VeilofDeath1's Journal

VeilofDeath1's Journal


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15 entries this month

Creating a Storm Spell.

02:46 Nov 18 2011
Times Read: 648

• A fern branch

• Sea salt

• Water

• Wooden spoon

• A red candle


Light the red candle and pour water into the bowl while you say:

Rain that brings a land's rebirth

Time to weep upon the earth.

Use the spoon to stir up the water, then dip the piece of broom in. Repeat:

Winds shall follow, you shall see

Blowing wildly through the tree

Envision a storm growing in strength and power. Let a few drops of hot wax from the candle fall into the water, and say:

Lightning quick, lightning long

Make it last, make it strong

Add in the salt to seal the spell and stir again. Give it one last stir, and take it immediately outside and toss it all into the air (you can hold on to the bowl). Don't let the water settle down before you throw it. Now you can expect a storm to start brewing on the horizon within a few days.





Spell to meet your Spirit Guide (Angel)

02:17 Nov 18 2011
Times Read: 649


Items Needed:

Altar Candle

Day candle

Offertory Candles

3 Violet candles

3 White candles

Crystal ball or glass of water

Anise, cardamon, or corriander incense

Jasmine, lemon, rose, or sandalwood oils

Cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, or sandalwood bathing herbs.




Breathe deeply and build a ball of protective light around

you. While soaking in your ritual bath, meditate on the

whole ritual: the steps you will take and what you wish to

say to your spirit guide when you make contact.


Enter the circle and light the incense. With the oil, dress

the altar candle and the day candle while concentrating on

the purpose of the ritual. Light the annointed candles and

state your intent:

I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide,

And to acknowledge him or her

With a sharp instrument (perhaps and athame), inscribe

violet candle #1 with the word "Spirit". Dress it with oil.

Light it, direct your energies into it, and say:

Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit.

May its light reach out across the barriers

from this world to the next.

May it make contact with that World of Spirit

into which we will eventually enter.

Take your censer or incense wand and swing it around censing

the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically

repeating the word "Merge" and building up energy to focus.

Replace the censer and pick up violet candle #2. Inscribe it

again with the word "Spirit" and dress it with the oil. Put

it back on the altar, light it, direct your energy into it,

and say:

Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit.

May its light also reach out across the barriers

from this world to the next.

May it make contact with that World of Spirit

and help spread the light,

illuminating the passageway between our worlds."

Again, take the censer or incense wand and cense the entire

area around the altar while chanting the word "Merge" Build

up your energy to focus.

Take violet candle #3, inscribe with the word "Spirit",

dress with oil, charge with your energy, light it and say:

Here do I light the third Lamp of Spirit.

May its light also reach out across the barriers

from this world to the next.

May the light from these three lamps blend and grow,

dispelling all darkness and lighting the way

That my Spirit Guide may come to me

and speak with me here today.

Inscribe the 3 white candles with the word "Truth" and

anoint each candle with oil. Light the 3 white candles in

order of 1, 2, 3, and say:

Here do I build Truth.

As these candles burn throughout this ritual,

their power generates nothing but truth

In all that transpires between this world and the next.


Through these candles there is truth

In all communications that come to me".

Again, cense the entire altar area while chanting the word


Replace the censer and continue chanting. Sit comfortably

while chanting, and gaze into the crystal ball, or the clear

glass of water. Continue chanting until you feel it is right

to let the chant taper off.

Continue to quietly look into the crystal ball or glass, not

trying to picture anything. Keep your mind blank, so

whatever comes will appear in its own free will.

Gaze into the center of the crystal. There is no need to try

not to blink. Look into the crystal and blink naturally. Try

not to notice anything in your peripheral vision, just the

center of the crystal.

Eventually a face or figure will appear. This may take a

long time, or it may appear almost immediately. If it

doesn't come at all within approximately 20 minutes, abandon

this attempt, extinguish the candles in the order in which

they were lit, leave the altar set up, and try this ritual

again in three days. You should have results within a month

at most.

When a figure does appear, ask if he/she is your Spirit

Guide. You will hear an answer. You may not hear it out

loud, or even see the figure's lips move, but you will be

aware of the answer. This is how most of your conversation

will proceed. You will ask your questions mentally (or out

loud) and the answers will be clear inside your mind.

Ask if you have more than one spirit guide. If yes, ask the

others to appear also.

You may ask anything you wish to know, but it is suggested

to establish a connection first where your Spirit Guide may

appear to you at any time, or at specific times, so that you

can converse with other spirits through him/her.

