Woolfe's Journal


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20 entries this month

So happy!

20:32 Jun 27 2016
Times Read: 282

Today I made my first sale! I am a Younique makeup representative for those who do not know. I have been trying my best to get this business up and off the ground. I am so pumped that someone finally bought some product from me! I hope to make many more sales in the coming weeks here. I am going to give it my all!



19:55 Jun 30 2016

Glad to hear and good luck!


June 26th 2016

06:42 Jun 27 2016
Times Read: 289

Today has been a great day. I ordered myself Chinese food, took a nap, watched my TV shows, and went to my parents house for a little bit. Now I am relaxing in the living room with my boyfriend while he plays video games and I am on my computer. Simple and relaxing days like today are by far the best kind of days.

It is getting really late and I am beginning to get quite tired. I think bed time is approaching here soon. I hope to sleep well and wake up rested and in a good mood. I hope to not grind or clench my teeth a lot during my sleep as well. I always wake up with such a sore mouth and even chipped teeth some days.




Lazy Day

17:05 Jun 26 2016
Times Read: 294

Today is going to be a lazy day for me. I am so tired and sore from work. I ordered Chinese food for lunch and Audrey is going to church with her grandparents today to give me some time to myself.

I am currently watching Grays anatomy while Audrey plays with her toys. Her grandparents should be here in half an hour to take her to church. It is going to be a great day.




Truly Blessed

08:11 Jun 26 2016
Times Read: 300

Wow I had an awesome surprise awaiting me when I came home tonight! My friend cleaned my main floor and did my dishes, on top of baby sitting Audrey for me! I am stunned and beyond grateful! Thank you so much dear friend! I am truly blessed to have you as a friend!




Can finally see...

07:21 Jun 25 2016
Times Read: 309

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It has been 4 months now since I have been able to be intimate with my boyfriend, but today we talked and he said he feels almost ready to be intimate finally. This is a good step forward, because before he would just say "I don't know when." He has finally given me more of an answer.

I'm hoping within the next month we will be able to be intimate finally. I asked him to promise to tell me when he is ready, and he promised to do so.

We will see how this all plays out!





18:13 Jun 24 2016
Times Read: 312

I was able to pay all my bills and still have enough left over to buy my daughter a new car seat. I am so relieved that I have made enough money this month to pay for all these things. I was so worried that I wouldn't have enough money to pay for everything. I am so grateful to have this job at the restaurant.

I managed to find a baby sitter for Audrey tomorrow night while I work. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find one. I thought one friend was able to watch Audrey, but turns out she cannot. Luckily another friend can watch Audrey for me. I am blessed to have such good friends that help me when in need.




2 Year Anniversary

06:35 Jun 24 2016
Times Read: 327

Today my boyfriend and I have been together 2 years! Wow, where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday we met. Now we have a beautiful daughter and a home to call our own. I am so happy to be with my boyfriend and to have grown together over the past two years. We have gone through many trials and will continue to go through trials, together. I love this man with all my heart and soul. I hope to be with him for the rest of my days.



11:18 Jun 24 2016

I wish you both all the best.

16:10 Jun 24 2016



Talked it out

06:11 Jun 22 2016
Times Read: 343

Just finished having a heated argument with my boyfriend about how badly he has made me feel and how I haven't been feeling loved lately. We talked it out and have figured everything out and I am feeling 100% better now. I am glad we are able to talk things through the way him and I do. We never go to bed mad at one another, and for this I am grateful. I am grateful for my boyfriend, even though he often upsets me and frustrates me. I love him incredibly, and I do not think anything will ever change that.

I do not know what I would do without him.




Not Feeling Loved

03:22 Jun 22 2016
Times Read: 353

My boyfriend has really been hurting my feelings these past two weeks. Last Thursday he told me to get my head out of my ass and that he wasn't ready to listen to me and it is my fault that I didn't vent to him sooner when he was "ready" but at that time I wasn't ready to talk yet. He has been very short with me and grumpy. Today he has refused to hug me all day and has been very short and grumpy at me. I just tried hugging him and he refused because I "stink" with cigarette smoke, which has never been a problem before.

