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22:02 Aug 28 2023
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Other Pizza-Companys are avalible......Please ignore my typing-mess ect

Was all due for a Papa-Johns which generally I consider to be one of my Top online
home delivery choices their kinda pricey gone up from last year but the choice & quality is there for home deliverys 😀 Papa-Johns changed my tastes can't eat shop brought/frozen pizzas anymore after home deliverys there's just hardly any taste plus I couldnt ever cook pizzas right either in my old
knackered home oven they just never got hot enough either it's not like they didn't heat eXactly but
wouldn't come out piping hot either trying to do them hotter just made them come out overdone think it's better to leave it to those who actually have the proper
facility's like special pizza kitchens and do it for a living like my kitchens kinda old anywayz at the best of times 🍕🍕
Hope I never have to go to the actual store in my home town though as judging by last time
when I tried to enquire about an order by phone their cold & unhelpful & it dosnt encourage
loyalty because the guy on the phone made it very clear that I'm just another number &
he didn't care ☹️ to me pizza is a fun food and at the price nowdays it's a treat plus it's a major
American company who I figured would be friendly & funky but I guess that's just the impression
given off by the mad-cap TV ads they used to show......I guess?!? to lure you in not the reality
Or just my local-store the manager is a bit rude & cold to new customers 💀 it sucks ☹️