When you have finished speaking with your Guide, thank

him/her, then sit for a moment with your eyes closed,

meditating on all that you have learned.

Extinguish the candles in reverse order to clear the circle.





Black Magik Revenge Spell.

02:02 Nov 18 2011
Times Read: 651

You need:

a black human figure candle or black chinaware human figure

(gender-specific, according to the sex of your enemy)

a packet of dried blackberry leaves

a piece of black cloth

a length of black thread

a hammer

a shovel or trowel to dig a hole

Optional: Goofer Dust or Graveyard Dirt

Crossing Oil or Hot Foot Oil


Start on a Saturday. Name the figural candle or statue with

the name of your enemy by carving the enemy's name in the

wax or writing it on the chinaware with a marker. Wrap the

candle or statuette all over with the dried spiny leaves of

blackberry vines. Lay this mess on the piece of black cloth,

wrap it up, and tie the bundle closed with black thread.

Now, in your most angry voice, tell the person what it is

you want to send back to them and then hit the packet 3

times with a hammer. Hit it really hard, to break it.

Each day for 7 days tell the figure what you want to send

back to him or her and hit the packet 3 hammer blows. By

the end of the 7 days, it should be pretty well pulverized.

When you are finished, take the bundle outdoors (to a

cemetery if you can), dig a deep hole, throw the packet in,

and cover it up. Walk away and don't look back.

To make the work stronger, you may also dress the candle or

statue first with Crossing Oil or Hotfoot Oil and you may

add Goofer Dust or Graveyard Dirt to the blackberry

leaves, but not too much, because you want that figure feel

the spiny leaves as it is crushed up in them by the hammer






Spell to bring Nightmares.

22:53 Nov 12 2011
Times Read: 661

Perform this spell on the night of a waning moon. Preparation- thirteen black candles.

Put one candle in each corner of the altar, one one each side, and one on each corner of

your pentagram. Anoint each candle with a non-purifying oil, working base to tip. Cast a circle.

Visualization- Imagine the persons dream in perfect detail, replay it over and over in your mind

until the dream is completely clear in your head. Once it is visualize your thoughts traveling to

the person, see the persons face and the dream seeping into their brain.

Invocation- invoke a dark deity or a deity of dreams and nightmares into your circle,

(I chose Incubus-the god of nightmares and dream rape, and The White Lady-

The Celtic Goddess of Terror and the underworlds,) by saying,

" I invoke thee, dark god, call thee by name.

Incubus, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds.

I invoke thee dark goddess, call thee by name.

White Lady, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds."

Incantation- Now state your purpose by saying,

"Enchanting deities of the underworld, I call upon thee to help me perform my evil deeds.

Come at once, aid this dream of terror, come at once to bring them horror.

Crawl inside his/her head deep in the night,

Bring him/her the dream I see so clear,

Bring him/her my dream of fright.

He/she shall never forget this dream I made, let it stay with him/her until her/his grave.

Now go at once, travel the night, bring (persons name) dreams of fright."

Meditate- Now sit comfortably and meditate.

First see the dream traveling to the person again, and then clear your mind of all negative thoughts.

Now close the circle and allow the candles to burn themselves out.

Warning- Protect yourself when performing this spell.

By calling upon the deities of Darkness you are putting yourself at risk.

After performing this spell it would be wise to perform a cleansing and purifying ritual on your house.

You may also want to perform a spell for pleasant dreams.





Spell t odo my bidding.

22:48 Nov 12 2011
Times Read: 662

Found this one and didnt change it to make it better. I like it the way it is.

Take three pieces of ribbon, thread, or yarn - one red, one yellow, and one

black Take them up. Tie in each one three knots, repeating the name of the one you wish to

do your bidding as you tie each one. Then bind all three pieces together and carry them or wear

them on your person. The person you have bound in this manner will not be able to resist your

wishes or commands. Add to your daily bath a spoonful or two of High John Conquering or

Success Bath, and see what a difference there will be in your life in just five to seven days!

After the bath, rub some Controlling Powder on the arms and around the shoulders. If there is a

certain person you wish to dominate, the puppet spell has many advantages.

Choose a Thursday when the moon is waxing, and at 8:00 AM, 3:00 PM, or 10:00 PM,

and only after securing your privacy so that no one will see or hear you, take an image

and label it with the name of the person you wish to sway to your will.

