today I was hoping to get my vampire bat necklace but the mail hasn't shown up but anyways... the last couple days has brought with it a number of suprises on Halloween i was walking my aunts dog around the neighborhood as I was walking I saw a bat flying in broad daylight then the next suprise was to find out my dad got me the purse I wanted after that we went for coffee and to my suprise he wanted to learn to do meditation that caught me off gaurd but its a good thing cause he and I could learn it together cause I know it would be good for both of us but then again its been so long since I have meditated. Another suprise is we are soon going to buy a place of our own hopefully in January or Febuary I am excited about the prospect of having a place to own that will be my own. I have thought I would not get to this point in my life but hopefully soon. Another thing that I am suprised about is the fact that it has been a year and 3 months since I have moved back to my grandaprents with my dad it has been a very fast and crazy but all in all we have done a good job of getting back on our feet and now we are closer than ever to owning our own place which I am very happy about and hopefully I myself will have a job soon so I can help my dad with what is needed for my new place well bye for now
today is a new day it is November 1st and i sit here wondering how last month went by so fast and my thoughts are wowhere we go with another month and hopefully it will be better than the previous month. As i sit here i wonder what the dark months ahead will bring and i hope they will even more happy and healthy for everyone as last month was fun because of Halloween and i hope thanksgiving will bring in more fun. as we get into november i am thinking of the dark months as a way to bring in my mysterious ways and to bring in more mysteries of my self into the darkness and thinking of my family as one big hopefully happy and healthy as my grandmother gets sick this time of year and i hope to stay healthy and hopefully be moving soon to a new place. i hope everyone had a good and safe holiday and a healthy month to come