my heart is cold, ur arms are warm,
they melt the ice covering my life,
u try to mend the broken pieces of my heart.
I want 2 be with u
but am 2 scared 2 open my self up 2 u.
The fear of being hurt again causes me 2 push u away.
U tell me ur not like other boys but its hard 4 me 2 trust anyone.
Thats y when u found me broken,
I was in a dark world were noone could get me or hurt me.
U saved me from dying and kept me whole,
everytime i lased out on u, u always stayed by myside and 4 that i thank u........
U are my one and true hero
in the darkness
i try to hide
but nomatter where i hide
ur light always finds me
even when im bleeding to death u always come and save me
even though i dont want to be saved
go away and leave me alone
my heart says death is the best thing for me
who are u to take that from me
To me you'll be
Forever sacred
Im dying
But I know
Our love will live
Your hand above
Like a dove
Over me
To me you'll be
Forever sacred
21:10 Aug 18 2008
very sad
17:32 Dec 13 2008
i love this one it so true