today is december 9th and i am starting my christmas wish list for my family and i am hoping to be at least ready for the craziness of the family getting together and all the gifts involved i just hope my grandmother is up to cooking whatever she may make since usally this time of year she gets sick now that the holiday season is upon us. i just hope that this year and next will be prosperous as we slowly end the year but anyways my favorite part of this time of year is the sent of fire places going the decorating the excess food and drink and of course the gift giving though goddess forbid that anyone gets sick with the flu or has a major sickness of any sort. partly because i know that the holidays bring the good out in people i hope the needy get what they may need since the weather has been cold especially in my area only the last couple of days have been in the 70s and i hope it stays that way but as we know it probally won't cause it is almost winter and it will cool down. last winter was cold and so far it has been a cold fall headed into winter. well i hope everyone has a wonderful winter soltice and chistmas may we all live to enjoy the holidays