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The Cure controversy

18:52 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 683

This topic will be presented without the use of a question mark as there will be a host of information unveiled as time goes by that people will want me to clarify.

I am sure many of you are wondering why I have not brought up my VAMPIRE CURE which I boasted about the last time I was on here. I have had my reservations about it that's why. Howwever since the vampire cure has other benefits (such as strong immune system fighting the common cold and infection, and cleaning out the arteries, as well as a contraversial change brought about with density of nerve fiber throughout the body) I will make the information available for you to come to your own judgment.

The thing that really shot down my own belief in the cure I came up with for my vampirism was what the doctors said to me when I had a brain scan. At the time I was really honored for them to say I had the brain with the highest density on the planet, but I think they were just blowing smoke up my skirt. The reason I have found is this that they may have been trying to make me feel at ease or even special or even have some pride with how I dealed with loss is because in the process of getting my body back I notice that the time lapse of getting a particular part of the body back takes about as much time as the other humans, and I don't think my specially wound nerve fiber really plays into it at all.

The VAMPIRE CURE was something I came up with because I needed to be hospitalized badly and my father didn't let me go and so I had to come up with some kinda stop gap cure to heal myself with in the interim.

I found that I had nerve trouble double vision, incontinence, heart arrythmia as well as a host of other organ difficulties, everything was out of wack, so I looked up things in two books. I looked at the nerve and the nerve was composed of a particular cell and it was the same cell as the white blood cell, so then I went to the other book and I searched for molecules that held the ingredient for building the white blood cell and I had the Vampire cure.

Now you may think this to be quackery but I really did find something, and I have had many benefits throughout the decade that I have taken the Vampire Cure, but there is one example I can site in medical science that supports this which was widely well known about.

The Pennsylvania Coal Miner disaster of winter 2005 where like 30 men died and one guy came out of a coma, well they gave the white bllod cel cocltail Vampire Cure to him and they buit him a new brain and he came out of the coma.

They didn't even use all the fatty acids of which there are 9 or so used in building white blood cells, all they gave him was OMEGA 3 fish oil in doses of 3,000 milligrams a day. That was wnough, he is walking around to day as a result andthe doctors said it was for the cure that I myself had prescribed some 7 years before.

There are such things as rhetorical questions where there is a question mark at the end of a sentence but there is no answer because the answer is provided in the question. This topic I will not give you a question to react to, there is enough for you to be curious about, in not phrasing a question for you to react to a rhetorical answer can be arrived at, a destination of thought I did not intend the thread to go.

Any and all questions will be respected and attempted to be answered in a professional manner. Is there anything you wish me to clarify about the Vampire cure?


Specter (12)

Posts: 87

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 13:44:26 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 185

I wouldnt want a "cure" for what I am..If diseases were present maybe a cure for them, but I do find it insulting that you seem to be saying we are diseased. I am healthier than I have ever been. I'm empathic toward the illnesses you have.

I hope you heal from any and all of them present and future.

I just dont agree with you in alluding to vampirism as a disease.

If I have misunderstood, I apologize.

If not, why would any of us want a "cure"


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 13:52:15 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 181

well you are right vampirism is a cure, it comes in three stages, first you are btten with something that makes you weak, then you do somethng to make you stronger, then you come close to death, but it is the first bite that brings you back. There is a sequence to vampirism, and the steps canot be taken out of place. Yes it is true, I too at times have had special powers that made me much stronger, but there are hgh water marks and low water marks. Blood doping is just a way to maximize the powers, brain powers and physical attributes.

But all vampires know that to be a vampire might seem alluring and the powers derived beneficial, but the operative word there is "seems", vampirism is nothing to brag about nothing to be proud about, but to make the best of a difficult situation through versatility is one of the reasons why I have posted this contraversial topic once again. All tools, even ones accredited by science should be employed to dispense with the negative side effects of vampirism some may call a disease.


Necromancer (27)

Posts: 389

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 13:53:34 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 180

Have I misunderstood here, have you found that nerve cells and white blood cells are the same !


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 13:54:11 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 179

a better term than disease is affliction.

Vampirism is an affliction, would you not argee to that?


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 13:55:41 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 177

yes the nerve cell once it is damged is healed by the white blood cell called the schwaan cell. The old nerve cell is also a schwaan cell, white blood cels and nerve cells are one and the same.

I believe the proper spelling is Schwan


Necromancer (27)

Posts: 389

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:02:14 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 174

Kewl, I always thought that nerve cells didn't heal - just looking up Schwann cells now :)


Phantom (8)

Posts: 31

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:08:59 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 167

Heal the mind for if that is not healed the body will keep breaking down. Destroying it self in wanting to be free of whatever pain it has endured.


Spook (7)

Posts: 67

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:10:02 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 165

I always thought that nerve cells didn't heal,too.


