WinterRose's Journal

WinterRose's Journal


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19 entries this month


06:33 Jan 29 2008
Times Read: 599

I know alot of my post either on poems or journal entries are morbid, or maybe dark, but we all see life in a way we cannot describe. which is fine with me as long as people realize that this is me, I don't pretend to be anyone I'm not, or anything I cannot become. so look, this is who I am, if you don't like me because of what I say or what I do, guess what, I really don't give a fuck, so save the breath that would be wasted in this world and do something productive, Like, get a job or something, stop lying, do something that would make you worth something and not just sit there and look stupid, wait, some people can't change that fact. hehe, oh well. Have a great day, ^_^ thanks for reading my vents lol





Stupid People

14:09 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 605

Why must people be petty? does it not look stupid ? does it not show how childish they are and the fact that maybe they should not even be allowed to have a computer? or perhaps not even stable enough to have one? and yet we see how people are with others and wonder why we were put on this earth, should we go back to our roots to where we were all toiling in the hot sun to grow our own food? milk our own cows? pump our own water? or should we cast those idiots that makes life harder out into a dark abyssly place? This person knows who I am talking about , SHE knows because if she does not stop the COPS will get involved , she needs to leave my friend alone AH the pity of those who are too stupid to comprehend even the simplist of things, possibly its because she is Harassing him? hmm wonder .... I do believe it would be cause for it ... police look at harassment harshly do they not? only time will tell, TOODLES all, and have a great day, warmer then here lol





Thoughts of Eternity.

10:24 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 615

Ah the thoughts that riddle my mind are that of exsistance that can never be or never be seen what is this mind set we create or is it the insomnia that races through my full being that does not want the rest of my brain to shut down, relax and let teh darkness encumber me into the reality of those we cannot create... oh the sorrow. the pain. and the lack of sleep will cause more morbid thoughts to race throughout my brain and rot the nuron's into thinking to shut down.. ^_^





Days go into Night

07:32 Jan 23 2008
Times Read: 619

In so many exsistances what is day and what is night, should we wonder if the daytime should be nighttime and Nighttime daytime? why should we put a name on anything what if blue was black and black was green? who is to say that we put a stamp on anything ,how do we know it really is? and to think some people think the government conspirecy theory is really our own ? insecurity is one of thie worst things to deal with and of course thinking that we don't know what is what would cause anarchy......





Life's Mortality

01:02 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 620

We all die, Life goes on, love is shattered, worlds ended and for what? so another ungratful soul to take their place in the great situations of things? I don't like it, nothing is simple. My mother died, in 2006 and it still hurts to this day my heart constricts every time I look at her urn knowing she was way to young to be gone, the pain cuts deeper then anything surgery I 've ever had, the blades touch sharper and razor thin always one step ahead of me, under the skin slowly torturing me till there is no more life left, we go on for what purpose? for memories that pain me to this day? Oh the memories are good but they can never give me back what I've lost, we are all bound to die.. just how is the question.




Liar Liar, Pant's On FIRE!

09:26 Jan 21 2008
Times Read: 624

It has come to my attention, some things are going on around me that needs to be taken out . somehow that is lol, Ok, so my bodyguard, you know him, has been having some issues with someone lately, I have to speak up because I am done with all the bullshitting and the HUGE lies that are becoming just dumb, anyone who believes this shit coming from that chicks mouth has to be dumb or just naive. I mean come on, I won't go into detail because im a respectful person, although this one doesn't deserve any respect still. im trying to work on my "Nice" skills, haven't gotten it down yet but ill get there LOL but anyway these lies are getting to me and i'm getting to the point of just wanting to STUFF some MAJOR TRUTH Down her damn THROAT , like that will ever happen I guess its my own fault because I'm venting this out but Jeeez people can't we not tell the truth? I tell the truth all I ask for in return is the same.





