I just normally take headache pills when my head gets way to bad,
If it get's really bad, those probably wont work anyway. These remedies are really just for mild headaches and if you don't want to take pills right away.
I found this old spells on a website, The first three got collected by bishop Burchard von Worms. They have been part of his Decretums, who got published in the begining of the 11th century. The last is in old english and I have no idea by whom it is. I translated them from german into english.
Please don't try them out lol.
1. Fecisti quod quaedam mulieres facere solent?
Did you do, what some women use to do?
2. Tollunt piscem vivum, et mittunt eum in
They take a living fish and put it in
Sie nehmen einen lebendigen Fisch und stecken ihn in
3. puerperium suum, et tam diu eum ibi tenent,
their vagina, and leave it there,
4. donec mortuus fuerit, et, decocto pisce vel assato,
till it is dead, and cook or fry the fish
5. maritis suis ad comedendum tradunt, ideo faciunt hoc,
give it to their husbands to eat, so
6. ut plus in amorem earum exardescant?
they will fall deeper in love with them.
7. Si fecisti, duos annos per legitimas ferias poeniteas.
Did you do this, you shall fast for the next to years on the allowed weekdays.
(Text: Migne, Patrologia Latina, Bd.140, Sp.974)
1. Fecisti quod quaedam mulieres facere solent?
Did you do, what woman use to do?
2. Tollunt menstrum suum sanguinem,
They take their menstruation blood,
3. et immiscent cibo vel potui, et dant viris suis
and mix it into the food or into a drink, and give it to their men
4. ad manducandum, vel ad bibendum, ut plus
to eat and drink, so they
5. diligantur ab eis?
will be loved more by them
6. Si fecisti, quinque annos per legitimas ferias poeniteas.
Did you do that, so you shall fast on the allowed weekdays for the next 5 years.
(Text: Migne, Patrologia Latina, Bd.140, Sp.974)
1. Mulier, quae semen viri sui in cybum miserit,
A woman, who mixes the sperm of her husband into the food
2. ut inde amoris ejus accipiat, VII annos poeniteat.
so that she will receive his love, should fast for 7 years
(Text: Wasserschleben, Die Bussordnungen der abendl ndischen Kirche, S.579)
Billy goat-Aphrodisiac
1. To wifes willan, þæs buccan geallan meng wið recels,
To awaken the womans lust, take the gall of a billy goat, mix it with olibanum,
2. 7 wið netelan sæd; smyre þone teors mid ær foran
and to the seed of nettles; smear it on the head of your genitals
3. to þæs restgemanan;
before the coitus;
4.þæt wif onfehð þæs willan on ðam hæmede
the woman will receive the lust during the coitus.