Vaengr's Journal

Vaengr's Journal


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12 entries this month



10:50 Aug 30 2014
Times Read: 391



09:57 Aug 30 2014
Times Read: 393

I know... this song is everywhere right now, but... I love it. I really do. Hah. It's so catchy, and the music behind it is equally great. The video clip makes me want to actually attend a concert or music festival, for the first time in YEARS.





13:54 Aug 26 2014
Times Read: 404




08:23 Aug 14 2014
Times Read: 430

I hope my Oblivion expansion works, gosh. Nerves. Heh.




08:17 Aug 14 2014
Times Read: 431

And while I just posted an article from Huffington Post - I also hate the way they word some of their articles or the titles of those articles - for example, this title -

"These Are The Things Men Say To Women On The Street"

The article that follows that title is a series of over 20 photographs of women holding signs that have things that men have said to them in the street. "These Are The Things Men Say To Women On The Street" is an extremely definitive statement. It implies that ALL men do it and ONLY men cat-call.

I went shopping with my aunt, about 5 years ago, and a young man walked past us, with a baby strapped to his chest. My aunt commented "What a cutie.", and I replied with "Yeah, babies are adorable." She then told me she meant the man.

Insinuating that women don't make inappropriate comments about men (or other women) is just ridiculous. I've heard women fawn over other men, make sexual innuendos about the bodies of men and women, and it's apparently FINE for that to happen - as long as it's not happening TO women. Hell - I have seen gay men throw sexual slurs/suggestions at other men, and it's seen as "fine" because that gay man isn't a woman - I bet it doesn't FEEL fine.

I've had MORE women make sexual comments on my chest than I have EVER had men saying similar things. I read on the same website that someone thought that telling a man that "I have a boyfriend" worked at getting men to leave you alone ONLY because that man respects another man more than he does a woman - which is bullshit. There's this idea among feminists who think there's some sort of "brotherhood", where all men respect each other and therefore back off another "man's property", which is, again, bullshit. If this fraternity does indeed exist - you cannot deny that women have the same thing - but within a woman's "circle" it's okay for you to make sexualised comments towards another woman - and I doubt the same is true for men.

Last year I was told by a classmate, in a rather loud voice, in the middle of class, that I have "big Caspar boobs", and then she said "What? Look, it's true, she does! Look at how big and white they are!". I was wearing a modest dress and a cardigan over the top of it, the dress had slipped a little and needed re-arranging.

I doubt men say "Wow, he has a big penis. Guys, guys, come look, it's so big and... wow!"

Speaking on feminism and the ridiculousness of it - the same site also posted anti anti-feminism posts - they were mocking women who don't think there is a need for feminism (as we don't need it). One post was "I don't need feminism because it's easy, for allowance just give your daughter 75% of what your son gets so she won't be surprised as an adult" or something.

Women generally take maternity leave in their working career. They take holidays and breaks, vacations and "personal time". Out of all the men I know in my life, only one has ever - EVER - taken 'maternity' leave. Maternity leave is usually half-payment, after a period of a few months, and the longer you take off, the less they pay you (because let's face it, you're not working for the company after you haven't actually stepped inside the doors after 12 months). I don't have a problem with things like maternity leave UNTIL men cannot access it, and until feminist retards use the standard year in which a woman's taken time off to then "prove" a "wage gap".

There's nearly no industry that women aren't allowed to work within - and yet there's several that are taboo to men. Men get shit for being Midwives (and the term of the job itself is gender-specific - why can't ALL midwives be known as "natal nurses"?), nurses, teachers, gynaecologists, obstetricians, child-care workers - if it has anything to do with women, babies or children, it's still seen as "unacceptable" for men to work in that area (basing it on the sexist assumption that only men are interested in women, and that only men are pedophiles).

I hate the way that it's NOT OKAY to mock feminism as the joke that it is - and yet it's "HILARIOUS" for feminists to mock men and other women who don't agree with the radical ideals.



19:50 Aug 22 2014

Amen.. erm .. Awoman .. Ahumankind..


