I am sorry that I have been absent as of late.
my life has become increasingly difficult and I have had a really hard time dealing with my personal life.
To any and all who might be interested or care, I wanted to say that I will be back eventually but not yet for a time.
I have also pulled my poetry from this site because I have found others using and claiming my words for thier own and I was disappointed about this.
To my friends and fam----I love you....
18:23 Oct 02 2010
Always remeber really life is way more important than on-line life. Sorry to hear this about your poems..I had something like this happen to me with my stories..it is very disappointing when you trust people with your work and they do this to you. take care
20:44 Oct 02 2010
I know what you mean. I hope things work out in your favor quickly!
21:06 Oct 02 2010
hey, life is difficult at times and we have to do what we have to do to keep it running along. I did miss seeing you online but I now know that you are ok and I pray that you will be back soon. Keep well :)
09:46 Oct 03 2010
We do indeed understand. And Real life is always more important- and we are all patient.
As for your poetry there are cowardly theiving types everywhere, even here. I made a needlework pillow for a woman here for her son for Christmas, mailed it to her, and she still hasn't paid me for it- she just stopped coming to the site. Cowards, indeed.
19:27 Nov 21 2010
Hey, sweetie, life can tend to throw us curve balls every now and then. I for one have been worried about. Hope all is well and I look forward to hearing from you real soon.
23:58 Nov 21 2010
I have missed you here also and hope all things are better for you and you can return here to your friends.