WindigoWitch's Journal

WindigoWitch's Journal


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1 entry this month

working progress of a role play still need to fix the mis spelling

18:18 Mar 27 2023
Times Read: 112

- leaving her bed room she would close her door. waling bear foot through the home she would silenty make her way to the main door. as she made her way to the door she would reach her right hand forward opening the door slowly as she walked out into the chilly night, the cold would not affect her at all as she made her way down to the woods heading towards the village. her steps would be brisk as she was hungry. the hunger was always there the need for fleash was always there never ending. the idea of a meal would make her smile as she licked her lips . her eyes would scan the woods as she looked out for others that could be lurking in the woods. the smell of dying leaves would fill her nose as she hummed deep in her throat the sound barley leaving her. walking for at least 30 minutes she would spot the small village as she walked through the sleeping village , lights here and there would shine though a few windows the candles balery showing. she would make it to the nunnery she would check the front door seeing it was locked. as she moved around the building slowly she would spot a tree that had brances higher up leading to a second story window. as she moved forward her hands would dig into the tree using it to climb as she made it to the branches as she moved lightly across the branch she would bounce to the window seal. as she did she would lift a tattered piece of fabric looking into the room a sleeping figure was in a small bed she could just make out the shadow as she moved forward. as she got closer she would see a simple cross hanging on the wall bearing her teeth she would move forwad not letting it stop her. hands reaching forwad she would grab the sleeping person dragging them out of the bed, the woman as it turned out would give a sharp gasp as she was yanked from bed trying to muster a scream she would feel nicos hand cover her mouth .
nico would hiss into her ear, make one sound and it wont be pretty this all ready wont be pretty. the woman hearing the hiss would give a small wimper as she went limp in nicos arms . nico would would give a happy grin in the dark as her hand reached around the womans neck barly snapping it as she wanted the woman alive. lifting her on to nicos shoulder she would open the door into the nunnery as she silenty moved down the hall to the stairs taking her time to move down she would make her way after a few wrong turns to the sanctary as she layed the wide eye woman on the ground . nico giving her a crazed look would would slowly extand her claws as she used it to slowly cut pices from the woman placing each pice into the womans mouth and her own mouth. making the nun eat her own skin, she would wimper un able to move as she desprealty tride to spit her own flesh out of her mouth but each time she did so she would be forced to eat and chew. the blood would floor onto the floor as nico felt drunk from her meal, she would happily gorge on the skin as she moaned in the pure pleasure of her meal. slowly the nun would bleed out as she feasted, once the nun took her last breath nico would host her up using the nuns limbs to sit her in a praying postion. a slight idea would cross her mind as she walked back to the nun using her long nails she would dig and cut through the fleash and bones and artrys as she ripped the head of the nun , as she would look at the head and smile, nothing personal but i have young to feed. she then would climb a corner of the room reaching each rafter she would hide her self in the shadows , once she was fully hidden she would give a loud screach and settle down waitting for the fun to comense
the nunnery would come alive as woman ran in there night cloths to the sanctuary hearing a scream as they threw open the door 5 woman would enter, moving forwad the would see a hunced over person as they made there way to her not knowing she hand been killed they would not see nico in the shadows as she wached a crazed grin on her lips. the first nun would reach the dead woman and scream making the sign of the cross as the others them selfs would gasp in horror at the sight of there fallen sister. moving around in circles each they would start to pray crazliy as they did not under stand what was happening. nico would grin and clear her throat. " welcome we are here to talk about the lord " she would say in a mocking tone as she stuck her hand through the head using her fingers to make the nuns mouth open and close as if she were the one talking. the nuns would shreak and scream demon at nico as she laughed. dropping to the floor she would walk up to the closet nun using her free hand to reach forward and grab a started owman who was praying fastly to bring her closer . as she did so she would kiss the woman as the nun tried to pull backs he would bite her lips off and chew and swallo them . the nun would drop to the floor screaming and covering her mouth as nico skipped out the doors leaving the woman scared . as she left the nunnery she would smile in the darkness and slowly start to run for the woods that would lead her home as she held the severed head
she moved through the woods to the trail that would lead her home she would hear a few foot steps in the woods behind her. turning around she would see 3 men with torachs following her not wanting to lead them home she would stop , she as she thought out her next plan placing the lead in the middle of the path she would walk to the trees hidding in the darkness of the night the 3 men would come across the severed head, one of the men would tell the other two to fan out and find the demon . as they did so one of the men would walk to her direction nico would not make a sound her claws slowly extending she would wait for the laon man to come towards her . the man would not see her but she would hear him breathing hard the scent of his unwashed body would make her wrinkle her nose in disgust. slowly moving behind him she would extened one of her claws slowly giving the back of his neck a deep cut. the man would scream in terror as she moved around in circles not seeing nico as she blended into the darkness . the other men would not hear his scream as each had taken a diffent path into the woods moving far from each other, as the man used his right hand to the the torch his left hand would press agaisnt his wound as he tried to stop the bleeding and get his barings. nico would give a childish laugh of lala. the man would feel true terror course through his body as he felt her claws slicing through his belly fat. the cut would be deep as she dropped his torch to the ground depserty trying to close the wound on his belly falling to his knees as she stood in front of him . his eyes would go wide as he took her in. the crazed smile on her lips as she pressed one of her own fingers to her lips . the man would piss him self as he felt the darkness consum him.
