporary on my profile for the moment it is super noncommittal and bland.

Can't go 3 days with it completely blank.. that's just rude.LOL

I am still open for messages if anyone would like to chat.





04:05 Jun 20 2015
Times Read: 394

Level had been made ahead of time.

I should be satisfied but I'm not ........

I am/will attempt to make my profile a little less boring.Easier said than done.

The pictures part is even challenging enough,Maybe I should let go and take a breather .

Try and not be so negative..

Message me for chat I will be more available for now.




Just a quinky dink..

17:37 Jun 18 2015
Times Read: 402

As I have noticed {rating binge}

Seems like there are more females [active] on here now,funny enough..

I'm so lethargic it's mind blowing.

And I have misplaced my phone.AGAIN.

Cat nap here I come...




Hair dye,Bras and tampons..

21:23 Jun 17 2015
Times Read: 411

Currently my hair is this teal-aqua thing..I have some left over pink and purple dye.

So now I'm running around looking like my little pony trying to escape aliens.

Speaking of bras ...I woke up to one of my dogs passed out with my bra on it's head like a helmet..

I really do wonder if they run back and forth playing with random stuff at night.

I hate tampons.

I rarely use them.

Just a random fact.....





20:47 Jun 16 2015
Times Read: 419

SO .

I decided to get and go to the grocery store and almost halfway there BAM! Rain and not just normal rain.Rain so heavy even with windshield wipers up high you can't see.I'm already at a stop though (Stop light). I looked up in my overview mirror to check Little A and I notice this little red car contraption skidding.and trying (but failing) to come to a stop. And love tapped me pretty hard.Scared Little A pretty bad,My car was okay hers was minimally damaged.

And yes I still went to the store.

Needless to say my shoes are soaked and I look like a half-dead mermaid.




Questions Asked.......

01:39 Jun 16 2015
Times Read: 438


I have a VF.Xandra_Amanrathxx

Most who have a VR I've already seen on CAM on VF.

Only clean conversation though of course.


Most of the time I'm multitasking being on here and Also handling Little A.Ultimately Little A decides what we do for fun. EXCEPT for my make up and hair that is always a very big part of who I will always be.

Do I model for a living?

Nope.Never thought I was good looking enough and I'm short (5'3) and plus sized. I do have a decent job and will leave it as that.

Do I consider myself vampyric??

In a way all women are having to deal with all that blood every month..Of course more than others.Me myself ..not as much as I was Pre-Little A's era.

Do I want more children?

I would.In the circumstance of complete devotion was made and marriage happened of course due to not believing in divorce.

That's all I've been asked so far.


When were you on with your previous profile?

Late 2006 early 2007..

I do know it was well over an year ultimately life happened and I could not keep up the maintenance.Alas i'm back though :)

Have you thought of doing youtube videos?

I don't think I'm interesting enough to even think about it, also lack the equipment for shooting.

Videos done would of course be more of the makeup and hair nature aside from my crazy jewelry(has not been displayed in my pictures)

and where I order my stuff from.If I had enough people request it.MAYBE.




Ratings..and frustration

19:16 Jun 15 2015
Times Read: 451


From what I've seen is everyone is extremely generous in rating.I'm very grateful.

However rating based on how glittery and in your face your profile is a bit meh for me.This is my journal my opinion.It is not to please everyone.I'd just say to keep in mind if someone is a regular member and the level they are at.I will rate anyone and everyone 10's unless they message me being rude or offensive.Doesn't seem like that will be an issue.

I do have a goal and already in 3 1/2 days my levels have jumped major.I guess you can call it ambition and drive..haha.I am a Aries it's in me to be this way.

Also if you do want to know a bit more about me Read my commented portfolio.I do reveal a little more in my portfolio about myself.

I am a very private person and a big introvert and social as a thornbush. So tread lightlly if you dare.





02:35 Jun 15 2015
Times Read: 459

I'm still trying to get used to writing..I used to write alot.I don't know what happened I guess I lost myself.I'm noticing how much I am a stranger to my former being.Sadly enough everything these days is a blur..

Except that I'm alone,that's always constant.





18:46 Jun 14 2015
Times Read: 461

It's finally raining..My dog got so muddy I had to bathe him..I stayed up until 3:30am getting him bathed and groomed he's a rescue and is extremely scared of water/rain.But what mainly took so long was because he was dirty and I wanted him clean as possible.He's a shih tzu also named DIRTY haha,that was the only name he'd respond to when I found him.Anywho there is another dog DEVA she is also a shih tzu,super sweet and white.Main point is I'm tired and feel like a zombie.




Gotta love texASS

22:21 Jun 13 2015
Times Read: 471

Jaysus it's hot as hell outside.It WAS supposed to rain but instead it's super sun shiny and hawt. Le sigh..I had to do laundry today too D:...

I'm finally back in my woman cave in bed,definitely not going back outside until the sun is down.And the next thing I need to think of is dinner.

I guess it's google time for ideas XD

I most likely will get on Cam on here also so bewareeee 0_0

this most likely will happen 9pmCST around that time



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