*My family isn't from America
*I'm full blooded Danish
*Favorite color red
*accomplished many things
*understand magic of both light and darkness
*Favorite song into darkness by Thomas Bergesen
*Blood type O negative
*Favorite hobby writing
*History of life, don't ask me. that is my pain and solitude I endure and is not for public eyes.
Just as before the red never truly went away. Darkness was always there. Revenge was always at bay. The ocean of many women who I once knew was always there. How sad I should feel. But truth is, it still makes me smile inside. How wonderful it be. to wrap up in red just to feel it once more. To not just have a life time of dream remain a dream. How could a child barley know that? How could she know when she screamed and cried. Denying was cruel and found fate. Destiny is far more kind. giving her some peace, with red all around again. How lovely these new nights have become again. Learning from mistakes, and going forward with something new.
Is it truly a curse or a choice to desire my youth? Being a savage on some occasions from anything rare mmmm. It is truly worth this vanity of mine? Or am I really the same beautiful monster they say I am?