Into the Depth of Nothingness

02:13 Jan 19 2008
Times Read: 631

Contemplation is one of those things that take you into the abyss of Nothingness and drags you into the seeds of want and confusion, we blindly fight our way into the Shadows and towards the bright light at the end of the tunnel, do we ever get there? no I don't think, our minds trick us into believeing something more is out there when our eyes close for the last time and our tears roll down our faces for that last second of life before our bodies cool and our spirit leaves for the unknown.. why do we feel so sad when death comes to greet us? should we not rejoice that our time has come to leave this hateful place into more of a calm reprive? who is to say anymore?





The Setting Sun

04:51 Jan 18 2008
Times Read: 633

And as we watch the day fade into the night feelings the days folly fade into another exisitance we all know what is to come, why is it we rise and fall to the sun? is this what we were meant for? does our blood bleed red? or is it bluest of oceans? can we not know how life will take us? or are we just going to wander into the days and nights till they are nothing more then blurs in our life, a figment of imaginations.. whos to know..




A Nameless Face

10:15 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 650

Life is Death in its own meaning, and so is Dark to Light, but which should we choose, the easy or hard path? Does the Dark show as Light? are we drawn by things to come ? do we want this? Oh but the face of an Angel, come to find out its a Devil in disguise, would you still love her? or does the Winter blind you of all rational thoughts? Do you love it? or hate it? want more ? does my words make you tingle from your head to toe, or make your hackles rise above all else? would you rather me place my icy lips against yours and see how long it takes to freeze you in place, letting the last drop of crystalized tears to fall upon my palm as I close and crush it, Do you want Winter? or do you harbor the thought of wanting her? do tell ..



02:33 Jan 18 2008

Death is much sexier then any being,

although I wouldn`t like her words as I like yours

but then... who knows?



State of Mind

10:05 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 651

Do we wish to feel as if we have no purpose in life? to wander around in things called bodies untill they cannot harbor our life force any longer? how sad does that sound to be heard? but how true is it? Oh but lifes harsh realities bring to those who know how to control it.. Do we stand a chance at mortality ? or is death suppose to be our everlasting life? do we want a world in which we are hungered by lust, hate, greed? or one in which peace, love, and happiness ? or do we just trudge by day by day counting the countless hours before our bodies expire into nothingness of the earth and ash in which we came from? can anyone answer without raising their own questions?




02:31 Jan 18 2008

Death is always a beginning

but is sad

because is the beginning after an end


Liar Liar

08:11 Jan 16 2008
Times Read: 654

Ever heard the Rythm Liar Liar, pants on fire? well im sure some have and im sure some of their britches were burning bad the other night, Liars turn me off, and even more so piss me off to the point that I want to scratch their eyes out and twist their heads off and pin it to a dolls body , why can we not have people who have no reason to lie? is it because everyone lies? but who can say who sins more? do we? do they? do we even know where a lie came from? or what is concidered a lie to some people? talk about thinking cause you have way too much time on your hands but its because I have had that time since I threw out my back, dammit I want to rip my own spine out and switch it, any takers? hey its a free trade? lol



02:28 Jan 18 2008

there is always a "where"

and you don`t need always to know "why?"


Hospital's Suck!!

06:45 Jan 15 2008
Times Read: 657

Ok , so the pain got worse and decided, HM maybe this time I go to the hospital they will actually DO something, oh yeah right, First off , if they had brains, it was flushed down the toilet along time ago, second, their dumb. so I went coudlnt' walk which was embarassing in itself and then I get back there, no xrays to see if all my titanium is still in the same place, they give me two huge ass needles in my ass. OH its just muscular , my ass.... then why is im still in pain, I will sue, mark these words , IF my herinated disc has ruptured, im going to nail em to the wall...




