Vodka's Journal

Vodka's Journal


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2 entries this month

02:04 Jun 19 2023
Times Read: 316

"Didja' ever get one of them days, boys
Didja' ever get one of them days
When nothing is right from morning till night
Didja' ever get one of them days, boys
Didja' ever get one of them days
(Days, days, days, days)
(Days, days, days, days)"

Elvis Presley

Yup that about sums today up...so done with it.




No Biting!

14:54 Jun 15 2023
Times Read: 404

Well gosh it has been a while hasn’t it??? I have no rhyme or reason for journaling other than it has been a while since my last written post. I am expecting this entry to be a bit sporadic as I have nothing of great importance to say, so here we go again, enjoy the ride with me! I was actually thinking of never writing another entry as the last thing I need is for my words to be taken out of context and used against me. I worry about that quite often as I tend to lead with humor and sarcasm which never translates well online. The other reason I was thinking of just giving it up was because I tend to think that whatever I may have to say just doesn’t matter. Then I was reminded by a great friend here that these are for the people writing them, yes others read them and get to peer into our lives, minds, thought processes ect, but in the end my journal is for me, as yours is for you. Sometimes I wonder why she puts up with all the hem hawing and back and forth I keep doing…lol

The other day I was in my backyard, barefoot as always, I almost never wear shoes when I don’t have to; this girl enjoys having her feet on the ground and in the soil. I may have my girly sides but I can also get down in the mud and the muck! Speaking of mud, has anyone ever tried a mud bath? I know they are basically just warmed mineral water, volcanic ash, organic peat, lake mud or salt water and do not harbor bacteria so they are a hell of a lot better than the mud in my mud pit/pool we use for mud wrestling: which is great fun, I highly recommend! Not to mention it is great for stress relief in its own weird way, lol Anyways, back to the original thought I was going to get to before the whole mud thing sidetracked me. So I was out there weeding my little garden when this little garden snake/garter snake came slithering out from between the bell peppers and tomatoes. For those of you who do not know, while they are not venomous they do have these small little teeth and they do bite! While snakes are beautiful and represent fertility or a creative life force, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing, that in no way means that me and the buggers get along. No, Nope, Nu-uh, Nein, Iya, Hanhon, Minime, you get the point it all means NO!

I wouldn’t say I fear them as much as I just don’t like them and they in return do not like me. I scooch out of the way thinking he is just going to pass me by on his merry little way slithering through the grass but come on, do you really think this little tale is going to end like that? Hell no! The little fucker gets almost all the way past then turns and bites my dirt covered, little bare piggy! I don’t scream, I don't get up and jump all around waving my foot everywhere and giving this bitey little bitch the ride of its life, no….I learned from my youthful mistakes that panicking and running amok hootin’ and hollerin’ will only make them bite or squeeze harder. Since I am technically in his space as I am outdoors and not in my house, that fact alone, though it pisses me off, stops me from taking my garden hoe and chopping the little blighters head off. So I ever so calmly scowl at the damn thing and pinch the sides of its head and push it forward so it would let go and carry it to the trees where he or she slithers off into oblivion for all I care.

I do not care if it thought my toe was a little mouse or any other small thing it thought it wanted to make a snack or meal out of..it was my damn toe! Of course the damn thing musked on me which basically means it released a foul-smelling fluid from its vent along with whatever feces it had, I mean I guess it is no big deal as washing gets rid of it easily enough but still…ewe just ewe! So, the moral of the story you may wonder…did I learn my lesson and will I wear shoes while gardening…probably not. *shrugs* But I did put up a no biting sign in my garden…pointless but funny. Toodles!

*looks back at the journal entry* Gosh that was way more focused than I was expecting…lol.



19:12 Jun 15 2023

Laughs out loud. Yes I spelled it out because that is the reaction. :D. That and it a pleasure to read your writing style.

If that was me, on the first paragraph. ( I assume nothing these days) this is why you write. ;)

09:34 Jun 16 2023

Lol duh, of course it is you...who else would put up with me?!? Lmao!

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