Your powerful internal combustion engine is fuelled exclusively by the demon drink. The instruction manual lists your functions as including "bottle opener", "reservoir" and "bar prop". As long as the spirits are flowing, you're the life and soul of the party, but augh! those hungover mornings...
What's your malfunction?
What do your eyes say about you? |
Eyes of Vitality Your eyes are already readable. They are full of life and passion. You love life and all those that enter into yours. You love to live and laugh. Your motto is to "eat drink and be merry, for tommorrow we die." |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
What mythical beast are you? |
You are a Dragon The fire in your soul will never be put out. So use that to help others. For your power and strenght will corrupt if you use it for yourself. |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
What is your demon type? |
FALLEN ANGEL Formally a servant in the kingdom of heaven, your search for answers beyond your conventional teachings has brought onto you a loss of innocence. enlightened, you strike back and defect, turning your white wings black in exchange for moral freedom. your thirst for individuality and power is what drives you most. your motto: "better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven". remember, black is not a color of evil,but a color of are probably hard to get close to. |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
You Are Dr. Bunsen Honeydew |
You take the title "mad scientist" to the extreme - with very scary things coming out of your lab. And you've invented some pretty cool things, from a banana sharpener to a robot politician. But while you're busy turning gold into cottage cheese, you need to watch out for poor little Beaker! "Oh, that's very naughty, Beaker! Now you eat these paper clips this minute." |
If you went to hell, what role would you play? |
Punisher You get the joy of torturing countles people every day for those who wont cooperate or those who try to escape. Your strong and focused. |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
If you went to hell, what role would you play? |
Hell Watcher You Watch to make sure no one escapes. Those who try to escape and get cuaght by the likes of you are dragged to the feet of satan and there they are judged what punishment they should take. You have a keen eye. |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success
The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
what type of vampyre are you? *pics* |
you are the badass vampyre! You embrace you immortality and like to show off your "powers" to your victims before you kill them. You show no mercy, and give off a vibe that most humans avoid; but the occasional Girl/Guy will approach you from shear curiousity. |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
You Are Arson |
No doubt about it, you have a serious destructive streak. You can't help it! Sometimes you just get so frustrated with the world, and you have to let your aggression out You have a notoriously bad temper. You are obsessed with getting your revenge. You are obviously a pyromaniac, whether you realize it or not. It feels great to watch something burn. |
Oh hell!
You Are Stalking |
You tend to be very obsessive. Once you focus your attention on something or someone, it's all you think about. You are also very secretive. People don't know much about the life that you lead. You are attracted to weak people. You may want to prey on them, but you also may just want to help them. You need attention, and you can get desperate if you aren't getting attention from the right person. You'll do about anything to get noticed. |