07:40 Aug 14 2014
Times Read: 435

A tentative acquaintance of mine recently posted an article from an online site - "Huffington post" or something, and it's been making me think for quite a while, because I assumed I was pretty singular in my viewpoint regarding suicide and the "selfishness" of it.

Specifically - I don't think suicide is selfish. I think the "selfish" line is used by people who don't understand suicide, the swirling turmoil that people with mental illness are subjected to, day in, day out.

I quote (via article) "Until you've stared down that level of depression, until you've lost your soul to a sea of emptiness and darkness... you don't get to make those judgments. You might not understand it, and you are certainly entitled to your own feelings, but making those judgments and spreading that kind of negativity won't help the next person. In fact, it will only hurt others."

People say things like "Oh, her/his poor family, it's so selfish of them to leave behind a family and children."

I don't think so.

And I quote from the article again (it just says some parts perfectly) - "those very loved ones are the reason many people hang on for just one more day. They do think about the survivors, probably up until the very last moment in many cases. But the soul-crushing depression that envelops them leaves them feeling like there is no alternative."

There has been a friend or family member (I can't remember, I was pretty young when I heard about it) of ours that carried out suicide, and I remember people whispering that is was so selfish of this person to kill themselves. It was so selfish of them to cause someone else to have to pay for their funeral, tell their kids what happened, sell their house and possessions.

I have never really understood that. I don't really understand why that's such a big deal - to have to "clean up" the financials after someone has decided to commit suicide - people who have accidental deaths leave their family and their estate in the same way, and yet accidental death is rarely considered a burden.

I wonder if this correlates with the common feeling of being a burden that those with severe depression feel. I wonder if this "burden" feeling is pushed on them for their mental illness. I wonder if their mental illness is a burden to others and I wonder if the people who act as if it's a huge burden thought the deceased to be a burden in general, both life and death.

I believe most suicide is preventable. I don't really agree with suicide, I think most problems are fixable. I do understand why they do it, and I don't think it's selfish, though. If a close friend or family member were to commit suicide, I'd be devastated, but I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn't be angry with them, because it's a deep, dark hole that feels impossible to get out of. It's something that... when you're at the bottom of that pit, you feel as if you have no strength to climb the walls, and even if you did climb the walls - who would be waiting for you? Would anyone be there? Would you get yourself out of that well of darkness and then tumble back in, deeper than before? You feel as if you can't ask anyone for anything. You can't burden anyone. You can't put your problems on anyone else.

It's a bad place to be.

I guess... in essence, to finish with another quote, "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."




06:06 Aug 14 2014
Times Read: 437

I actually missed the days where I could level up purely based on posting in the main forum.

Heck, I missed levelling up in general. I missed the drive to Sire and the drive to be Inducted as a whelp.

It brings back a lot of nostalgic feelings.




06:29 Aug 13 2014
Times Read: 448

I thought "No, I really shouldn't say anything. It's not fair of me to make that request, it's totally selfish and probably really silly."

... I don't believe in "cosmic justice" or "karma", but sometimes... heh.

I had been debating with myself whether to make the request or at least say something, and I didn't. I thought it won't do anything but harm, or make things awkward... and things worked out to my advantage.




05:20 Aug 10 2014
Times Read: 456

If I manage to procure the camera I want, I may make a portfolio. That'd be huge amounts of fun.

Taking photos, not the portfolio.

I want to go hiking, or down to a little nearby creek. There's lovely spots where the river-reeds flow over rocks, trees overhang the water and huge logs in the water gather sand and form little islands.

It's been years since I've explored.




08:08 Aug 09 2014
Times Read: 473

I love being casually sociable. I don't like being overwhelmed with people, continually barged by expressions, opinions and the physical closeness, but I've come to realise that I really, really like being casually social. Nothing heavy, nothing really deep, just easy conversations, gentle pleasure.




07:40 Aug 09 2014
Times Read: 478

There are peach blossoms booming in the garden, bright explosions of pink on bare, naked branches.

We have a similar tree that has purple, anaemic looking flowers.

I can't wait to take photos of them tomorrow.

Spring is coming.




07:12 Aug 09 2014
Times Read: 479

If I had a voice, I would sing.



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