Today i woke up with a feeling that i haven't had in ages...i am lonely in th emiddle of the people...
I don't know ahy i feel depressed or sad, i tried everything i knew might help: chocolate, fav music even chatting to my didn't help at all. I just feel like i want to cry and cry and than cry some more...i don't even have a reason for it...
I guess i am again at that point in my life when i want to say fuck everything and everyone and pack my stuff and off i go..where? have no idea...bu ti need to change myself again, reinvent...look, job, house...i used to do that every 3 months a few years ago.
This is not another suicidal post, i am nopt like that, i don't cut myself...i am just very sad and lonely...
Saying that i should probably go and try to do something around before i actually get insane.