I am quite happy with my new rating system. It is simple and nothing to argue over it. I mean all you have to do is look in my journal and see what you will be rated back should you rate me. Short sweet and to the point. BTW I still use my auto 1 for the idiots who come back and rerate with the saying "I rate what I got". Let me just say this now so its clear, LOOK YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT I AM GOING TO RATE YOU BACK WITH SHOULD YOU RATE ME.
Yes I joined facebook, no I won't fucking add you.. place is fucking worse then vr for people wanting to be your friend. I am ready to delete already.
HAH. Just boot it. It's really not worth it.
I mean if I don't like you here chances are, I WON'T OVER THERE EITHER...
Heh, yea... I made a ruling about Facebook though, I only add those I know and mingle with in real life :). It might work for you too but flip the frigid farm! Lol that's for idiots !
facebook is boring, im so over it
I'm currently addicted to FB...so heh.
I am so fucking sick of hearing about "wildlife attacks". The latest, woman attacked by a bison. Did it hold her up to? Did she file a restraining order? Was it in a bar fight with the local bully? No these fucktards go out into the wilderness and look for them to get those pics. If you were to do to people what you do to animals where to start, tresspassing, breaking and entering, stalking really if you had people up your ass like they do can you blame them? Man shoots man for robbery and gets praise, an animal defends its home and it gets put down. There are some serious flaws in this some where.
I'm right with you on that one..
Yes,they do.And the situations they put theirselves in while doing so? Absoloutely Assnine.They deserve to get mauled for their stupidity.
mmmmmm but that bison sure is good eatin'!
My eyes are going to bleed and my brain is going to leak out my right ear. Not all but close to every profile I have looked at make self castration look fun. It is like a carbon copy of whelps. Now why would I be subjecting myself to this? Because some wise and all knowing coven master/misstresses still incist on handing out those FUCKING RETARDED PROMISE STAMPS. To all you Noobs, there is no such fucking thing. Its not a warning sign dumbass it is a target.
So we come to the point of this whole entry. Rating, adding and blocking will now be left to chance. One doll of the dice and a coin flip. Thats right every day I will roll a d10 for my rating # of the day and not to be out done a flip of the coin will detemine if I add you or block you. Now I will NOT be out rating on this system it is only for those who I return the rate to. I think this should work out well....
Hahaha so by the roll of the dice they are lucky to get a 6.
Ruh Ro
I can just imagine you with a coin and a set of dice next to your computer.....HA!
I can actually see him doing this too! And he has full power to make those promise stamped profiles into targets!
Well shoot I just threw away my d10 dice too!
Many know I am very vocal. Not known to take the time to mend bridges in any way, shape or form. Well over a yr ago another member and myself had a rather nasty run in on another site that spilled over to here. This would usually be where I go off and say things that PD refers to as verbal sodomy, not this time kiddies, thanks Jadee.
Awwww, thanks Dan. I just didn't know what an awesome guy you were, now I do ;)
*nods* Much better now.
I'm proud of you dear.
Verbal sodomy? Sounds painful...
Help here, help me there, why don't we just lvl you up for you? Why can't anybody help themselves? I'm sure 90% of the sire did it themselves, why can't you guys? I think it mostly a generation gap. I say that because most the kismet that read "add me rate me help sire" are almost as good as the coven/house promise things. If you are under say lvl 99, rate or post in the forum. GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND WORK FOR SOMETHING FOR ONCE.
Hell fucking yeah.. dam that was well said. :)_~
I saw someone with a level in the 40s asking for adds to help them get to sire yesterday...are you kidding me?!?!
You can say anything you want about it til you turn blue in the face, hun. I don't htink it'll ever stop. Though it is kind of annoying.... No one wants to add me to talk to me anymore. All they care about is trying to use me to level them up.
Close to 400 friends on VR .. and the only ones I dont talk to or atleast say hey whats up are the ones that dont log in. I care more about helping people then my level. :)_~
Hell yeaaa, or bribe next door's kids with lollipops like I did!! bleh, but that didn't last long.. smart kids they wanted cash!
I have never really been a huge fan on dc comics. They have hit an all time new low. They made wonder woman look like some sorry ass emo bitch. Fucking bastarfd!!!
Yeah what's with the costume? She doesn't even look like Wonder Woman anymore
New colors all covered up sad sad sad
I saw that on the news here in Australia this morning.
I died a little inside.
More of a Darkhorse comics fan my self.
And, of course, Slave Labour Graphics.
I kind of liked it myself. :P
I wanted to cry and what in the HELL were they thinking to make Angelina Jolie Wonder Woman? Excuse me, she may look good but the woman is not 6 ft tall or even close to it. She actually does not fit the part either, I have seen the trailer and all she does is ruin it!
Its a good thing I didn't have to have other people add me to make Sire. I would be like level 7. I mean really. Kissmets to promote some one to Sire thru adds of adding some one. What ever happened to page, views, rating and forum posting. Have people add you that you will never talk to to make Sire. Almost makes me feel dirty for actually earning my Sirehood 2 times on one account. Made Sire on the old system then lost a few levels bucked up and made Sire again on the new system. For that I would like to leave a mushroom print on your lazy ass forehead for tainting everyone elses hard work to make Sire.
:) With only pages and time I am at level 117. I will always be a Sire. And really- what do you get for being a higher one?
And yes- being a Sire now is not the same.
well its the fact that some don't want to do the work are just too lazy to do it. me I've been here 2 years and believe me it was hard to make sire but I did it , no one helped me , even when I gripped about all the rating and stuff I still did it.
I don't give a damn about making sire (obviously, 4 years and I'm still not there), but I'll take some of that mushroom your handing out so freely. ;p
I made Sire on the old system too, but yesterday I got Superior Sire and shot ahead of some other people here who were always higher than me. O.o So I dunno.
aw man... I was gonna change my kismet to:
Please add my friend WildChild. And bite him. And send him messages. Every day.
Amen to that brother!
that would be the reason why my levels are still low, it gives more satisfaction of being able to reach that level with out going to other extremes.
I got mine on the old system too. I just like leveling because it gives me something to do :)
Lol and I level just for being on here. I don't rate hardly at all. The main forums make my eyes bleed so that's a no no. Just time and pages viewed really.
I made sire the old system on my main profile. Like others now leveling just for something to do these days. I saw some with over 700 friends, I don't have that many with my 3 profiles combined lol
Anyways. its a trip.
19:31 Jul 29 2010
I approve of this message.
19:38 Jul 29 2010
00:23 Jul 30 2010
hahahaha right! Only idiots can fuck your system up! All they have to do is wait for a 10 day and pay you a visit.
Stupid douches...