You smile like
An angel
But there's a
In your eyes
Peering out
Just waiting
To strike
And though your
Words sound sweet
They leave a trail
Like acid
Destroying all that
The foulness
Of your soul
Taints the
Beautiful world
Around you
Something you will
Never see
For all the
Darkness in your
In this dead-end
They gather
Those of
Lost purpose
And shattered
The beauty
Draws them in
And before
They know it
They're lost
Turned about
Their dreams
Are not
But dust-
And they wither
Ambitions destroyed
The will to
Dies away
And soon enough
All is
I slip from shadow to shadow
I am the unknown
the slayer
waiting for the perfect moment to strike
I'm hunting you
stalking you
soon it will all be over
you will cease to exist
I will take all that you have
and all that you know
you will shatter
no longer mortal
you will falter
cast into the oblivion
of the after-life
maybe one day
that will be me
I'll be free
from this retched world
maybe one day
I'll be sucked into
that wondrous oblivion
to where even
a mortals fool-hardy spirit
dare not tread
that dark consuming oblivion
calls to me
my decaying soul
longs for the peaceful silence