You can use a doll, a photograph, or even a blank piece of paper cut to resemble a human figure,.

If you have a possession of the person you are attempting to influence, so much the better -attach

hair snips with glue, rub in nail clippings, tie or sew on a sock, handkerchief, or anything belonging

to the one for whom the image is made.

Hold the doll or image in your two hands in front of you, concentrate on the person involved,

and chant, at least seven times -

"Damballah, may I (mention your own name)

come out victorious in my dealing with (mention the person's name)."

Work with the doll each day at the same hour for nine days.

After the image is named and tagged, this should never change.

No doll should be used for more than one person.

If you wish to influence several persons, use a different doll for each one.





Black Art Blood Spell

22:33 Nov 12 2011
Times Read: 663

To stop an enemy from bringing harm, here is what you must do,

procure a special oil, of Dragon's blood and Rue.

Add to it a pinch of poppy, nightshade and some thyme,

add to that three tiny drops, of some bitter wine.

Anoint a black candle with your victim's name and seal it with an "X",

then chant these words most carefully, to send forth this darksome hex:

Darksome powers of the night,

gather round my candle's flame,

send my enemy in shaded flight,

send my enemy away in shame.

Say this chant 13 times, on the darkest moon,

The Old Ones then will hear your plight and will grant your boon.





7 nights of Hell candle spell.

22:22 Nov 12 2011
Times Read: 664


I like this one if you only slightly mad at someone and you want to teach them a lesson.

This spell will inflict serious pain and sores on thine enemy for a period of 7 strange days.

After which the spell is lifted he is made well again.

Take a black candle and place a picture of thine enemy in front of you and tilt

the candle so the wax drips upon the would be victim in the picture.

Visualize the wax burning sores into the body of thine enemy.

While doing so, recite the following 3 times

"As I do this candle spell

Bring thine enemy7 nights of hell

Candle black, black as night

Bring him pains of flesh tonight!

lesions on his skin will grow

Afflict him with a painful blow

Sores and pain afflict him now

for 7 nights he'll wonder how

Dukes of darkness, Kings of hell

Smite thine enemy, bring him hell

when 7 nights of pain have past

Make him well, well at last".

After sitting and thinking about the sores that will inflict your enemy and the

pain he will suffer you may then extinguish the candle. When 7 nights have

past tear up the photo and say the following.

"When 7 nights of pain endured,

I lift this curse rest assured

Darkness leave him, go away,

the curse is lifted now, today!"





Anger revenge blood spell.

05:31 Nov 11 2011
Times Read: 678

I increased this spell and have used it agaisnt a few ones on VR that deserved it.

You will need.

Name and/or photo of the Victim.

A candle in which you can drip wax from.




Light the candle and let it burn. The candle color should be ether Red or Black. and drip 7 drops of blood onto the photo. If you don't have those colors and can't get them, just use any.

Stare at the flame, holding the photo of the person/Name of the person in your hand.

Chant the following four times:

''Hass, Zorn.

Hate and anger reborn.

I summon the Queen of sorrow.

To make you feel regrets from tomorrow.

No one will hear your cries now.

Choke on your lies now.''

**Hass and Zorn means Hate and Anger in German**

Now, set the photo/name down and and douse it completely in wax. Use this time to explain why you are angered/hurt by the person and why you are hexing them right now.

When its done, you can ether do one of the following for the result you want:

* To give the Victim Nightmares:

Put the wax covered Item in a dark and unused area such as a basement or attic.


* To give them regrets and sorrow:

write the word ''Regret'' on a piece of paper, 100 times, wrap the paper around the item and tie it closed, then throw it into a lake or somewhere near water. If you can't get to a place like that, simply bury it and pour water over the dirt.

* To make them fear you:

You do this if your super pissed really. Simply take the Item outside and start a small bonfire and throw it in. Watch the flames burn and charge the fire with your anger and hatred.

* To make them feel lost (emotionally):

Go somewhere high like a hill or cliff. Or on a very windy day and throw the item and allow the wind to carry it away.

I hope it works for the best for you guys.

blessed be.





Fire binding spell ( for you again Sis.)

04:35 Nov 11 2011
Times Read: 682

You will need.

1 Foot of String

1 Picture of your enemy

1 Open Flame ( use red candle in bowl)


Take the picture and wrap it in the string while chanting

''In the mortal plain You may cause me no pain Soon your face will meet the flame.''