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:11:05 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 164

when medicine fails you we have no choice to cure ourselves, Artemka you will be fascinated by what you find, and the fatty acids like the OMEGA 3 - 6 -9 are just three of the fatty acids which go into the construction of nerve cells and white blood cells.

In 8 years I have had 3 colds, very nefarious strains that took over my body, and my immune system overcame them quickly, when they were brought about by extreme conditions.

The Vampire Cure is almost the sure for the common cold, but the cocktail that I took goes beyond just fatty acids, I take other supplements like Zinc or B Vitamins or C Vitamins which also help with nerve formation and immuno defense.

It is all interrelated and I am glad science is discovering these things now. There are perhaps many people whom througout time have discovered the things I have, I assure you I am not the first, and medicinal science has to get with the program.


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:14:54 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 159

nerve problems and inflammations of all kinds directly lead to cancer.

Doctors will never put in the final stitch to heal you, they need repeat custoomers, medicine is a buisness like any other.

The last time I was at a hospital the director of the emergeny room told me, you better stop what you are doing, those nerve inflammations are going to give you Multiple Sclerosis.

Yes he was right from what he was taught, I should have MS, but I cured that by preventing it with the cure I am providing here in small steps.

Exercise and stretching are also important in nerve health and coming back from the dead.


Necromancer (27)

Posts: 389

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:18:28 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 155

Just checking on this - are you saying this could also cure the common cold, multiple sclerosis and cancer ?


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:23:49 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 147

MS is an inflammation unchecked in the nervous system, cancer is caused by inflammations, and fatty acids are compounds that fight inflammations, they have the right acidity or alkalininity to stop inflammations even in the circulatory system, the vampire cure helps against heart and high blood pressure problems too Artemka.

There are many factors, the human body is an incredible thing, the inter relation of it all. Forcing doctors to come out with the truth is the role of the lay person, when we know more than doctors and provide information on the web and speak freely in the wild, ultimately we have to force doctors hands to heal and not to lead the sick off to a better place, and get them off the state Teat because they can't work.

It may be counterprodictive for society for me to teach people what I have secretly found in my studies in medicine over the past decade, but I hate to see anybody die from ignorance. There are the things we know and the things we don't know and then there are the DOORS in between.

Ill health is really a blessing. A blessing for others.


Necromancer (27)

Posts: 389

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:32:41 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 137

Certainly sounds like you've discovered something they haven't

When you used this on yourself was it just this or did you also have modern medicine as well.

Do you think its just this vampire cure that has helped you be the way you are today?

Modern medicine is very short sighted sometimes


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:47:26 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 133

I know it is sacrilage to debunk medicine, but until medicine is overhauled we have to attack it's imperfections.

They don't call FATTY ACIDS "essential oils" fa nuthin'

Yes Artemka, there are many other uses too, there are physical implications as well. Go to my portfolio and look at my photos there, there are all of a man aged 39. Do I look 39 to you? Well I may not be able to throw a spear 75-90 yards anymore, or throw a baseball 400 feet, or hit a ball close to 600 feet, but in actuality I am playing better sports now than when I was in my prime. I have the nickname on the basketball court as Ginobili, he is the guy who can pretty much contort his body to get the ball in the hole, a little bit of the Fantastic 4 stretch dude character.

I think it has also helped out my mind also, I should have been crippled physically which would have made me feeble minded, as Julia said the mind and the body are connected, but for some reason you see the way that I write on here, I write a little like Stephen Hawking except sans the wheelchair.

I am a cripple by the state definition, that is where I get my money from, and it is true I cannot hold a job due to sleep disturbances, and the lack of bathrooms everywhere, and not always being in control of my body, but this past month after Thanksgiving ending within the next couple of days the exorcism will be over I will have a new body, and it will be without demons too. I have healed the total pysche, it was a little bit of caring and a little bit of self hatred which made me find the forumla, but to tell you the truth the Vampire Cure I came up with in one night when my father didn't allow me to go to the hospital. I was forced to heal myself. If my father let me go to the hospital I would definately be in a wheel chair now. Definately.


Sire (28)

Posts: 256

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 14:52:48 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 129


I have to ask what type of training you have had to come up with these results? If you read 2 books and managed to come to all these conclusions, then I really feel I've wasted many years in college. I'm really sorry, but unless you can give me something that can PROVE what you are claiming I simply don't believe what you are writing.


Specter (12)

Posts: 155

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 16:21:39 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 108

I honestly dont know what to think, be it i think your full of malarchy or that what you say is true & my brain hasnt fully grasped what is being told here. How in the world do you know that the surviving coal miner got all of the fish oil along with the other things that youve mentioned? I didnt realize that it was even out about what the doctors did to help him. How can you say that after reading 2 books you came up with an answer that none of us know about even if we did read the same books such as yourself? I have so many questions but not enough time to ask them......


