If you don’t want to hear….uh... read me cussing then you better stay away from this. It is a rant.
I come into work and I start the NEW Dell notebook as I turn the heat up and stuff. I come back in a few minutes and see that it’s not sign in yet. Now… I am using my old notebook at home, leaving this piece of sit in the office. The same piece of shit that froze up the first day I had it, having to unplug/pull battery to even get it to shut down.
Long list of shit wrong with it- and Dell is sending a replacement. By the way- it's to be here today. O.o But that is not helping me right now. So I call the number I know by heart…and a while later I get a person. Now…as ANYONE who has talked to me will tell you I do not pick on how people talk- but by gods you could at least make sense to me.
Then they flip me over to tech and I get someone. I give him the numbers he ask for then he asked for my credit card number. Why? It’s only two months old and I have the extra warranty on it. Seems I am mistaken. WHAT THE FUCK?
Safe to say I started to ask for supervisors. I finally got one I could understand and I told him the problem. “What is the problem with the notebook, XXXX?” The XXXX is my first name as it is on the credit card, so .. That was the second big GRRRR for me. But lets not be to bitchy about that. “My problem is the fucking piece of shit sitting on my desk that has the words DELL on it isn’t working, going online.” “I see. Let’s let you go to Dell connect.” “What part of NOT going online are you having trouble understanding?” O.o I love that shit.. Let’s get you online so you can hit this and that like a trained monkey for me. Fucking screw that. I did not buy this thing to have to work on it every freaking ass day.
Funny- as I type this DHL just brought my new replacement to me. LOL How butt fuck ironic is that???
So the guy tells me to take my computer to the router, and I try to plug it in. No go. He starts this shit that the router is bad, not giving a signal…bullshit bullshit…but I know it’s this laptop. NOT the first time it’s causing problems for me. AND by that time I have talked to my sister at my mom’s and guess what DSL she is on? Fucking A. It is working for her so this little piss ant needs to rethink that shit. I pulled the plug that comes direct from the phone jack and plug it in and it starts right up.
The guy is like “That still is not a problem with your computer. You will need to replace or enter the information of your router..” “No I don’t It was working yesterday. It KNOWS the router and the router was working this morning for my sister.” And boy she got pissed when I unplugged it as she was downloading some billing information.
As he start to spout off tech shit that I don’t understand even in perfect English (What is that? Do they just love to use all those terms to sound all educated, or is it me?) I pulled some cords and plugged the computer to the router. Then I hauled off and slap the hell out of it- right at the mouse area. Guess what? The damn mother or a toaster fucking started to WORK! The man is silent when I did it. Total silent. “Well you know what? I think all things that don’t work just need the shit slap out of them. And the damn thing is working now… so you tell me again in that tech terms you love to throw out how a good old fashion slap got it to work? I TOLD you - there is a problem with its brains.”
He goes online and he plays around for a bit, telling me what he is doing…and me telling him I don’t want to hear it. Really- I can see what he is doing, why fucking tell me. JUST FIX the damn thing. " I don't think it's too much to ask for a new computer to work. Is that just asking for the sun to shine at night, or what?" Not like I understand what he is doing anyway. He asked me of the other problems I had with this machine. I told him then asked a few questions of my own. “How the world did a piece of shit like this get thru quality control? Now wait…never mind as I read the latest news on Dell.” Little mother… like I am the only one who has had a problem with the shit they sell. Yes- I am the one making Dell the shitty ass company it is.
Then after he plays a while, he goes back to the router having problems. “Ok- I know I am not a computer person, not even all that smart. BUT- when its plugged into the router and is working, that means nothing is wrong with the router. This cable is what I would be using on a desktop.” He tells me some shit that that does not mean the router’s wireless is working. “Then tell me why I can hit the button to show me available networks the BELKIN is the one with all the freaking bar’s? The computer is seeing it there- it just can’t grab it.”
This is when Dad comes into the room as my voice is getting a little louder “I might not be smart and have ALL your training but by god I do have some common sense. The little wireless chippy thingy or program is not working! How hard is that to see??? IF my sister is able to use the thing- then I SHOULD be. DON’T tell me its my router again, asshole” Dad looks at me and I tell him, and yes… I made sure the dude heard me “It’s a freaking ass miracle I am able to get out of bed. that I am smart enough to get out of bed. They think they are the smartest shit around when ANYONE with half a brain can see the problem. Something is wrong with the computer. Now let’s see if the ass can fix it.”
I am told to hold as another tech is being brought in. Gee you THINK! Guess what- that one fixed it to where I can unplug the router and it stayed online. And yes- he went into programs and all that other stuff that when I see I just back out. That one knew what he was ding, found what was wrong and fixed it with some kind of downloads and its fixed.…at least for today.
This is my problem with tech people- the attitude. We are not as smart as you- that you know or we would not be calling. But by gods- its our computer and we live with it. We might know how it acts, and we LOVE to be treated like a customer not a child that is a pest and does not do as you ask. If I did what he asked I would of spent another $100.00 on a router and still not be able to get online. Little SOB. Now let‘s see if this new one is any better. Be working on getting my files and pictures reloaded tonight. With a big glass in my hand.
The drink is for me... not the computer. Well... maybe not for the computer. GRRRRRR!
Why can't people make them in half size? I mean... you open the tall white package and a month later when you open it again- stale. Let's just say Polly would never want for a cracker at my house.
Why can't they make things for single people?
Like hamburger and hotdog buns in pairs? And bread... what the hell is it with bread? Like I am going to eat 40 slices in the two weeks its going to stay unmoldy?
Really.... just pisses me off is all.
*goes back t eating peanut butter on STALE crackers*
Come to Canada- they actually package some of them in half sizes like you want ;)
See...See...There's that Canda thing again! That Saharia is one smart cookie, or cracker, or slice of bread.
1) Put the bread in the freezer. Keep 1/4 loaf out in a gallon zip bag.
2) Put the crackers in a gallon zip bag.
You really should keep the crackers in a zip bag anyway...You don't want rodents getting at them do you?....Oh, wait......Nevermind!
Eat it blue babe! hhaha
She can't put it in the freezer- it would take up room better saved for steak and Ice Cream!
It is because the manufacturers want you to eat twice as much! The should be sued for making one over indulge! *burp* heh