The hypocrIsy is strong with that one.
When you say one thing yet do the opposite - your words are negated.
If you don't want to be drawn into things...don't go poking your nose into things. Especially when those things have nothing to do with you.
I could go on, but I really can't be bothered anymore.
There's a user here called "IamyourMALE" who seems to be going round trying to find himself a woman (tell him you're underage if you don't want to talk to him!). He'll probably tell you that he's quite rich at first, then if you don't swoon at that he'll switch it up and tell you he's homeless.
He seems to think that the ONLY reason a woman wouldn't want to be with him is if she already has a partner, thus forgetting that women are autonomous beings who are capable of making their own decisions without a man's influence.
Fortunately, he knows when to quit and go away quietly, unlike a couple other creeps on here I could mention...
Yeah. Got a "hello cinnamon" from him which was ignored. Proper grammar will go far with me, but actually knowing me will get you even farther. lol My creep o'meter was pinging off the charts with that one. After a decade on VR, it's a pretty good meter. I trust it. :)