his hands would drop to his sides as he slumped to the ground deed a pool of blood would start to cover the ground around him . nico would pick up the fallen torch as she pressed it into the mans back putting it out . as she did so the smell of burnt dirty cloths would fill the air as she also smelt the burnt flesh hit her nose making her hungry again. but she did not have time to stop and feed as she had to other humans walking the woods and she needed to take care of the issue . she would move forward taking in a deep breath as she slowly scented the air trying to catch the scent of the other two men. the scent of one would be very faint as she moved forward. as she did so she would mis step tripping the ground she would curse as she felt sharp pain course through her right hand as she lifted it seeing two broken fingers. her left hand would grasp the fingers as she bite her bottom lip she would jerk her fingers into place as she held her hand down bouncing a few times in pain as she would not make a sound and give her place away. as she stopped moving she would try to ignore how much her hand hurt. she was not human and would not allow human emtions stop her from her task. slowly moving through the black woods for what felt like 5 to 10 minutes she would spot the light from one of the two men. slowly making her way towards him she would perch on a boulder waitting for him to get closer to her. opening her mouth she would give a giggle to make the man aware of her. as she waited she would take in more of his scent, " dont you know how to clean your self you smell of piss and grim" she would ask the man . hearing her voice the man would stop looking at the boulder seeing the woman as she was dreanched in blood and dirt before him. opening his mouth to cry out.
she would leap forward onto him tackling to the ground as she gave a deadly growl the man would land on his back the breath knocked out of his lungs as he hit the hard ground. nico would pin him there as she sat on his lap looking down at him " i swear a person can not even get a meal with out people having a hissy " she would tell him in a stern voice. the man would sit there gulping as he slolwy got breath into his lungs looking up at her as he felt the preasure of her on his lap. looking down at him bordly she would use her strength to jump up her legs spread over his body as the man looked up in terror at her. tsking at him as she knew he wanted to live and did not even offer up a fight to her, she would jump in the air landing on purpose on his rib cage crushing him. blood would leaking out of his mouth as his hands flailed in the air trying to stop her. she would jump many more times on his chest till his ribs would poke out of his shirt and skin. the man would stop moving as his head fell to the side. his eyes glazed over with death. nico would start to feel a little tired but she knew there was still one more out there in the woods. as she moved to the torch a brillant idea would pop into her head as she used it to light the man on fire. figuring the last man would see it and come investigate she would watch as the flames licked the dead mans sking and cloths. moving back to the boulder she would sit on it and wait
she would only have to sit and wait maybe 15 minutes as she heard the man calling out to his friends his voice would grow desprate as he did not hear them. his clousmy foot steps would be heard in the woods as he ran and tripped . slowly coming to the fire the man would drop to his knees on the ground holding his tourch crying out in furry as he saw the fire consuming his friend looking around in a wild way the man would drop the toruch as he moved his hand to grasp his chest, his heart in nicos ears would beat fast as he grew dizzy unable to handle what he was seeing he would pass out on the ground. nico watching was drawn she could leave the man there but then she could send a point that she was not to be hunted. liking the second idea more , she would slowly climb off the boulder making her way to the man she would use her claws to slice through his cloths throwing them to the fire by her. she would humm to herself as she used her claws to slowly skin the man alive as she started to cut his skin away the man would wake up to scream . as he did she would raise her left hand slaping him hard as his head smacked down to the ground cracking opening with a sicking crack. she would then return to her task as she slowly cut his skin from his body. this process would take a hour. as she finshed she would wrap the skin around her body as if it was a coat. after she had done this she would make her way back to the village carrying the dead skinned human over her shoulders. this would be a long and messy process as she had to many times re adjust the man on her shoulders as blood dripped all over her back. after 20 minutes of walking she would stop just out side of the woods, seeing the villagers running around in confusion .
un wrapping the skin from her she would cut strips from it tying it into knots she would use it as a rope to hand the dead man from a tree as this process was not easy the skin would pull and almost snap but after a few minutes she would have the dead man hung. feeling tired she would slowly walk home. her strantgh almost gone she would feel her leggs start to wobble . nico would not allow her self to slow down as she was tired and wished to rest. after what felt like hours she would reach home. slowly climbing the stairs to the door she would open it . closing the door , she would rember and whack her forhead with her palm , dam i left the head. and shrug walking to the kitchen to find food



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