After your done wrapping it drop it in the fire. After it's done burning and it's cool take the ashes and pour them into your lawn, garden, or a body of water




Fire protection spell ( for you my Sister Skyrah)

04:28 Nov 11 2011
Times Read: 683

You will need.




1 white candle to hold the whole time.


In a clear spot at least 20 feet in diameter, gather together plenty of wood, matches, and a quantity of water. Taking up one of the sticks of wood, draw a rough circle about 11 feet in diameter. Determine the directions(use a compass. the sun, moon, stars) and lay a small fire at each point just inside the cricle: north, south, east, west.

Lay the fires, but do not light them. Next to each, place enough fuel to keep them burning at least half an hour.

Walking up to the south first, light the fire, shouting these words as you do:

Nothing from the south can harm me!

Move to the west.

Light the fire and say:

Nothing from the west can harm me!

Then to the north and repeat, and finally the east.

Snatch up a burning stick from the southern fire and thrust it at the sky above you(be careful of burning sparks and ashes) and say:

Nothing from above can harm me!

Next throw the flaming wood on the earth and say:

Nothing from below can harm me!

Replace the stick in the southern fire and sit in the center of the circle, watching the fires burn. As necessary, add more fuel. Know that the fires are literally burning away all that comes to harm you, on every level.

Firmly implant in your mind the sight of the fires burning around you, the feel of their heat(which can become intense), their light, and their protective qualities.

When the fires begin to die and you feel the power ebbing, bury the fires with earth or sand, douse with water, and obliterate the circle you've drawn on the ground.

Leave the area but retain the fiery circle of protection within your memory, so that it can be recalled at any time you feel the need for protection: physical, spiritual, or mental.

You can use 4 red candles instead of fire if doing inside.




Epyptian lust spell.

01:38 Nov 11 2011
Times Read: 686


Im sure you will all love to try this one. :)

Things You'll need for the Egyptian Lust and Passion Spell:

1 Red Candle

7 of your hairs

A piece of gauze (3x3 inches)

A piece of parchment paper (3x3 inches)


Small Bowl filled with 4 tablespoon of water



Your Name as well as your Lovers Name

How to Cast the Passion and Lust Spell:

1.Cleanse and Consecrate the Candle

2.Light your candle and do so consciously. Be aware that fire has an affinity with the spiritual realm.

3.Dissolve the Safran in the water until it turns yellow.

4.Use the toothpick, dip it in the water and write your name as well as your lovers name on the parchment paper.

5.Put the hairs on top of the parchment paper.

6.Fold the parchment paper twice so that you have a square of 1.5 x 1.5 inches

7.Wrap it into the gauze

8.Drop wax on the gauze to keep the gauze wrapped around the parchment paper

9.While you wrap the parchment paper into the gauze and seal it with wax focus on your wish for your lover to feel strong love, passion and lust for you. Try to build up as much energy as you can.

10.Once you have communicated your wishes and goals thank Divinity and blow off the candle.

11.Hide the Talisman in your bedroom until your wish comes true.

12.When what you have called comes to you, be sure to thank Divinity for your good fortune.

13.Return the Talisman to nature by either burning it, burying or or throwing it into a river, lake or the ocean.




Egyptian control spell.

00:38 Nov 11 2011
Times Read: 689

Remeber any spells I put in you practice at your own risk.


•13 small black candles

*4red candles



•Something personal from the person you want to cast the control spell upon (a lock of hair, a picture, a piece of clothing, their name written on a piece) The item must be preferably small.

•1 chicken heart

* 1 chicken liver

•Needle or Knife

•Sheet of Parchment Paper


How to cast the Control Spell:

•Put the sheet of parchment paper on a flat surface (such as a table) in front of you.

•Write the following in the center of the parchment paper using the pencil:

•"You do as I tell you, You think what I command, You feel what I want you to feel"

•Surround the Parchment Paper with the 13 candles and 4 candles at each corner.

•Light the candles using matches

•Stand over the parchment paper/candles and place the personal item from the person you want to cast the control spell upon on top of the words you have previously written on it.

•Using each of the 13 candles drop 13 drops of wax on the item saying the following when you pick up each candle:

•"Sabete Latepo"

•While you are dropping the wax focus intensely on your wish and the person you are casting the control spell upon.

•Cut yourself with the knife or needle. You will need 3 drops of your own blood (from your hand) and drop it on top of the wax.

•Add the chicken heart

•Wrap the parchment paper and make a package containing all the items. Use the twine to hold the package together.

