XLadyKoraX's Journal

XLadyKoraX's Journal


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18:31 Jul 17 2018
Times Read: 249

What you will need

Bay leaves


Red Wine

Rose Petals



Burn when performing banishing spells to increase power and works well to banish any unwanted enrgies when using black magick. Also beneficial for banishing spirits in the home. Much better alternative to warding off spells as this will simply banish them for good.

Powder ingredients and then burn. If the solution does not turn out to be blue - light a blue candle with the incense for protection and change.




Rose cream

18:27 Jul 17 2018
Times Read: 252

1 1/2 cups coconut oil

1 cup rose water or distilled water

3 TBS grated beeswax

1/4 cup cup dried calendula blossoms

1/4 cup dried rose petals

1. Place the coconut oil in a small heavy sauce pot. Gently melt on low heat, add the rose petals and calendula blossoms. Cook on low heat for a half and hour.

2. Strain the oil blend to remove the flowers.

3. Wipe out your sauce pot to remove any of the flowers. Put the oil back in the pot along with the bee’s wax. Heat on low until the wax has melted.

4. Pour the oil into a blender and allow to cool to room temperature.

5. Blend the oil on high until it forms a vortex. Slowly pour the water into the blender. Continue to blend on high until emulsified.

6. Pour into a glass jars to store, it makes about 2 1/2 cups. You will notice that the lotion will thicken after a few hours. It should stay shelf stable for at least six months. If it is above 80 inside or if you want to save it for longer than six month store in the refrigerator




Dishonesty energy dispursement

18:26 Jul 17 2018
Times Read: 255

Dishonesty redirects a portion of our energy against the flow, which requires extra effort and drains us.

As children most of us learn that honesty is better than dishonesty, and we may not question this beyond whether or not to do what we’re told. As adults, however, we can go deeper to examine our choices as investments of energy with predictable risks and returns. When we speak the truth, we affirm what already is. This is like using a paddle when the stream is already moving the same direction. We are already supported by the universe and its energy flow, so we don’t need to exert much energy, leaving more for other pursuits. But dishonesty redirects a portion of our energy against the flow, which requires extra effort. In addition, it creates an alternate reality that requires further energetic input to be maintained. So we can easily see that we are best served when we work with the flow of the universe.

Life is not always clearly defined, so we may find it useful to follow our choices to their logical conclusions. We may feel that little untruths are harmless, but they can be like small cracks that weaken an overall structure over time. Even giving someone a compliment or trying to protect them can create problems later when the alternate reality we’ve created becomes the basis for further actions. Even if the actions that follow are honestly done, the underlying unstable foundation of dishonesty will threaten to topple things eventually. This can lead to further energy being spent on keeping things hidden, working to remember the tales we’ve spun and fearing the consequences of being found out. Life doesn’t need to be this draining, but we can make the choice to free ourselves from the bonds of dishonesty at any time.




Egg mediation for yoruba

18:25 Jul 17 2018
Times Read: 257

Speaking and living our truth may involve risking, among other things, the possibility of rejection. But when we allow ourselves to follow the flow of life, we are supported. We can then use our energy to cultivate physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and to create our dreams, rather than leaving ourselves too drained to even maintain our existence. Today we can make honesty our choice in every interaction, bringing the nurturing power of the universe’s energy into our lives to bring positive, lasting results.

The practice of Spiritualism(Espiritismo) is what I grew up knowing it as. Forms a base for linking Santeria to an African indigenous tradition called Yoruba Orisha(O-ree-sha) Worship. I also tried expressing spirituality as something that we can all tap into, no matter what belief or spiritual affinity. And, how we can mix multiple belief systems by way of a spiritual alter. This is because our belief system can be a mixture of our ancestral cultural makeup; as in the melding of paternal and maternal backgrounds. For example, having a Asian ancestral lineage from the mother's side and African ancestral linage on the father's side. This can lead to one having Taoist, Buddhist, even Hindu symbols on ones alter, along side African statues of twins, earth & thunder entities, as well. I know that my last article was a bit long, and I succeeded in cramping many different concepts into one page. I'll try not to do that again. Yet, I felt the need in trying to express something that most people can not believe they can feel or do. And that is to feel spirituality in multiple facets. Then comes the challenge of worshiping in multiple ways. Why not? go to a Buddist temple in the morning, praise the lord in a Christian church at noon. And, then do Hoodoo in the evening. I bet God would say "I gotaa hand it too this guy, he's every where."

