Weffie's Journal

Weffie's Journal


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23 entries this month

I hate hospitals

23:32 Oct 31 2007
Times Read: 765

I'm currently on crutches right now. I did my ankle in last night. I was walking in pop's room when I heard my bones all crack and twist and I landed on a heap on the floor.

It's damn painful. I couldn't sleep last night. I was just in agony.

Luckily I still have my crutches from last time I did my ankle in so I didn't have to go to the hospital... that and I refused to go anyways.




Dance dance!

06:53 Oct 30 2007
Times Read: 727

She says she's no good with words but I'm worse

Barely stuttered out

"A joke of a romantic" or stuck to my tongue

Weighed down with words too over-dramatic

Tonight it's "it can't get much worse"

Vs. "no one should ever feel like.."

I have a stats test tomorrow morning so I have to revise tonight =)





12:11 Oct 29 2007
Times Read: 736

3 things to never answer to a guy:

1. How old do I look?

2. Do you like my hair?

3. Was it good for you to?





03:41 Oct 26 2007
Times Read: 764

Some people are just so vain. It makes me chuckle cause they think they are so good but they are only embarassing themselves :)





08:36 Oct 25 2007
Times Read: 769

Today was slow and kind of boring. I went to class and no one showed up for 20 minutes until I found out they were in a computer room doing their projects that I had already completed. So my teacher ended up giving me linear equations to do. I finished 15 minutes early and I hopped on vr on the college computers.

After that I came home and did some stuff for the coven.

That's about it really. I'm free until Monday now. I'm trying to see if I can sleep at Carlie's on Saturday so we can go to a gig and than hang out with some friends on Sunday.

Well there's my journal entry for today :)





07:41 Oct 24 2007
Times Read: 781

Apparently I'm going to get "smashed" tomorrow at some college all because I'm "fat" woop woop :P

Sounds amusing :P




Whoa go me :D

07:06 Oct 24 2007
Times Read: 783

I just edited wikipedia :D YAY!




Bahaha King Kong has a bigger wang

08:30 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 793

More bitchy rants and blogs from my past for your enjoyment:

(king kong aint got shit on me) says:

u fat fuk i no who u are

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

Hehe ok

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

so whatcha gonna do about it?

(king kong aint got shit on me) says:

look at your self u fat bitch

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

do you really think you calling me a fat bitch is gonna hurt my feelings?

(king kong aint got shit on me) says:


^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:


^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

i heard your gonna flog dylan lol

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

did you know that counts as rape?

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

i thought you were straight?

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

do gay guys turn you on?

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

you have a sad life

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

picking on people because they are different

(king kong aint got shit on me) says:

u are very different

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

and im proud of it

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

i'd hate to be you

(king kong aint got shit on me) says:

ys that because im gunna live 4 longer

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

because you will never make anything of yourself

(king kong aint got shit on me) says:

because im not a fat fuk like your self

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

i really dont care if im fat. at least im not ugly on the inside like you. i have a good heart unlike you. im surprised if you even have a heart

^_^ Heterosexual Cunts! says:

you spend ur life picking on others cause you get enjoyment? thats so slack




Lovely past memories

08:22 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 790

How bizarre. I am deleting files from my comp and I came across this:

Steffie-Chan | Try - If you stand or if you fall - You're no problem at all said:


Steffie-Chan | Try - If you stand or if you fall - You're no problem at all said:

wat is it?

Steffie-Chan | Try - If you stand or if you fall - You're no problem at all said:


.Kaaa'tie . . 'CaUsE.Y()u.Wr()te.my.NamE.Acr()ss.Y()uR.HanD. il()vejosh . said:

Why did u call ana n do wAt u did

Steffie-Chan | Try - If you stand or if you fall - You're no problem at all said:

i called her to find out about her party and asked why i wasnt invited

Steffie-Chan | Try - If you stand or if you fall - You're no problem at all said:


.Kaaa'tie . . said:

cuz now shes mad at me n its all your fault

.Kaaa'tie . . said:

u didnt hav to lay the guilt trip on her

.Kaaa'tie . . said:

i hav already got enough of my mind

Steffie-Chan | Try - If you stand or if you fall - You're no problem at all said:

ok i dont know what the hell ur problem is... but incase u dont remember,,, it is my birthday and ive had a pretty bad day and now im crying thanks to you. i hope ur happy

Then i blocked her and she sent this email:

From : Katie Foster

Sent : Wednesday, 1 February 2006 7:10:03 PM

To : xxbroken_innocencexx@hotmail.com

Subject : Im sorry ok, N happy b'day!!

Hey, Im sorry I had to yell at u like that, but I have a lot to go through right now, like fightin with one of my best friends because you had to go off at her like that it was realy unfair. You dont hav to be invited to everything. You have done things that I havent been included in.

And then today I just find out my grandfather just died and I bawled my eyes out, but who cares. And then my stupid boyfriend is bein weird n then i hav got so may upset friends, and you thought you had a bad day ... I am very sorry but I am also going through a rough time

luv your old friend kt

Funny. She is the one I'm always ranting about these days. I remember that time when that email was sent. She fucked up my 15th birthday. Hoe -.-




Holiday =3

07:19 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 798

I'm planning my holiday out of state :) I'm going to Queensland for a week. Woot!