•Blow off each candle saying:

•"Sabetto Lepati"

•Bury the package under a tree

•On the night of the following full moon light the 13 candles and let them burn out.

I take other spells and improve them.




Inner Fire Blood Magik.

22:31 Nov 04 2011
Times Read: 708

Here is a Blood Magik Spell I just completed.

Do this at your own risk.


1 pentegram

1 pentacle

1 red candle

1 black candle

1 white candle

1 yellow candle

1 other candle of a color of your own choosing

6 drops of your own blood

silver blade

To start things off, draw your pentegram on any suitable material. Next, draw your pentacle and something and place that in your pocket. Then place in order from left to right- the candles, the candle that you picked should end up at the lowest point of the pentegram. Next, cut yourself on the hand (or bicep) of the arm that you write with with the silver blade and let the 6 drops of blood drip from that hand onto the center of the pentegram. Then light the candles until some of the wax from each of the candles drip onto the pentegram.

After each of candles drip wax onto the pentegram, extinguish the candles. Leave every object involved in the spell-casting in their place until five moons have passed and then stand by the pentegrams and candles and chant the following incantation,''Sir Azazel, grant me the energy of one of your brethren so I may walk the path of shadows and keep both light and darkness in my mind, aura, and soul.''

Once this is done, meditate under the largest tree that you can find underneath a body of water... of if you are in the city, go to the most private secluded area (preferably near water and or trees) and concentrate in your mind the powers and abilities that you want to gain. Only do this for two hours... keep a timer on yourself, no more certainly no less than the timed mentioned above. '

Note: The spell effects are permanent and will begin to take effects days after it is cast... as one will be strengthened permanently physically, mentally, and spiritually (all of which will increase one's spell-casting capability)- expect to grow in strength in all aspects steadily pver time.


Note of advisory for those who are weak: if u are too weak to gain the energy of demons, you will experience nightmares as a result of a curse placed upon you as a result of your failure and you will have to cleanse yourself with curse removal.





Voodoo Revenge Spell.

20:26 Nov 04 2011
Times Read: 709

Voodoo Revenge Spell



Cloth or sponge

Chicken Blood


Red paint


Blank chart paper


Black candle

Lemongrass oil




Make a cloth or sponge doll of the person against whom you seek revenge.

Dip the doll in a pot of chicken blood. Coat the doll with clay. Paint it red.

Stick pins into it and with each pin say the following,

“May the vengeance in my heart,

Sting you like a poisoned dart.

Like a cripple may you live?

Until I so wish.

And like a vagabond may you wander,

Like a trembling gasping fish.

Dead or deaf, mute or maim,

May the higher powers grant my every passionate claim?”

On a blank chart paper, write the revenge you want against the person concerned and their name. Wrap the doll in that paper and fasten it with a string. With a black candle dipped in lemongrass oil, set it on fire and chant the spell until it is reduced to ashes.

Collect the ashes in a bottle and cork it well. Mix the ashes into the drink of the person and feed it. The intended revenge shall begin to show its effect within twenty-four hours of drinking the ashes




Spell to contact the dead.

20:12 Nov 04 2011
Times Read: 710

This spell is not for the fait of heart. For Ive increased the power of the original spell.



Materials Required:

Soot from chimney

Red wine

Two black candles

Parchment paper


Eagle feather fitted with a nib

Dirt from the grave

Personal item of the one to be contacted.


Prepare ink out of the soot and red wine. This can be done easily by mixing the two ingredients. To obtain a thicker texture, add more soot to the wine.

Set up an altar in an appropriate spot and place the candles side by side in such a way that face each other horizontally. Take the parchment paper and cut it in a way that it fits in between the two candles. Dip the eagle feather in the ink that you have prepared and write the following incantation on the parchment:

It is my wish that I contact my (how the dead person is related to you, mother/father etc), (name of the dead person). Let it be known to them that I deeply mourn his/her death and I affirm my sorrow by means of this ink on this paper. Let this letter be received as a symbol of my love, as a symbol of my commitment, that I shall never cease mourning him/her until I draw my last breath.

You may also include on the parchment questions that you have, memories or messages that you wish to send to the person that needs to be contacted. Have the paper folded thrice and sealed with herbs. Burn the paper by placing it between the two candles. Once this is done, collect the ashes and place in a glass cup or jar. The person that you wish to contact will come to you either in a dream or as a vision while you are awake. You may ask as many questions as you want during that time.




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