He is very distant and not very loving toward me anymore. I don't know what has changed. It is our 2 year anniversary this Thursday. I am feeling very hurt, and confused.




Attention Seeker

23:43 Jun 21 2016
Times Read: 359

Really bothers me when someone posts on facebook about how lonely, or upset they are about something and when you try to talk to them about it or message them they do not respond and ignore you. Why post that you are feeling lonely if you do not wish to have some company to fix your loneliness? I do not understand. I have posted on facebook about how lonely I have felt and when people reached out to me to help me, I accepted their help and did not ignore them. I genuinely wanted some help from my friends and not just posting for attention.

People frustrate me significantly when it comes to this situation. If you do not want people to ask you what is wrong or you do not want people reaching out to you, do not post on a public place like facebook about your issues. It is common sense I thought. I guess I was terribly mistaken about that. What do I know?





19:56 Jun 15 2016
Times Read: 385

I hate how bothered I feel when I know my boyfriend is on IMVU chatting with other people. I hate how bothered I am when I see my boyfriend texting someone or chatting with someone on Facebook. I hate feeling this way, that I cannot trust him when he is talking with others on the internet. I hate that I feel like I cannot trust him at all. I hate feeling this worry, this nervousness, this anxiety. I want all of this to go away, I don't want to worry anymore. I am done worrying, but I cannot seem to get over it.

I tell myself over and over again that he isn't being unfaithful, that he isn't doing anything bad or horrible behind my back. I am trying my hardest to believe this. I don't know why I cannot get over it, I don't know why I cannot trust him like I so want to. The trust there is broken, shattered and it is going to take a long time to rebuild it if at all. We need to see a therapist to get this fixed between us, to rebuild our relationship.





22:45 Jun 14 2016
Times Read: 391

Just got home from camping, we had a lot of fun. Audrey kept trying to eat rocks, which was really gross and annoying. We ate yummy food and watched the fire.

I cannot wait for our next camping trip! Next time hopefully we can stay longer than one night. This was a test run to see how Audrey would do, and she did great!




June 11th 2016

07:12 Jun 12 2016
Times Read: 403

Hurt, angry, depressed, resentment are just a few of the things I am feeling right now. I feel as if my boyfriend is making me out to be the bad guy for wanting to be intimate with him and how I am growing impatient.

I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs, to let out all this pent up emotion out. I don't like feeling this way, to feel unhappy.

I want to be intimate with my boyfriend, to have that attention.

Going on month 4 of not having sex. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. I am nearing the end of my rope. My patience is nearly depleted.




Anger and Frustration

21:18 Jun 09 2016
Times Read: 415

We are going on month 4 of not being intimate, my boyfriend and I. I am feeling more and more angry and frustrated over this situation and I am tired of it. I want this problem to be solved already. My boyfriend does not handle stress very well at all, when ever he is faced with a high stress situation or something changes in our live, our sex life suffers greatly. I am not okay with this at all. I love him to death, but there are some things I expect out of a relationship and sex is pretty high on that list. I don't want to leave him, but I don't want to be unhappy anymore either.

I am faced with a tough situation, and I do not know how to handle it. We are wanting to do couples therapy, and just haven't gotten around to it quite yet. I know this will take time and patience, but I don't know how much patience I have to offer anymore. I love my boyfriend incredibly and do not want to leave him. I want to get through this and get on with our lives. I am tired of this problem existing..




Starting a business..

07:56 Jun 08 2016
Times Read: 427

I am finding it very difficult to get this makeup business of mine up and off the ground. I am posting daily on facebook about my makeup products and I have had people message me expressing their interest in the Younique makeup, but it never gets past that point. I never get the sale. I am trying not to be pushy or obnoxious when people contact me telling me they are interested. I have always let the people come to me, not the other way around. I have hosted a few virtual makeup parties and have made facebook events to strum up interest, but still have had no sales.