At this time, I would like to clarify something. Santeria is a broad term for which it includes all Latin American indigenous traditions mixed with Christianity. In other words Hispanic paganism merged or copulated with Christianity. Hence, there is Mexican Santeria, Venezuelan Santeria, Cuban, Central American etc. The concepts that I write about have its foundations in Cuban Santeria or Yoruba Lucumi Tradition, as it is most correctly expressed. The Yoruba's are a west African tribe or nation, who's captured slaves arrived in Cuba mid 1800's. And, even though, there were other African indigenous people from other regions of Africa which also arrived. The Yoruba and their religious ideology of Orisha Worship and IFA(eefa), have been duly noted to be the most conceptually advanced and rich in ritual organization. It is recognized by this government as an organized religion. But, some places also classify it as a form of voodoo. Most people’s idea of voodoo, is witchcraft for spell casting, conjuring, and dark occult work; utilized for imposing ones will on others; in order to satisfy a selfish desire. This is not true of the Yoruba religious ideology, known as Ifa(eefa) and Ocha(O-sha). Oh yes, there are those which practice and allow themselves to be hired in this way; for they entered the religion with this idea, and never learned other wise. There are those that will not lend themselves to this form commercialization of the religion. The laws of conduct, social interaction and philosophical thought of the Yoruba, are expressed in their belief system called Ifa(eefa). Ifa is the system of divination

utilized by the Babalawo, as handed to them by a divinity called Orunmila. A subsystem of Ifa is utilized by the Orisha priest & priestess called Meridilogun, which is divination by casting cowry shells. The Babalawo cast a chain called Opele for day to day divination. Yet, for a more in-depth divination, utilize the manipulation of palm nuts(Ikins) known as Adeles, in a ritual called Atefa. Ifa is a binary system, not unlike the computer speaks today. The myths or Yoruba stories or divinity interaction; religious ideology, rules of ritual practice; the understanding of man, nature, and his elements; are all expressed by Ifa. The Ifa systems and its teachings are geared at fighting or combating witchcraft, and evil spells. As a trained Babalawo, I engage in releasing, expunging, or expulsion of negative influences, that's damaging or haunting an individual or their environment. As I continue to gather thoughts and express what I have learned through years of practice, experience, and connection to Yoruba pantheon of divinities. I hope that folks can shed away fear, skepticism, and disrespect, of a belief system/religious practice, going back too before the flood.




What you can get in a store herb wise

18:24 Jul 17 2018
Times Read: 262

Allspice Pain Relief External/Internal

Aloe Healing, Restores Cells External/Internal

Angelica Repellent, Against Evil External/Internal

Anise Love, Money, Attractiom Stimulant External/Internal

Balm Healing, Tranquilizing External/Internal

Basil All Purpose External/Internal

Bay Leaf Repellent, Healing, Anti-bacterial External/Internal

Burdock Repellent, Healing, Anti-bacterial External/Internal

Catnip All Purpose External/Internal

Chamomile Repellent, Healing, Anti-bacteria External/Internal

Chaparral All Purpose External/Internal

Cinnamon love, money, healing, attraction External/Internal

Cocoa Healing, Lubrication, Soothing External/Internal

Cilantro Love, Money, Healing, Attraction External/Internal

Dandelion All Purpose External/Internal

Echinacea Repellent, Healing, Against Evil External/Internal

Eucalyptus Repellent, Healing, Against Evil External/Internal

Fennel Repellent, Healing, Against Evil External/Internal

Garlic Repellent, Healing, Against Evil External/Internal

Ginger All Purpose External/Internal

Ginkgo Healing, Anti-Aging External/Internal

Ginseng Health Restoration, stimulant External/Internal

Hops Healing, Tranquilizer External/Internal

Hyssop Love, Money, Healing, Attraction External/Internal

Kola Love, Money, Healing, Stimulate External/Internal

Majoram Love, Money, Healing, Attraction External/Internal

Mint Love, Money, Healing, Attraction External/Internal

Motherwort Healing, Tranquilizer External/Internal

Myrrh Repellent, Cleanser, Against Evil External

Oregano Repellent, Healing, Expulsion External/Internal

Parsley Luck, Healing, Attraction, Against Evil External/Internal

PassionFlower Healing,Tranquilizing External/Internal

Pennyroyal Repellent, Healing, Against Evil External/Internal

Red Clover Repellent, Healing, Against Evil External/Internal

Rosemary Love, Money, Healing, Attraction External/Internal

Saffron Love, Money, Healing, Attraction External/Internal

Sage Repellent, Healing, Against Evil External/Internal

Thyme Repellent, Healing, Against Evil External/Internal

Valerian All Purpose External/Internal



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