One day long ago I stumbled and fell. It happened so slowly I didn't even notice at the time. As a matter of fact it happened so slowly many years went by before anyone noticed something was wrong. Foolishly I thought the ground would stop me and then I would just get up again and be on my way. At some point, not sure really when I noticed that the ground was not where it should have been. To my dismay I found myself falling into a deep dark hole. Occasionally I would catch hold of something in the dark stopping my descent. Every time I would try to pull myself up I would lose hold and start falling again. I kept thinking I would get to the bottom and then somehow find a way to climb out. Sometimes I even thought I saw the bottom only to find it was an illusion. In reality these illusions were probably just wishful thinking. To make things worse a while back I found out that even some of the hand holds were and are illusions created by my own mind. Lately the hand holds have become scarce whether real or imagined. Once I realized I was falling deep into this hole I started trying to keep one eye on the light at the top. For quite some time it was easy to see and didn't seem to shrink much considering how far I had fallen. A relatively short time ago there was a drastic change and it suddenly shrank to half it's size. The light has been shrinking faster and faster ever since then. Today the light disappeared and I can no longer see it. I can feel myself flailing desperately in the darkness for something to stop the falling. Now I'm worried when the hand hold comes that will finally stop this madness I won't be able to find it. Maybe I should be glad that now I won't see the bottom coming when I finally slam into it or whatever else is waiting for me there.
22:10 Mar 14 2010
Don't fall, fly, let go of the fear of falling and soar.
21:01 Mar 15 2010
If only it were that easy unfortunately sprouting wings only seems to happen in Red Bull commercials