So while doofing I took photos and sent them to him, then I rang up with our friends to talk to him, in that time he was given directions to the doof, police came only to turn out to be a taxi and was just filled in with normal doof rubbish....then I got on!
It went like this.....
Me - Hey I took you doofing with me!
Him - Yeah you did!
Me - How cools this your doofing!
Him - Yeah I am!
Me - how are you, its been ages, since, since ohhhhhhh....Ah Ummmmmmm
Him - Yeah.........
Me - Ohhhh......ah this is why you delete peoples numbers and put them somewhere safe for when you are in a different avoid situations like these.....
Him - Yeah it is!
Me - Ummmmmmmmmm yeah ah Ummmmmmm
Me - (realizing just how very straight he was and just how not I was) yeah ah ummmmmm hmmmmmmm.......
Him - So how are you? whats new?
Me - Oh ahhh I got caught in the flood coming back....twice infacted.....
Phone Battery Dies.......................
Wow......I do well!!!!!!!!
So our fight has succumb to smsing our feelings in rhymes to each!
His Message -
Would you like a box of tissues
Or will you sort out all your issues
Im the kind of person who
likes to be around a (something about different types of people???)
It really does invigorate
you really should try it some time
I wish for you to take of the mask
you can come to me any time
do you like my little rhyme
My reply -
Look...You know about my private hell
Your the only one that I could tell
My issues just wont go away
And I guess these ghosts are here to stay
So guess I'll take the tissues please
I never know when I will sneeze
but Im up for fun any time
Fuck its hard to make this rhyme
You have to take me the way I am
And try your best to understand
Strong enough to over look my flaws
And I will over look your whores
I know that thats not really it
But I like the way the word did fit
I know your there day or night
And I dont want for us to fight
But then you said to go away
And I just wanted to stay and play
With the toys that I brought down
To have some fun in that 2 horse town
I now get to add getting stranded in a natural disaster while driving 22 hours, thanks to detours, to see best friend only to have a fight and turn round and leave after being there for under 6 hours to get stranded on the other side of the natural disaster for another 2 days to my life story!
So I see him tomorrow...amidst all the confusion, anger, worry, love we have for each other, we are still best friends....and nothing will change that!
He I knew he would, am I missing something here because it left me more confussed than before.
His voice sounded he asked how everything was, then he was asking about me coming down, that people I hardly know are missing me that they ask when Ill be visiting next nearly everyday!
"you dont need to tell me your on your way...just turn up on my door and surprise me if you want saying I'm here for you to deal with me...can you come on my days off....we'll be able to spend the 3 days together alone but come down whenever you want you know you dont need an invite!"
Then he was saying sorry for being so distant, that when I get there I will know why!
So I told him I would come see him soon.....just not sure when!
His Mum says I am the only girl that he has ever given his best part to...that I have won him over...if that is the case why do I want to scream "What the fuck is going on between us?"
I did it....I did this.... whether right or wrong its done! *Sobs Hard*
So in the 6 weeks since Dads death, Mum has got me to go through all his stuff and get rid of everything out of the house and now I am to sell the house as away his stuff that he owned and loved was awful, I feel like my soul is being ripped out of my body...and now the house where I grew up is going to be gone from my life as well....what is happening to I destined to loose everything that has some kind of meaning or memory to me....everything that I hold dear is gone....and I have nothing left that I can reach out and grab hold onto!
I just want someone to tell me that things are going to be ok....I just really think that they are not going to be!
Things really are going to be okay.
Giving away things which may be of use to others is a kindness, throwing away things which may otherwise stop you and your family from moving on is wise.
The one thing which will remain is the most important thing of all.
That thing is of course the love he held in his heart for you and the love you hold in your heart for him.
It's only been six weeks, of course your going to be raw hon *hugs*.
Well stated Sinora.
So a year has gone past..... I never, never, never thought it would of been like this.....