Honor: 10,094 [ Give / Take ]
7 entries this month
Presswood junk.
00:00 Mar 27 2007
Times Read: 1,046
Why is it that people think when you move that worthless presswood furniture that you put together, it is going to make thru a move?
Boys called me to say the customer is having a fit about a desk. I asked what happen and they tell me the side leg is broken. After I bite my tongue, I tell them I will be there. Telling me not to be long, as they would be finished within an hour.
I arrive to a man, who… well pardon the phase, but who just thought his shit did not stink. I mean he was going off on me before I even got out of the truck. The way he acted, I was thinking a family antique, a priceless family heirloom.
He leads me to the garage, and I follow, seeing the boys closing up the truck, I notice it. They are smiling. Why are those little shits smiling? I turn into the garage and find a presswood desk, with the side leg bolding outward.
I listen to the man, and express how sorry I was it been damaged. “Is this the only piece?” Thinking it was a section- one of those L shape units that take up the whole wall, I could see the anger. “Yes, that is my desk.” Folks- it did not even have a top to it, no hutch like bookcase. It was just a plain, presswood cheap desk with a keyboard tray.
Then he said the magic words that just make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. “That is why I am paying for a mover, to not have damage.” I smile, and turn to him, trying my best to remember my manners, and that this man does have a claim. I asked him, besides this, if anything else been damaged. He tells me no. He calmed down a little, and I tried to as well.
Telling him human errors happen, I will pay him what the coverage he agreed to will pay. That made him pissed again. Telling me that will not cover it, he expects me to pay all of it. I am sorry folks- but that is what insurance is. Let me move a house full of furniture, valued at god knows, for $400.00. Do you expect anyone to take that risk? Thus- insurance is offered to you.
Getting the Bill of Lading, I see he did not buy any, going with the basic that would pay around $60.00 for the desk. I tried to explain, and he makes a rude comment. Well- this is the time I said screw it. I told him it was a cheap desk, and not worth much more then I was offering.
I also pointed out that there is a reason they are in parts. They were not, and never will be able to move together and not become weaken, or broken. Only held together by a form of lock washer, nothing more. They are made to be placed in a home, and left alone. Did he not agree?
He calmed down, paid his bill with the $60.00 taken off, even talked nice to the boys before they left. He never said a word to me. Oh well.
15:00 Mar 21 2007
Times Read: 1,061
CellularOne is our carrier. First- the damn phones will not work half the time, but is understandable with the hills we live in. I mean- I understand the whole antenna, cater to people, not the rural areas cows.
What really pisses me off is the billing. The bill usually hits my desk around the end of the month. Due by the 12th, I pay the bill when it comes in. One month I did not get a bill, and I never noticed it…until Dad comes in to tell me his phone was not working. I called, and the “It’s you responsibility to see the bill is paid.” Hard to do when you do not get the funking bill. I placed it on my credit card, asking them to turn the one phone they turned off back on.
Now I make a note to myself- cell bill, have you seen it? All is well until this last month. I find a reminder on my voice mail- bill is past due. I stand there in my living room, knowing full well I paid that bill a few weeks ago. I called the number they left to make a payment and told them that. “You need to call your bank and have them see if the check cleared.” No Shit Sherlock.
I did the next morning and it had not shown back up as deposited. I made another call, and charged the bill again, just ready to bite someone’s head off. Because heaven knows, they will not wait a freaking minute before they will shut off your service. I have a great payment history. I paid the bills, but for the one I did not receive. But nooo… tell me again you turn off the service to all phones like I am trying to rip you off.
Today in the mail, I get March’s bill. Credit of $97.34, last month bill amount. *turns to show her butt, slapping it.* Kiss my ass- I funking told you I paid the bill. Now how much time left on the contract I signed?
*growls* It just pissed me off.
17:05 Mar 20 2007
Times Read: 1,071
The evil known as Power Track strikes again. The company I am paying to do the billing for our company left me an email, and I called her back to check what was going on.
Out of the stack of bills, she has had for over week- she has still not gotten any paid. Now, like me, you might ask why that is.
