You'll need:
*2 matches
* water
1. Fill your bowl up with water. Doesn't have to be a lot of water. Maybe like half or a little less than half.
2. Place your two matches in it. Make sure to put your energy into them. Imagine you being one of the matches. And focus!
If the matches form a "T" someone has TRIED to hex you.
If they form an "X" or the matches touch, then you are hexed!
3. Say this prayer while the matches are floating around.
“Spirit please remove all magic, spells, curses, and hexes. And for those that want to cause me harm, Wrap them in love light and forgiveness. Keep me protected from all and any negative intent"
This is also a beginner Friendly spell but it works for everyone new or experienced! I recommend doing this if you're ever feeling super depressed, tired, foggy, and just or of the norm.
You will need: olive oil
1. Gently rub a little bit of the olive oil on the bottom side of each wrist.
2. Then rub your wrist together and repeat this 3x's
" Anyone who is hexing, jinxing, or cursing me, receive their curse back. This time times 3. As I will so mote it be. "
Pay close attention to who gets sick around you in the following days.
You will need:
*Small spell jar
*Small piece of paper
*Something to write with
*salt (any kind is fine)
*any protection herb (rosemary, black pepper,mugwart,wormwood,ect)
*black candle
1. Cleanse your jar. However you may like. Sound Cleanse, burning sage, under a full moon, ect.
2. Write your name on the paper 3 times In a row.
3. Turn your paper counter once and then Write " I am divinely protected 3xs over your name.
4. Fold the paper TOWARDS you a couple times with the intention of attracting protection.
5. Roll your paper and put it into the jar.
6. Add your salt and herbs into your jar.
7. Then hold the jar in your hands to give it your energy. You do this by holding the jar and imagining all of your energy flowing into your hand and then into the jar. Then envision a black light around it for protection.
8. Then close your jar and seal it with your back candle.
You can carry this in your purse, bookbag, in your car, and pretty much somewhere that you're always at.
17:06 Apr 15 2023