I'm going to Dreamworld during it =3 I can't wait ^.^





11:45 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 816

I'm sick of being treated like I'm 6.

I'm almost an adult. I think I should be treated like one.





10:09 Oct 18 2007
Times Read: 822

I discovered a wonderful but not unique talent today :P I can do an en pointe in water :D





08:22 Oct 16 2007
Times Read: 835

Human verfication???

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05:24 Oct 16 2007
Times Read: 840

There's no such thing as bad publicity :)





13:48 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 846






06:59 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 848

Some mongoloid just prank called me.

Loser :D




My two cents for the day... Kind of a rant >.>

13:07 Oct 13 2007
Times Read: 873

Ok so I may have lost a friend today because I told the truth. You know wha? I really don't care anymore. I'm not going to pretend that I'm still best friends with someone who lies to me and breaks promises. And in her vain attempt to piss me off she has lowered me in her top friends on myspace. Whoa... the tears are SO about to pour.

She's not even in my top friends anymore. You know why? Because it's my top FRIENDS. She is over a year older than me and I'm more mature than she is. I act like an adult. She acts like a spoilt child. Frankly that's what she is.

The only difference between the rest of the group and myself is that I actually have the guts to speak the truth. Everyone else either lies or ignores the person so they don't have to lie. Not me. I confront that person and if there is a problem, I will voice it.

I don't lie. Simple as that. What you see is what you get with me. I give my all to all my friends and I'm sick of people just using me for that.

I can see it now. Next year I'll go to get my license and I'll be Miss Popular.

Well fuck that. I'm not an object.

I'm not the one who breaks promises. I'm not the one who lies to my friends. I'm not the one who pretends to be something they are not.

I'm just me and if people don't like that than boo hoo. Whatever.

I mean, who the fuck logs on msn and accuses me of not caring about my friends. No really, WHO!?

I fucking go out of my way for my friends. I'm not even half as bad as I use to be. I use to be the biggest emo cry baby slut ever. I use to cry 24/7 and make people pity me. Thinking about how I use to be makes me sick that I could be so pathetic and attention-seeking. And now I have older friends who act that way towards me.

Well no. I am NOT going to sit there and take that emo crap. If your life sucks that fucking much than go see a counsellor. Don't try and throw your problems at other people if they don't want to listen.

As for me? If I WANT to listen, I will say so. I will tell you to rant to me or to talk. If I don't, then don't bother fucking crying to me. I only ever turn people away if I know they are only doing it to try and make me guilty. I haven't done anything wrong. I'm not the reason life sucks.

For fuck's sake. EVERYONE'S life sucks no matter what. Paris Hilton hates her life cause she only has 30 million dollars. Nicole Richie hates hers cause she's off to jail. Lindsay Lohan hates hers cause she's always in rehab. Britney hates her life cause some male impregnated her and dumped her and left her suicidal.

And normal people. They have problems too. Not just you. So please get over yourself you fucking hypocritical bitch. No one gives two fucks if your parents yelled at you or if no one is talking to you. Oooh you know why? Because you lied to everyone, betrayed us, ditched us for a boy, ran away and hurt your parents. Oh and put me lower in your top friends. Woe woe.

If life is that bad, go fucking kill yourself cause no one wants to see you fucking shove your wrist and arms in everyone's faces and go "LOOK I CUT MYSELF! PITY ME!" or wear tiny clothes to show off your cut legs.

I only have a few friends offline now. Best friends that is. I'm over trying to pretend to be best friends with people who I don't even speak to.

My REAL best friends? They speak to me almost daily. They tell me their problems and I tell them mine. We comfort each other and then laugh at how life sucks and we move on. We don't dwell on it.

Oh and when they actually say they are going to do something for me, they do it.

No one likes martyrs.





05:34 Oct 09 2007
Times Read: 889

I went to the mall today with Dylan and Leah. We saw some people we knew as usual. I ran into a girl I went to school with. She had a baby six weeks ago. I couldn't believe it. I was looking from her to the baby and was like "... You had a baby?". She's my age too.

I bought new shoes. They are yellow, platformy, 5 inches high and damn well adorable!!

I am currently making noodles :)





04:37 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 904

Uploading new pics :)





12:37 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 911

Bahahaha I just took a nerd test!

I am nerdier than 81% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

18% scored higher (more nerdy),

1% scored the same, and

81% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

High-Level Nerd. You are definitely MIT material, apply now!!!.




Pfft >.>

08:17 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 912

Damn myspace maintanence....

I suppose I should feel loved that I'm in the 12 million people that he is fixing up x.x!!

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08:44 Oct 01 2007
Times Read: 922

Maybe there's beauty in goodbye...




The Breakfast Club

08:32 Oct 01 2007
Times Read: 923

Allison Reynolds: Your middle name is Ralph, as in puke, your birth date's March 12th, you're 5'9 and a half, you weigh 130 pounds and your social security number is 049380913.

Andrew Clark: Wow. Are you psychic?

Allison Reynolds: No.

Brian Johnson: Well, would you mind telling me how you know all this about me?

Allison Reynolds: I stole your wallet.

=) I love it



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