So my last day here draws to an end.. Will be up at dawns butt crack in route to Eureka. I have had a good time here. Seen friends that I haven't seen in yrs and it feels good to see them. Portland has always been a place where my head clears. It's just nice to relax I guess is the way to put it.
I hate power tripping jackasses... Funny how when some one makes a new admin position they all of a sudden think their shit don't stink.. Well it does.. Next time you get into one of your box clearing moods remember all the porn you talk about in there... To bad that position you got went to your pee-pee cause it damn sure didn't goto your brain.. Next time I suggest you THINK before you make unjust threats and look for the whole story before you go accusing people of shit! Maybe new admin should have like a tutor period.. You know have some one watching over them so they get put back into place when their head over swells it's boundaries.. What was funny about the whole event was when he started KISSING ASS to the other Admin who came in after his stupidity..
Make a fire pyre. You'll feel better. ;)
You must not know me.. Cause I feel fine!!
bahahaha. Usually when new Admins are assigned they do go on a power trip. Most of them anyways...
WC this has been handled. I know exactly what you're talking about here and - yes - it has been handled.
I really like it here when I come home. Its odd though really. The only time I miss it is when I am here. Already met up with friends from old. Don't think I've seen them in 21 yrs or so. I really don't come here that much and when I do its only for a short period of time, and most of it is spent with my family.
Tonight my sis and her family are coming to dinner, which I already have in the oven (big ass chuck roast with taters, carrots and onions). My neice went crazy last night when I went to visit, she thought I was going to Cali and not coming to Portland to see them.. Boy was she wrong.. And a lil high strung... For hours...
Got some nice pics of Mt. Hood on the flight in. Been going thru boxes that are here finding shit I haven't seen in MANY yrs. Clothes and misc. stuff that I just stored here. Well its all going back to Denver with me. Finally lol all my shit will be in one place...
I tell you what, having all your belongings in one spot is sure helpful...
Yay for trips back home..
Not if I start shipping your shit out to random locations while you're gone! hahaha
I mean... who said that o.0?
They better be to places I want to go.... Otherwise your ass will never see flesh color again!!
Yep it rocked! I-max 3d was the way to go.
I agree...I loooooooved it.
So jealous.. I can't see it until I get paid on Friday x.x
Sorry we missed it bro. What I get for double booking and having to help out the Have a safe trip to Cali see ya when you get back
We went Sat to see it- yeap, not a fan of Alice in Wonderland books but the 3D was freaking great.
Loved it!
16:14 Mar 13 2010
Be safe going home. :)
13:20 Mar 15 2010
Have a safe trip man.. See you when you get back.