02:25 Jan 18 2008

the colour of pain is "White"


A Bad Day

22:00 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 666

Days like this I wished I could skip or hell even sleep through it alas I cannot, I threw out my back almost a week ago.. and it got better till I tried to stand this morning and WHAM again , I don't want to go to the hospital because they will only put me back in the hospital and feed me morphine that I don't want. it's sad, I'm too young to feel soo old. lol I blame it on the weather or the TItanium in my back whichever it is, give me sugguestions on how to relax it enough to where I wont cry out in pain every time I move




02:23 Jan 18 2008

some people are simple

two possibilities:they are very wise and really old

or they are stupid

the other ones are monsters

too young and too pld inthe same time

they are vampires, wild, and nothing can match and beat them

because they are bend towards themselves

like those strange trees that have their crown leaned back to earth

and the tragedy is that

they are the realistic ones


The Idiocy of some people

07:21 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 674

Let me vent , please if I don't I may end up killing someone or something ... I don't understand why some people take it upon themselves to feel as if they are better then the other people , well I tell you what tonight was my bad night because I had a friend of mine submissive try to read me the riot act , and rules that should apply to ALL submissive, anyway, she was preaching to me how I wasn't worth time or what not , I had to go brolly on her ass, I'm sorry people don't piss me off, it's like playing with a gas can and matches, they don't mix and when it blows shit hits the fan, big time@. anyway, I'm venting sorry if it offends, if not more power to you! but point is, I am a submissive, no ones at the moment but still, I have been one since I was 21 thats five years, this one doesn't know her ass from her face.! anyway, imma calm down before my head blows up and I lose more of my mind, Have a good night !





What happened to all the Chilvary?

02:34 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 676

Ah to live in the Dark Ages, I would have loved it.. but no we live in the times that man think woman are used for less desriable things, I'm not talking about me but a good friend of mine, the husband doesn't even complement her, love her, cherish her, Hell open any doors for her, he's stuck in the stupid ages ... well doesn't matter I gave him a few of my marbles and I think the whole Wal-mart heard me and clapped afterwards. WHY do men treat woman these days as nothing? not all men mind you just some but still... If I ever get treated that way, they will end up face first on the concreate floor. HMPH!!!





Here We Are

23:51 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 679

The Darkness Burning Desire, Death, Life, who is to say who we are or what we are, Life in itself is so short, Why? why must we go through life knowing one day we will perish into nothing more then ashes and memories, How unfair life is.. But the Darkness, everlasting into eternity without cause, without hope, who would want that ? or are we so afraid, so desperate we would do unheard of stuff for immortaily, the Darkness calls to everyone, who wants to fight it? Not I.......




Lust in Life and Death

11:13 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 681

Winter calls to me the Darkness that beckens , the life once lead to go another road. The Shadows screaming my name , louder and louder, the whispers of Death ech0ing through the very core of me, Why did it choose me? why not something else? why does this darkness follow me to take my very essence, and do I not want that? what is my desire? what is my life? I relish in the thought of being hunted, but should I? does this life permit it? or does someone want to hunt? only time will tell.... do we? shall we?




00:18 Jan 13 2008

life permits everythin to those whom have the patience to wait or it


Talk about a Soap Opera

20:27 Jan 11 2008
Times Read: 688

So my life seems surreal sometimes, like take this, my best friend whom I consider a sister and I want to go on a vaction with just the two of us, trust me , we earned it. and so I saw the Goth cruise and Masqurade, and i'm all for it... she is freaking out, having issues with the whole Vampire thing, she knows about how I am about it, bad thing is, she had no issue with it till my sister and her friends started to play with dark magick scaring the hell out of her and almost using me as a human sacrifice, course it didin't go well with my parents but when you have a crazy sister, what can you do right? anyway, any helpful hints to get her to go or do I have to kidnap her to do it?



08:43 Jan 12 2008

Kidnap her ass. She'll lighten up when she gets to me us people.


Today Tomorrow and Eternity

06:26 Jan 11 2008
Times Read: 693

The Darkness that encumbers us all has us at a disadvantage, and the Light that breaks through, only shines to create the Shadows we all live in, and in todays society, who wants to be seen? who wants to be? maybe in my morbid mind of existing has created what world we all live in, or its what we make of it that makes the world turn with all its glorifed mishaps and killings, My opnion only but this is how I precieve life.



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