The code on the first, what she called the problem child, the system’s problem has been identify and being fixed, by the tech team. Seems the program/system would not take the information as it was. It was a small job, and we packed, loaded, drove the 120 some miles, worked a little late to unload. Job all done in a day. The bill we tried to submit showed that. The computer kept throwing it out with a code no one, at least in customer service, had an idea what meant. I know this as that is the one we could never get an answer. O.o
Now we move on to the other one she sees a problem on. It has a riding mower in the shipment. Bulky Item- more money to move it. She asked me to fax the Kentucky tariff that covers this item, as the system is not taking the code for this. I faxed the page, and she tells me she will address the tech department with the issue.
So- out of the stack, she has the two almost done, just waiting for the Power Track to update. They are earning what I am paying them, and more.
See why we gave up on it?
* mumbles… Fuc... government…. Oh lets do it this way, it will be so easy, cut down on cost and labor…. Son of a ….*
People who can not give directions.
20:36 Mar 19 2007
Times Read: 1,084
People who cannot give directions. Calling a shipper who lives in Louisa, KY., I asked her to tell me how to get to the min storage, thinking it could not be hard to find. Now- this town is small. I mean population of 7,000 people.
“How are you coming in?”
“On Hwy# 23, out of Ulysses.”
“Do you know were the gas station at the light?”
This I do know, as it has a gothic touch to it. “Yes, I do.”
“Well, turn right at that light.”
“Do you know the name, route?”
“No- but it will bring you into town.”
“Ok” reaches over to the laptop to hit the new poll question.
“You know were the fire department is?”
Hello? Small town here.
“No, but I am sure I can find it. From there- were do I go?”
“Oh, it’s not near the fire department.”
Roll my eyes.
“But do you know the City Hall building before the fire department?”
Now – if I do not know were the fire department is, why would I know were City Hall is? I hit the button to take me to the profile, telling her no.
“Ok. You turn at the gas station, and you go up to the first light.”
I pick up a pen, thinking she is finally going to start.
“There is a little grocery store there…..”
I write down- first light, see store and turn...
I reach over to rated four profiles while I learn more about that store and the little auto shop across the road ran by Mr. So and so son. She finally stops talking.
“Do I turn left or right?”
“Oh, you do not turn either way. You go thru that light and the next one…”
Oh my gods! People who cannot give directions worth a damn piss me off!
Map quest is a good thing.
Dog pee and Power Track. :)
13:34 Mar 12 2007
Times Read: 1,117
My gods what a morning and its not even 9:00 am yet. Woken by the phone at 5:10 am, I feared the worst. My mother is telling me the puppy needed walked. “What?” Still half asleep, I sit up, cold air hitting me to wake me up instantly. “Your father left at little while ago and he never walked the dog.”
I frown, looking at the time, wondering why my father is out this early when her voice speaks into my ear. “Are you there?” in that MOM voice. “Yes. I will be there in a few minutes.” Trust me- not the voice you blow off. Pulling on sweats, I leave the house, heading down the road to my mothers.
Dad’s plan for the day was taking a pump to Knoxville TN. to be rebuilt, and he left so he would be the first customer waited on at the shop. He tried to leave without waking my Mother, but he woke the dog. Who in turn woke my mother with barks of wanting to pee.
LOL… kind of funny, but for the whole waking me up out of a sound sleep, a dream I would love to see to the end, if you know what I mean. *wink*
Safe to say I am at work on time this morning when I get a phone call first thing. From the DOD Headquarter for the Transportation Dept. He understood I was having some problems with Power Track. *Arched my brow*
After twenty minutes of me telling him what I think of the system, and the total lack of training on the customer service, how you ask them to explain errors- and they are unable to as they do not know that code, not showing up in their little code books. Giving him the thirty three outstanding ticket numbers that we started back on 1/27 that are still not answered, he tells me he had no idea there was problem with the system. WTF? Please…
I explain how I went to the USBANK to ask for help, I went to the “Old paper billing” department to ask for help. I have called my base. I have done everything I knew to do.
