"Druidry is not a religion. It's a philosophy and you can worship a God or a Goddess, it's up to you. You can be a Christian or a Moslem or anything else and still be a Druid. "But while a Christian will say God made that tree, a Druid will say the energy of a creative force is in that tree." Kieron, a North-East UK Druid.
This is an important qoute for all Druids and disbands many sterotypes.
The Druids Virtues are honor, loyalty, hospitality, honesty, justice and courage. and failure to follow these Virtues means certain punishment.
There are 3 types of Druids and they are Bards, Ovates, and Druids/Druidesses.
The Bards were "the keepers of tradition, of the memory of the tribe - they were the custodians of the sacredness of the Word." In Ireland, they trained for 12 years learning grammar, hundreds of stories, poems, philosophy, the Ogham tree-alphabet.
The Ovates worked with the processes of death and regeneration. They were the native healers of the Celts. They specialized in divination, conversing with the ancestors, and prophesizing the future.
The Druids and Druidesses formed the professional class in Celtic society. They performed the functions of modern day priests, teachers, ambassadors, astronomers, genealogists, philosophers, musicians, theologians, scientists, poets and judges. They underwent lengthy training: some sources say 20 years. Druids led all public rituals, which were normally held within fenced groves of sacred trees. In their role as priests, "they acted not as mediators between God and man, but as directors of ritual, as shamans guiding and containing the rites." Most leaders mentioned in the surviving records were male. It is not known whether female Druids were considered equal to their male counterparts, or whether they were restricted to special responsibilities. References to women exercising religious power might have been deleted from the record by Christian monks during the Celtic Christian era.
I'm a mix of Ovate and Druid.
Common Myths
Ritual Killing: Many historians believed that the ancient Druids performed human sacrifices. All of these references can be traced back to the writings of one individual, Julius Caesar. He may well have been prejudiced against the Celts because of their continual warfare with the Romans. In war, the enemy is routinely demonized. Some remains of executions have been found in the archaeological record, but it is not obvious whether the victims were killed during religious rituals or to carry out the sentence of a court. There is one reference to human sacrifice in Celtic literature, but it appears to be a Christian forgery. The ancient Celts might have engaged in ritual killing; certainly other contemporary societies did. Modern Druids, of course, do not.
Stonehenge, Avebury, etc.: Many people believe that the Druids constructed Stonehenge, the complex of standing stones in South Central England. Stonehenge I ("Old Stonehenge"), which was composed of the 56 "Aubrey" holes, was constructed circa 3500 BCE. The current formation was completed circa 1500 BCE. This was almost a millennium before the start of Celtic civilization. The Druids may have preceded the Celts in England. Thus, either the Druids or their fore-runners might have been responsible for the finishing of Stonehenge and other monuments. There is no historical proof that they were or were not involved. Even if they did not actually construct these monuments, they may well have performed rituals there, and understood its astronomical meanings and uses.
This is some information on Druidism.
You scored as David Talbot. You are David! Lestats old friend who was brung into the vampire world against his own will. He has no fear for things he does not understand and is extremely smart.
What Ricean vampire are you??? created with QuizFarm.com |
![]() | You scored as Malkavian. You belong to the Malkavian bloodline. The Malkavians are blessed with an "inner sight" which often gives them great perception and even clairvoyance. Many are sought for their counsel and insight. The drawback, however, is that they are all entirely insane. If a vampire is speaking in obscure riddles, it's a fair bet they are of Malkavian blood.
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You scored as Rogue Vampire. You are a Vampire Rogue. You keep to yourself, and bother no one, but don't think this makes you, as chances are you have already learned all you need to know for now, but also realize the importance of learning how to live alone.
What Kind of Vampire are You? (Pics) created with QuizFarm.com |
![]() | You scored as Evil. You are Evil, you bring Death and Enslavement to all. Go here and join the fight.
Are you good a Good, Evil, or Neutral Vampire? created with QuizFarm.com |
![]() | You scored as You have the Gift of a Seer. You have been blessed with the Gift of a Seer. You often dream of events before they happen. Your dreams are very vivid. You can see things in many different lights because of your gift. You also may find ease in various languages. You may have seen angels or other visions.
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![]() | You scored as Exar Kun. You are most like Exar Kun. A rash, bold and arrogant Jedi Knight that fell to the Dark Side nearly four millenia before the battle of Yavin. You crave control above all else and will sacrifice anything for your own self preservation. You are masterful with a lightsaber, combining forms Niman X and Makashi into your own variant. Your form allowed you to combine two blades into a form heralded for its lightsaber combat superiority through overwhelming power and precision to utilize your creation - the dual bladed lightsaber. You see death as a disease you can cure.
What Star Wars Jedi or Sith character is most like your personality? created with QuizFarm.com |
You scored as Ninja. Your a ninja! Your a mysterious kung fu master. You have a tendency to dissapear a lot...
What are you?(evil genius, ninja, etc.) created with QuizFarm.com |
the list of my favorite types of weapons and there subsections.
1. knives
folding, bowie, tantos, and other fixed blade knives
any type of japanese sword, east european, russian, and scottish type swords.
.45 caliber and most 9mm handguns, any type of sniper rifle, most assualt rifles, 12 gauge and 20 gauge shotguns, machine pistols, and rocket launchers.
that sums my favorite weapons