Down the night streets just outside the city of Chicago, I walk through the chilled October rain. Wind whips at my back, as I pull the leather collar of my duster to my neck I smile. So many of those who reside in this little town would not be on an evening constitutional in this weather. Walking further down the darkened night streets a window at the end of the row of houses is lit. My boots click against the wet sidewalk as I pass the house. In the smallish window on the second floor a face appears through the blinds. I can see her hand reach up and check the lock on the window. She knows, she feels in her very being a predator. And although she doesn't know the nature of my beast, she feels safer knowing the window is locked. As if I could fly.
No flight or preternatural speed for this Vampire, just senses honed by years of development, and perhaps a gift from my sire....but this is yet to be told. I am a Vampire. How many times have we seen those words in fiction to begin a story. I will tell no fiction here, no flights of fantasy or imagination, and yet maybe the reader's imagination will be stirred. I do not feast on the blood of the living, nor do I have sharpened fangs or can turn into a bat. But the words, those fabled words of fiction, "I am a Vampire" have been spoken no more true than I speak them here and now.
It is not the blood of the living that feeds me. But I do feed from life. It is not the life blood, but the life force I take my tithe from. A myriad of methods that I employ to gain my take, some direct, some indirect....but none the less I take. It can be from the glare of the woman that locks her windows at night to stave off her fear. It can be from the touch and embrace of another enticed to lust or pain. It can be from hundreds of miles away or sitting in my lap, for energy knows no boundaries.
There is a power in truly being a predator, and benefits to Vampirism that can not be pretended. My beneficent sire who has now passed from this plane chose me for a reason. "Some are born to dark delight," he would say, "and some are made from morning light." This journal will chronicle my journey, I write here not for the reader's amusement but my own. I will share perhaps a secret or two along the way....isn't it always so in the great tales of vampires and sorcerers? A forbidden secret here and there to entice the reader to read on?
I will tell the tale of how I became that which I am, and what i shall become. The road is long and dark. The details are at times lurid, and may well shock and thus delight. The question of whether to chalk me up to yet another tale of fiction, or to find truth in what I say. And if you follow me down this darkened path I lay before you, how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?