Who Am I?
I am a daughter,
a sister,
a neice,
and an aunt,
I am a cousin,
a granduaghter,
a friend,
and a foe,
I am a bitch,
a lover,
a hater,
and more.
Who Am I?
I am Krys,
and that is all i want to be.
-Krys M.
I am the solider on the front line,
risking my life for my country,
watching my fellow man die,
with nothing I do to stop it,
When I get shot,
do you here my scream?
do you know my name?
do you care?
To you I have voice,
i am just another life lost,
i am here of my own free will,
you take my serveses for granted,
Thuogh you complane about life in America,
you know nothing outside of it,
you don't know me,
but why should you,
I am just the solider on the front line.
-Krys M.
I wish I could forgive you,
forgive you for the pian,
forgive you for the torment,
I wish I could forgive you
for the happiness,
that you abrouptly took away,
forgive you for what you've done,
I do wish i could forgive,
but to forgive,
would mean to forget,
and that is something i will never be able to do.
-Krys M.
10:08 Sep 27 2009
Oh but duddet, you could be soo much turtlish more!