WolfWhisperer's Journal

WolfWhisperer's Journal


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1 entry this month

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21:10 Jul 03 2010
Times Read: 603


The whirring of the cooling fan in Becky’s computer did little to drown out the sound of her fingernails clicking excitedly on the keyboard. The worn tank and skimpy shorts she was wearing did little to remedy the fact that it was still 85 degrees out at 2:30 in the morning. The small oscillating fan was mildly refreshing as it cooled the sweat on her skin, but the back room in the trailer she shared with her brother was like a sauna with its relentless heat. And this was her nightly ritual. Her sinewy body pulled into a hug on her computer chair, cigarette smoldering in an ashtray, and every ounce of Becky’s attention on her favorite website. Vampireball.com.

It was like a Gothic Myspace, where all the “children of the night” came to feed off each other’s vanity. Becky was guilty of this vanity. She kept her body rail thin, but with just enough muscle to imply a hidden strength. Her hair was long, straight, and the most vibrantly shinny shade of black.

She had just finished posting her reply in the new forum discussion when she heard the “You have a new message awaiting you” announcement. “Yes! About time,” she said. Becky clicked on the “Inbox” icon at the top of the page, hoping that this night’s message, or messages, will bring more entertainment than last nights. What she got was the sites automatic message designed for those that are too shy to come right out and say they wish to chat. It included an image of a dark embrace, with a romantically dressed woman leaning away from her tall, dark, and fanged stranger.

Tonight it was sent by someone named Spiro. It was a very unique name and odd for this site. They are usually always named something like DarkBloodLover or LordSomethingOrOther.

“I want to suck your blood,” Becky mocked, but for the sake of her amusement she replied with, “It’s here for you, come get it. If you dare,” speaking the words aloud as she typed. Pleased with herself, she imagined what it would be like to have the power to will someone in this way. She even believed deep down that she just might be able to. Goosebumps prickled her sweat moistened skin as she replayed the idea over in her head.

I am a Vampire. I like blood. I like the sexual nature of drinking someone’s blood. It gives me power. Power over mortals.

She tries to say things like this to herself all the time. For Becky, it gives her a sense of superiority. It was the sound loud music coming from her brother’s room that snapped her out of this reverie. The hammering bass was threatening to tear through the walls that were about as thick as paper towels.

“Jason! Shut that crap off,” she yelled. She doubted that he could hear her screaming so she followed with a couple of punches to the wall. “I can’t even hear myself think!”

A second later her door swung open with some force and her brother was standing there, leaning against the door frame. Jason was the complete opposite to Becky. He liked Rap music, “Riced” up cars, and basketball. He went to the gym every day. He even baked himself in a tanning bed at least 4 days a week. It was hard for Becky to believe that this douche was her brother, but even she knew that there was little controlling who family was. She had to move in with him 5 years ago when her own trailer burned down. Without much family left in the area that would take her in, she had no choice. Now she is stuck paying for home that doesn’t exist anymore, on a waitress salary, all while living with a jerk that ruthlessly gives her shit about her lifestyle.

“When you stop whacking off to freaks, I will turn my music down,” Jason said. He brought his middle finger up to his lips and made a kissing sound to punctuate that statement. Becky returned that finger with one of her own. She decided to actually make it a double bird for that one.

“They are not freaks! I am not a freak! You’re the damn freak. Did you call that tanorexics anonymous hotline number yet?” Becky couldn’t hold back the chuckle that was brewing in her mouth. Jason’s face began to twist up with anger. Becky has seen this face many times before, so all she could do was smile with pride. “Get out of my room, before you stink it up with your cheap, grocery store, man perfume!” He walked away, muttering under his breath, back to his room where he did turn the music down.

Becky was so fucking pissed at this point. She snatched up her pack of cigarettes and light one, taking a hard, slow drag. She refreshed the page and was greeted with the same message announcement as before. “That is a very bold thing to say. I like my victims to have some spunk,” was the message she received from Spiro.

Victim? I’m the victim? This might get good.



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