So, I really want to grow my hair out so I can have the hair forbidden that I have been wanting for a couple of years now.
I want to have similar hair forbidden as the singer Yolandi Visser. I just love the mullet look and how unique it is. You do not see very many people with this hair forbidden at all. I absolutely love Yolandi. She is so beautiful and so talented. I loved her in the movie Chappie, she did a good job of acting I thought.
Now all I need to do is not cut my hair for a year and it should be a decent length by then. I have such a horrible habit of chopping all my hair off because I get bored of how it looks. I just need to leave it alone and let it grow out!
My hair is currently hot pink and I love it so much! I had colored my hair back to black, but found it so boring.
Lately when I ask my boyfriend if he'd like to be intimate or if he'd like to cuddle, his response has simply been "Sure". This has got to be the biggest turn off for me ever. I would like more of a response than simply "sure". For me that makes it seem like you are uninterested or do not want to do it really and are simply agreeing with me to keep me happy.
If he were to ask me if Id like to be intimate, I would get a good sentence response. I would make the person know that yes I am interested and do want to have sex.
Just needed to vent a bit about this, as it has been really bothering me this month. I don't know how to let him know this is a turn off for me, without causing a large argument or making him feel shitty. My boyfriend is very sensitive and I have to choose my wording carefully if I do not wish to start an argument with him. It is very exhausting for me.
If you can't have a conversation as simple as that without hurting feelings or causing an argument then you may want to rethink the relationship. Being frustrated all the time and unable to talk about your feelings isn't helping anyone. Be blunt but kind. If he can't take constructive criticism then that's on him.
Stares at cakes....... -_-
Some guys are that sensitive. And this is a sensitive topic for some. As two people grow together, things, and reactions will change. There is nothing wrong with this. I think your doing fine. And just taking bit by bit talking about it to him. And sadly, yeah, it can be exhausting. Maybe telling him its a part of things to talk things over, its being open to each other, and honest with each other for two people to be happy together. Ans yes, it is hard to do this. :).
btw, a one reply answer can just be a guy thing. lol
It's not like I told her to dump him. Him being sensitive is no reason for her to be miserable just to save his feelings. I'm a big advocate of couples therapy to help couples learn how to talk to each other. When I say "rethink the relationship" I mean think about your role and what you want out of it. That's the first step to anything. Make a list if it helps. Some people do better with their thoughts written to each other like letters.
My lovely boyfriend got me a gift card for a local shop called Blame Betty, I went in today and got myself the cutest creeper shoes. I was going to get a cute dress, but couldn't find a forbidden I liked to fit me. I still have a fair amount left on my gift card so I may go back and get a dress. I was rather disappointed with the quality the clothes and shoes were at Blame Betty. The fabric felt really cheap on most of the clothes. I thought a $85 dollar dress would be of better quality..
My friend who drove me to Blame Betty, took me to another store that sold designer dresses for the same price that were 100% better when it came to quality. I worry about the quality because I am very rough on my clothing and they would most likely fall apart after wearing them a few times if they were shit quality.
I am wanting to get a dress for Christmas. I am a sucker for dresses and getting all dolled up for things. I am looking forward to having an excuse for dressing up haha.
Ive been wearing my long haired wig a lot lately. I regret cutting my hair so short. I miss being able to wear my hair up in a pony tail for work. I am for sure going to start growing my hair long again. I need to stop cutting my hair every time I hit the awkward stage. I just need to push passed the awkward stage and then it will be done and I can have the long hair that I have wanted for so long.
Well, today I decided to pull out the christmas decorations! My daughter helped me put some decorations on the christmas tree. She had a lot of fun, and so did I. She is now down for the night so I have some time to do some things for me. She didn't take a nap at all today, so I haven't been able to have some me time at all. It is hard having to run after her all day long! I am quite tired and a little irritated, she just zaps my energy big time.
My boyfriend has been out all day christmas shopping for Audrey and I with his friend. He has been gone nearly 5 hours now! I didn't think it would take him this long to get the christmas shopping done.. I was hoping to spend some time with him today seeing as I only have 2 days off this week. It feels like I haven't seen him in forever.
I've started making my own Book Of Shadow's tonight. I am really excited about making it! I have made the cover and first three pages so far. It will be a slow, but rewarding process and creation! I want to make it beautiful and make it completely my own. I want my own one of a kind book to look through and add to over the coming years. I had a small book that I was writing all my spells and rituals down in before, finally I decided that it is time to make a book of shadow's for all of my spells and more.
