06:45 Apr 23 2007
Times Read: 920
Sometimes my dreams are very dark.
As I wake up, frighten, I can only remember small parts of them.
Enough to know I do not wish to return to sleep.
Evil bunnies.. oh my!
21:01 Apr 17 2007
Times Read: 944
Connie looks around the garden wall, and sees the red-eyed baby rabbit eating the clover. Baby size as in a 3-foot baby. Who knew the evil red-eyed bunny had babies before they were able to kill it. They had to stop the bunnies before they moved on to more then the town’s gardens for food.
Nita looked over Connie shoulder and spoke softly. “I don’t know. Maybe he will be a nice huge bunny.” Connie rolled her eyes, pushing her off, and turned back to her sister. “Of the seven we have hunted- did any of them act normal?” Nita sat down and gave a sigh, her crossbow across her lap “Were is she?” Nita asked, waiting on Kay to return before they took the bunny down.
In the silence, you hear a cuss word of “Shit.” Then Kay came thru the shrubs, arms held up to block the thorny bush from hitting her face. “Hush...” Connie told her, a net to trap the bunny laid beside her. Kay dropped, crawling to them, dragging the plastic bag with her. “Sorry… but those hurt.”
Nita moved aside so Kay could sit between them. “Did you get it?” “Yes.” She pulls out a bag of M&M’s. Nita grab them, and open them as Connie hushed them again, looking to see the bunny still eating the grass. “That is the reason I didn't get chip.” Kay said softly, proud she thought of this.
“Did you get the bait?” Connie asked grabbing a hand full of M&M’s as Kay dug back into the bag. “Yes sir.” She pulls out a dessert cake. “You are kidding me?” Connie said, taking the snack cake. “You sent me to the gas station. What did you expect?” Nita reaches over and points to the cake, her mouth full of M&M’s. “At least it’s a carrot cake.”
Connie glanced up and spoke loudly “Duck.” Nita repeated right after her “Duck.” Kay smiled, grabbing the other carrot cake from the bag and said “Goose.” That is when the bunny landed on her head, the sound of its growls like a small lawn mower. The two moved away as Kay trashed around, trying to throw the bunny off her head, her shirt torn by the bunny’s legs at her back. Giving a loud scream, she shoved the bunny off her. Red eyes flashed as it landed a few feet away, giving a low growl.
All three watched as the bunny grabbing the carrot cake and bounced off into the field. “Well… who knew?” Connie runs after the bunny, as Nita held out her hand to pull Kay up. “Ok… just for the record- the duck word does not work for me. Maybe yell out… I don’t know… Watch Out!” Nita laughed, and ran after Connie. Kay ran a few feet, and then turned back, grabbing the M&M’s, following.
LOL- story came from my dad eating a carrot cake snack cake in front of me. Had to go revisit the evil bunnies. :)
Appointment with death?
13:04 Apr 09 2007
Times Read: 964
Strange dream last night. I was at work, and I kept making appointments on the phone. To get my teeth clean, my carpet clean, bugs sprayed at my home, eyes checked, two or three doctor’s appointments. For some reason I had to make all of them, telling them I had to have the earliest appointments available.
I leave the office, and get into my pickup, heading out on the interstate. I am driving alone and in front of me is an accident. I watch it happen, I see the cars pile up. I slam my brakes on...but I know I will be killed as a semi hits me in the back, pushing me forward, unable to stop.
And the only thing I can think of was- Mom and Dad, my sisters will be getting those reminder calls about the appointments for weeks after I am dead. Then I slam into the crushed car in front of me, the sounds of metal crashing the last thing I remember as I woke, heart racing.
Creepy, huh?