While I understand we will have problems until we learn the system, it would help if the help/customer service would return you phone calls, and understand the system their self.
I informed the gentleman that if he would talk to the movers- if he would show a little concern for the people who work for them- he would have known Power Track has problem. “Burying your head in the sand is just going to get you a pink rosy ass.” That is when my sister slaps my arm, giving me an evil glare. But hell folks… seven weeks, and we only have one bill paid, the others held up by errors we must correct, but no one knows what the codes are? Screw that. He called me, I never called him. Never ask me what I think and expect me not to tell you.
Oh- You wonder why he called? Gee… could it of been the two page letter I sent my Congressman and Senator? Could it be the end of the letter- telling them I am a small company, the lack of funds is hurting my ability to prepare for the peak season that is fast approaching us. As I have done the work, all I am asking for is payment. I would hate for this to be in the newspaper, if I am unable to stay in business because of the great wisdom of those who forced us to use a faulty system know as Power Track.
Gee- you think that might have had something to do with it?
My plans? I am paying a firm to do my billing, for the above-mentioned reasons. I have to get the trucks ready, packing supplies in. I need the bills paid. I will pay this firm- a firm that I was sent to by the customer service.
What are the chances this firm had nothing to do with the making of Power Track system? Damn Skippy I told the DOD person that also.
Yes- hell of a morning.
I let him live... :)
20:17 Mar 09 2007
Times Read: 1,133
Does it come as a surprise I lost my temper? Nah. Does it come as a surprise that I let him live? LOL Maybe.
Meet with a man who was here to check on the oven my dad damaged. Dad was worried all day yesterday, as he was to of been here yesterday. Made an appointment even. Dad was sick by this morning, even with me telling him not to worry.
The man shows up this morning and he tells me how he is here to decide if the oven had to be replaced. Well hell- I could have told him that on the phone. I could of sent digital pictures if he of asked. I said nothing, trying to keep my mouth shut. (Oh... do not act shocked. I can do it if I need to. lol)
In addition, he was here to check out the other product. I understand they want to check it out. I mean- out of the 720 pieces we handed, we have damaged two. One small dent on a mixer when the pallet broke. (That was my fault :) Now the oven that my father drop. We walk out to the warehouse and he looks at the oven, and then he started. Now folks- I have accepted the mistake. I have called the companies, owners involved. I have informed my cargo insurance agent, sending him pictures and the contract I have with the above company.
However, when he starts this shit- “Why in the world would anyone make the mistake of picking this up on the wrong side? How the hell anyone can be stupid enough…” Ohhh.. That was all I was putting up with. I asked Dad to go get me a clipboard and notepad out of the office, as I will need to make notes. Dad flew to get away, leading me to understand just how upset he was at this little pricks words. I had to stop this asshole now, before he upset my father more.
After oh so politely telling this little shit that I will not have ANYONE talking to my father like that, have a policy that will cover 700,000.00 worth of cargo, then a two million dollar liability policy that would kick in if I need it. If he thinks I cannot afford to pay for the oven, he was wrong. Hell, I can write him a check for it today.
But if he did not stop the comments concerning the accident that lead to the oven damage, I will have the all the items sitting out on the street in ten minutes. He asked if I was joking.
When it comes to my family and friends - I don't joke.
Told him the accident happen- lets move past it. Dad returned and we finished the inspection, the few items that had outside damage, and the freight bills showed was there when we received. Even the one unit that the pallet was broken, he saw how we fixed, so the item would not flip over.
He never spoke to my father again, and he left a few minutes later. Dad said it did not go so bad, and he relaxed a little. I agreed, and asked him what he was going to have for lunch. He pointed out today is Friday and it was rib day at his favorite place to eat. Knowing he did not eat dinner or his usually bacon and eggs this morning, I told him to go eat, I will be here to handle what comes in.
Watching as he walks to his little Ford ranger pickup, his limp of his 80+ years of hard work showing, I smiled. It's a fucking oven, and means nothing to me. Unlike my Daddy who is priceless to me.
And if I have to be a bitch to keep my father safe and happy- then I will be the biggest in town.