I've been looking for some inspiration online and have found a lot of cool ideas. I love looking at other peoples ideas so I can create my own. I find it sparks my inspiration and gets my own ideas flowing.
I have in my Journals if you wish, a Book of Shadows Blessing Spell.
It is one of the most beautiful dedication spells I have found to date.
I also have many hard to find recipes and spells in my Journals as well. Feel free to use them if you wish.
Lady Morganna
All of a sudden my anxiety has gone through the roof. It was triggered when my daughter was refusing to eat what I was offering her. She is a very picky eater and this causes me a lot of stress and anxiety. I am very worried that she isn't eating enough and that she is going to get too thin because of that. She is a healthy weight, but has been under weight in the past because she would not drink the formula we had for her, we solved that fast after a visit to the childrens hospital where they told us she is likely allergic to something in milk.
She is just a very picky girl when it comes to food I guess. I don't know what to do to solve this problem. I am trying my best to feed her healthy, but she is just so picky. I finally found something she would eat for lunch, which was macaroni and cheese.
After lunch, I took her to the playground just around the block. She had a lot of fun and now she is down for a nap. I should probably take a nap as well, it will probably make me feel a lot better. I am still so sick and feeling light headed from the flu.
I am trying my best to be a good mother and a responsible mother for my dear Audrey. She is my world, my pride and my joy all rolled into one small package of mischief and giggles. She is such a happy and smiley girl. Everyone who meets her, falls in love with her instantly. She is too cute and too smart for her own good sometimes. I couldn't of asked for a better daughter. I am truly blessed.
I have found in working with children and adults that Pure Essential Oil of Lavender on your pillowcase and also on something you carry can be very helpful! The more you breathe it in, the better...
I hope this helps.
Lady Morganna
Ive been so sick this week, I have a wicked flu. I hate being so sick and being so tired because of this illness. My daughter and boyfriend are both sick as well. I don't know where I caught this flu, but it is kicking my families ass big time. I hate seeing little Audrey so sick and grumpy. I wish I could take away her illness and put it upon myself. She doesn't deserve to feel so shitty. There is nothing we can do about it now but ride it out to the end.
Work was nice enough to give me today off and yesterday they sent me home early because of how sick I have been. I am taking today to just relax and do some things for me. So far I've treated myself to my favorite coffee from the store. Audrey is taking a long nap as she didn't sleep very well last night. She kept waking up coughing. My boyfriend is playing his video games before he has to head out to work for the night. Then for the next couple days we are going to relax as a family here at home, which will be really nice.
My depression seems to be an endless battle. I wish I could just be done with depression and all the bullshit that comes with it. I have been eating way too much lately because of my depression, which is causing me to gain weight again. I don't want to get fat again, I need to get my eating under control. I was doing so well and now I am failing again. I need to get a hold of my self control once again. My depression will not define me or control me any longer, I will not let it! I am stronger than my depression. I am stronger than my hardships and struggles. I am a strong woman god damn it!
I have a supportive boyfriend, and family. I have a beautiful daughter as well, who loves me and needs me to be strong and focused for her. I need to focus on work and I need to focus on staying focused on being successful in everything I do. I need to focus on the positive in my life. Nothing will come of focusing on all the bad and negative things that I cannot change right at this moment. Everything will fall into place over time when it is meant to be.
Rome was not built in a day..
I had the opportunity to spend time with a good friend of mine this evening, we went walking through a cemetery near my home. We had an awesome conversation about other worldly experiences we have had since last speaking to one another. I love that girl so very much. She has been my friend since 7th grade. We may not see one another very often because of our busy schedules, but when we do see one another its like we were never apart. I love having a friend such as her, I truly feel blessed.
I don't have many friends anymore, so when I get to see her my heart sings. I feel such a connection and kinship with her. It is something I have never felt with another person. She makes me so happy and she makes me laugh. We have so much in common with one another.
I couldn't ask for a better friend than her..
My daughter and I had a lot of fun trick or treating last night around the neighborhood! She was so damn cute in her little Unicorn costume that I got her. She loved walking up to the houses and even tried to steal a few Halloween decorations haha. Everyone gave her complements and said she was too cute. I also dressed up just for fun. I was a sugar skull girl, it was a lot of fun and my make up turned out awesome.
It was sad to see that there were not many kids out this year at all. I had one kid come to my door all night. I have sooo much candy left over. I guess we will be eating candy for the next two months haha. Oh well, we had fun and that is all that matters.
I've been feeling a bit anxious and depressed tonight though and cannot put my finger on the reason. I find holidays always make me feel this way though, especially Christmas.
01:10 Nov 26 2016
I like long hair