1 entry this month
Serious Request 200801:32 Dec 25 2008
Times Read: 590
Serious Request is an radio show comes only 1 time a year. 3 DJ's will be choosen to go for 6 days in an glass house with no food to collect money for refugees all over the world. This year the glass house is in my city and it started today Tiesto will be opening the happening because he has lived here in my city. Anyway also you can help the refugees all over the world by downloading the special song written for this. You can download it from Itunes. The song is from Novastar - Waiting so long. You can hear it also in the playlist because I already bought that song.
1st update
Minister Bert Koenders is in the Glass house, the DJ's are inside, 3FM Serious Request almost begins. What has the minister brought with him?
Giel smoked his last sigaret, it is 9.30 in the morning and like René Froger always says: 'This is the moment...'. Minister Koenders requested the song 'Where The Streets Have No Names' of U2 and he paid for it.
The dutch goverment gives 2,5 miljon euro on 1 condition. 3FM and his listners must collect 2,5 miljon euro as well, then the dutch goverment will double the money. 2,5 miljon euro is about 3,503,600,995.36 USD and 5,133,153,018.80 AUD and 2,332,687,211.27 GBP
Let's do this thing!
You can also look live to them. Click on the link and you will go to the site of 3FM click then kijk live on top of the site.
Click here to go to the 3FM site.
2nd update.
From 9 to 5 they collected 140.523,- euro thats 194.451 USD and 131.053 GBP and 287.020 AUD. Thats not bad for these few hours
Go look live to the show. I requested a song for you all for €25 Nightwish - Bless the child
The second day and the colected 327.709 EUR Thats 456.286 USD and 304.354 GBP and 670.900 AUD
Thats so wonderful
The Big Market place is after 2 days still full with people. People come from all over the Netherlands to donate money to 3FM Serious Request. Result at day 2: 327.709 euro!
After 2 days non-stop radio, no eating and lots of fun, have Paul, Coen en Giel saturdayafternoon at 16:45 the second result. Hold on guys, because the result stands till now....
327.709,- euro!
Last year
for the comparison: in 2007 stood the counter after 2 day at 248.982,- euro.
On day 3 they collected 595.480 EUR. That is 829.117 USD and 554.816 GBP and 1,007.58 CAD and 1,213.41 AUD.
Well done guys. I'm so very proud to live in this city
It's crazyness right now and all day in my city. Carnavals clubs came and everybody is dancing and jumping and singing on the market place LOL. Its so much fun. I go there the last day
On day 4 they collected 847.223 EUR. That is 1,181.95 USD and 797.300 GBP and 1,441.71 CAD and 1,728.34 AUD
Today the nr 1 DJ of the world Armin van Buuren sleeps in the glasshouse well there will be no sleeping only party. The people are staying on the big market place in the freezing cold and party along with them
On day 5 day have 1.377.338 EUR That is 1.920078 USD and 1.302629 GBP and 2.342042 CAD and 2.829152 AUD
1 more day to go. Tomorrow night it will end and I hope the have the 2 and half million then because then it becomes 5 million euro. The dutch goverment will dubble the money.
Sex Paul suffered of headages again today thats because of the no eating.

Damn those eyes. I'm in love. I would bid €100 for an kiss of this guy
I'm flirting a lot with this guy. He has my phonenumber and my msn addy
The 6 days of collecting money and no food and only play requests of people are over they did it and only Giel, Coen and Paul did it the whole country did it. At 8 o clock tonight the were released from the glasshouse and hear what they collected. It was even more then what they were expecting. It was over 3 million euro and the goverment gave the promised 2 and half million euro so in total 5.637.937 euro. Thats 7.890536 USD and 5.355226 GBP and 9.586710 CAD and 11.56994 AUD. It was an big party here. The market place was full of people
Not only The Netherlands did this. They had glasshouses in Sweden and Belgium and in Kenia also
Belgium collected 3.503.246 Euro
Sweden collected 227.778 Euro
From Kenia we don't know but all together it is 9.368.961 euro. Thats 13.10677 USD and 8.896812 GBP and 15.93655 CAD and 19.26131 AUD.

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