Yes, you know the best movie of all time very well. You either wanted to be the Goblin King or date him. You owned the soundtrack, and knew every word. The song "within you" gives you chill bumps and you LOVE David Bowie to this day. Congrats!
Take this testYou're sweet and innocent. You want to be helpful but you're a smite confusing. All you want is someone to come in for a cup o' tea. So lovable!
Take this testYou've been known to drink too much rum, but everybody loves you anyway. Life is an adventure, and you know it's too short to waste. Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!
Take this testDefinitley in love. Both of you admire each other deeply and cant keep your hands off each other. This relationship is filled with romance and yet when problems occur both of you overcome them quickly.
Take this testYou could quote Monty Python in your sleep, and you probably do. You are most likely a nerd and don't care that other people give you weird looks when you start quoting's ok, your friends understand and will keep going back and forth with quotes for hours!
Take this test