So I wanted to get my head together and eat while I think about whatever it was on my mind trying to make life decisions can take me a while which is made harder by lack of blood glucose one of our warmer days in summer so not too bothered to cook anything much anyway except snacks whatever is carbs and protein and a milky hot drink would do it.....So into the kitchen
All I wanted was kinda like a bread & cheese toastie cause that's quick yah-know but there
was cheese but not bread left ☹️ kinda half-dressed with the warm day and being a bit slacker student style at home to be going to the store just to go buy a loaf of bread so I figured let's go for a home pizza which is just very fancy and expensive posher "bread and cheese" if you think about it like that that'd be going for my 2nd Papa-Johns order
this month seeming as I'm eating pizza again on delivery after about a year of needing to watch my budget & other reasons Don't know how I've coped to be honest without home deliverys and lovely hot pizzas and large litres of drinks not needing to be carried back home as well 😆 eating out is great but if you've been dressed as a slacker style student at home your not a "spruce goose" for going out to a nice french style cafe that I go to on and off and really without a shower and redressing and everything like that it's easier to stay at home So off I go to try order pizza on my smart phone already have an account with Papa John's if it's still there where it's been dormant but then after getting my appetite reved-up for release from hungers on a warm day after about 3 damn rounds of trying to complete of trying to pay & put my order through & put payment through checkout it kept stalling and saying I wasn't logged-in
right when I know I was all kinda stupid strife it just came-up empty in the end they just said "no pizza today" 😬 Order not going through their system no idea why?!? Maybe too many orders already sh*t
I'm real late eating already in the late afternoon where I was studying stuff & I was getting kinda faint didn't wanna get
stuck with Domino's pizza-mafia again who text you several times a week just from buying 1-Damned-pizza & they own you for months after that are like the
"pizza mafia" always making me offers I can't refuse like I eat pizza several times a week when I dont🍕🍕😆 do that generally that wasn't an option good pizzas but they try to own me by texting-like im not allowed to switch around or shop around B*llocks to that pushy-stuff monopoly-pizza sellers stuff 💀🔥
Don't want to be tied down today just for that
Quick search of Google for pizza delivery company's in my city showed about 4 about 2 were
eating in store so that's no good either 😲
Pizza-hut showed up but I figured that was the eat-in store but no looks like they deliver
Am I saved?!? of course I want a snack with the heat but that kinda defeats the object a bit
as pizza is a gut-buster you don't wanna be eating before that so I made a cuppa milky tea
to check it out......
So it looks like you can just order straight-off no setting up an account that's grand and very rare nowdays 😀 Im definitely in a hurry by now as I always am when hungry or hangry as it so often ends up nowdays
If I manage to concentrate well to study then time passes with various parts and links and then hunger strikes suddenly 🧑‍💻 and then it's like sh*t now what?!?
Had a look and they do give you half & half pizzas I find horray-which is more fun I reckon where I do that whenever it's avalible but they do charge a bit eXtra but at least they have that option where I've had that a lot I went for a "family
feast deal" which just makes it "large sized" or "big-appitite-sized" in my view I'm not one for sharing pizzas or any other food that much either even when I've been not at home I'm too covetous with my never satisfied appitite with a plus-sized frame comes a plus-sized appetite 😆 to get 2 pizzas plus 2 sides which I'll save for breakfast also so I've got something quick for breakfast and a large drink that way your paying for 2 meals not just 1 eXpensive round I've never managed 1 whole large pizza all at one sitting it's just too-filling but I get close I always want a no-sugar soft drink which comes with the deal anywayz luckily what is it about
Pizza that makes you so damned thirsty?!? Everytime 🧃drinking like a 🐫 camel in the desert guess it's the carbohydrate overload plus the somewhat tasty grease-lick from the cheese overload too
But what's with American pizza company's no-cola options?!? Some kinda monopoly?!? Like Pepsi-Cola got there 1st or something?!? No Cola from either company either-no option ☹️ I like a big fat 2-L Diet-cola at home mostly even though it tastes somewhat cinnamon it's just the best value if your a big drinker/eater sized person which I am and then some 😆 student budgets always need some price watching that and being a price savvy shopper for so many years
Kinda weird both company's only have Pepsi but at least it's sugar-free & you can get cherry-max 1.5 Litre that'll do me plus some potatoe wedges with dips again from breakfast 🍳you can get chicken sides but that's an eXtra cost feel maxed-out already so......
So Chicken-supreme half and meaty-feast half 🍕🍕 thin crust shows-up the meat best I've learnt
Then some other side with mushrooms & meat on and the the other half showed on the bill
as a duplicate of the chicken half never mind!!
Generally get 1 half that's got chicken on it when it's an option
Think delivery was about 20-30 minutes it showed a receipt on my mobile with the whole
order clearly visible on the confirmation message which is kinda handy looks I added on eXtras by mistake onions & pineapple for
some reason?!? Pushed the final bill up several notches over Papa-Johns and their not exactly budget pizzas 😲 but I was kinda stuck so..... I always try to get some veges on my pizzas anywayz so I didn't need that to pay for more stuff
So you can pay by card or by cash-more rare nowdays but cash is a good option to have
The delivery guy phoned me he was friendly we shared a joke 😀 pizza was nice & hot pepsi in
a paper bag to carry upstairs
Nice big pizzas not over cooked thin bases but with thick crusts looked kinda like they'd got
the base thick at first but no the crusts just look weird because they're thicker for some reason?!? Kinda nice
Generous amount of toppings meat or chicken plus veges Pepsi wasn't chilled but it was cool
so that helps
Put on Joe-kenda and eat.....
Will always like Papa-Johns but they seem a bit flambo or mean at times maybe just busy too?!? So other options are good to swap around a bit
It was about 5ish in the afternoon when I 1st tried to order with them.......don't know what "peak hours" are for pizza stores?!? Maybe they ran out of drivers?!? Bad day for them to do so for me!!
To be a person with money who can't order a home-pizza is just horrible feeling 🙈 plus my empty
stomach as well ffs 💔🔥
Some pizzas companys can send you chicken-sides instead of just more breads or potatoes.....
Can't remember who supplied that option last time?!? But it's a good one
But Pizza-hut are so on my list of options now especially as you don't need an account to log-in and fiddle about with when your in a hurry which with pizza-delivery is always the case that I'm eating late from doing other stuff like study notes
just find the page with their offers and go on and add your choices no problem with card payments going around and around and not going through in pizza-hell while you get more and more hangry 🔥💀🔥
Supa-duper...... Sorted and saved by them!!!

Be-Pizza Blessed 🍕🍕 💀🌹🦉



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