I am starting to feel discouraged, but I wont be giving up anytime soon. It takes a while for people to get their businesses up and off the ground, I know this. I just need to keep doing what I am doing and I will start to get customers. I am a strong willed individual and I know I can do this.

Please, if you or anyone you know loves makeup and would like to purchase good quality makeup, let me know! Sales are purely online and can be shipped to any location I am sure.

My Website is: https://www.youniqueproducts.com/JessElizabethFlemng




June 7th 2016

04:34 Jun 08 2016
Times Read: 433

Today has been alright so far. The heat is really starting to get to me though. I feel like my skin is going to melt off. My boyfriend finally put the air conditioner up in the bedroom, so I am sitting in there so I don't melt.

I asked my boyfriend if we could be intimate tonight and he said no like always. I want to be able to be intimate with my boyfriend so badly. I don't like not being able to make love to him like I used to. I thought maybe he'd finally feel up to it, but I was wrong. Oh well, in time things should get better now that he has changed his outlook on work and his stresses. It took him having a melt down to finally listen to me and his coworkers about how he shouldn't be so stressed about work. There is stress at work yes, but not to the extreme that he was making it out to be. He had a good talk with a friend and coworker about everything and he has been a lot less stressed and uptight since, which makes me really happy. I hated seeing him so stressed and unhappy.

Next month is Audrey's first birthday! I cannot believe it! I need to start planning her birthday party. I have figured out when and where already, which is a start. I cannot wait to let her dig into a cake. I am going to take so many pictures and videos!

Midnightcove Chatroom/Forum is going really well so far, considering it has only been up for two days now. Eleanor is working hard to get the forum all filled out and trying to get new members to join. We have some new members, but not as many as we'd like quite yet. We want this site to be a home, a haven for people of vampiric nature and even other walks of like. We want people to feel safe and be able to be themselves without fear of being hurt. It is nice to have Midnightcove finally set up. We have been dreaming of having a site like this set up for years now, and it is finally a reality.





19:38 Jun 07 2016
Times Read: 440

My vampiric family has created a forum/chat room for people who want to be among people of similar beliefs. It is a group of people who identify as vampires, wiccans, and more. So far it is really coming a long nicely.

If you or anyone you know are interested in joining such a site, here is the link:


Come join us!





19:32 Jun 05 2016
Times Read: 449

I feel like a complete zombie today. I am very tired physically and mentally. I did not sleep very well at all last night because of how hot it was. Luckily it is not as warm today.

Work this past week took a lot out of me. I have been under a lot of stress and it is beginning to get to me.

Audrey is at church with her grandparents today, giving me a break and time for myself.




June 3rd 2016

06:06 Jun 04 2016
Times Read: 456

Today was a good day. I went to a night market in the park beside my work before having to work. There were a lot of cool things for sale there. There were two girls walking around the park selling roses to help support the town Fort Mac because of all the fires they have been having this year. So I bought a beautiful pink rose for myself. Roses are my favorite flower for sure.

I managed to get out of work an hour early because of an event they were doing at the restaurant tonight and they no longer needed me for the night. I am so happy to be home early for once. I have been so very tired and sore from work.

One more day of work this week and then I will have three days to relax and spend time with Audrey and my boyfriend. It will be nice to relax for once. I have been so uptight these past 3 days. Stress is messing me up badly.





07:27 Jun 01 2016
Times Read: 463

The stress has lessened a lot since earlier this evening. We finally got the food we ordered after having 2 hours of miscommunication and issues with the delivery company. The Indian food we got was so yummy and luckily still warm. I love Indian food so very much! It has so much flavor and just pure delicious.

My boyfriend went for a beer and chat with his brother and came back a lot happier. I am glad he got to spend some time with him as he hasn't seen his brother since christmas time because they had a huge falling out. I am just happy that everything is getting better between them. It is one less stress on my boyfriend's plate.



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