Necromancer (27)

Posts: 689

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 17:07:22 - Dec 22 2006

Times viewed: 91

You should really get your facts straight before you post. To start with, the mine disaster you're talking about was in WV in early 2006, at the Sago mine. 13 miners were trapped, 12 were found dead, with a sole survivor in critical condition. Nor was he in a coma when he was rescued. He was given oxygen treatments in a hyperbaric chamber to negate the carbon monoxide poisoning. There was no quick miracle recovery, and he is still nowhere near fully recovered. The amounts you list given to him for treatment are also wrong, but two Omega-3 fatty acids were heavily used in his treatment.

Now, to further pick apart your semi-factual rant, Schwann cells are not any type of white blood cells. Leukocytes attack infectious diseases and foreign materials in the body. Schwann cells create the myelin sheath of axions.

Also, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are called essential fatty acids because they are the only two fatty acids used that the body cannot create itself.

I could keep going, but this is getting a bit tedious. All you've done is taken a few pretty common facts and twisted them together, adding copious amounts of BS, to attempt to sound revolutionary in your disjointed barely coherent ramblings.


Necromancer (27)

Posts: 235

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 17:25:27 - Dec 23 2006

Times viewed: 48

I rather stay as I am....I am already with cettain feature I dont want and genetical bonus I dont seek so, I must sya I would pass and go my paht witout looking back for a so called cure, I already do some of my own medecie and strongly beleive your body will let you kow what needs to be done in time and when place. When you do something and it makes oyu sick to your stomac if youtake a "medecine" and it makes oyu wanna throw up, its cause its not time for oyu and its rather the moment to stop and go on, your body can heal whatever you have that dont belong there.It has capabilites you dont even know exist unitl they show up.


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 18:51:34 - Dec 23 2006

Times viewed: 41

well this is not medicine, this is homeopathic natural defence of the body.

I am a Physical Education Teacher who has taught Health as part of my duties. Also experience in College teaching and lecturing, not much, but being asked to do so was an honor. Also I have been writing health columns on the internet for a sufficient time period.

The two books were the Anatomy and Physiology book I used in college, which told me the white blood cells turn nerve cells, and when they do the names switch for the cell because it is more of like a stem cell thing. The white blood cell becomes a nerve cell.

Mr T Duc thank you for holding down the fort, as I had been suspended, I don't mind the flaming but please be specific what you think is setting off your BS meters, it must be my Bachelor of Science Degree which set off those detectors.

I will be posting the various foods which contain the fatty acids, as well as addressing the misdirection issue of Mr T Duc he brings up a valid point how they can switch the hospital stories. Misdirection and misinformation are put out there to make you skeptical of everything in life.

But this is not a street corner, and I am not selling snake oil, I have climbed a pyramid of abuse and a pyramid of love, and even though I know it is hard to get to like a Sire on here, but I got up to level 13 before and I am moving up now so, I am an entity of the Rave, and people know I am an expert in Science, just ask Stormwind, Mikhail and Daermon. They know my word is good.

But tpo stand corrected, I have made some mistakes this second time around, the Swede was right judgment is spelled with an E in the middle, Beta Carotine is not a B Vitamin, it is pro vitamin A, and I was also wrong about the Reiki thread, but turning around the faux pas in the Reiki thread saved my life, so it is good to be wrong. I also was wrong about the heart beats for a human lifetime. But for the most part you can fact check all of my posts since I came back and those are the mistakes that I caught.

Take it for what it is worth, if you are really bitten you will not make it back, I have not made it back yet, I am still trying to get my right foot out of the grave, and at this point I just want to cut it off, because I don't know what to do, but should you be bit by anything in life, just take the above as a medical kit for survival, you may not have the versatility to come up with McGuyver cures in one night, but if you take it one day at a time and consider the source, then you will be alright time can be bought and with more time anything can be overcome.


Phantom (8)

Posts: 343

Re: The contraversial Vampire Cure

Posted: 18:53:15 - Dec 23 2006

Times viewed: 40

The second book was a regular Encyclopaedia which I found the chemical names of the fatty acids and traced in what foods they could be found.




Women in bed

15:56 Dec 15 2006
Times Read: 696

The 17 ways women fail in bed

1. MILKING IT: When stroking a guy's dick don't grab it like a bus rail and start jerking it like you were milking a cow. Don't use the love sword as if it's a piece of gym equipment to strengthen the forearms. The male organ is a thing of wonder and beauty, and should be awed, worshipped and held tenderly at all times. The sensitive part is at the top (where your face should be), not two-thirds of the way down.

2. ROBOTS: When sucking a guy's dick don't just get on the end of the thing and jam your head back and forward. It's a beautiful instrument; it should be caressed, inspected, kissed and licked from every possible angle.

3. SILENT FRIGHT: If you've come and cannot be coerced to scream to show your appreciation, at least make some sort of sign to inform the guy that he's done his duty and can blow his biscuits whenever he wants.

4. NO LAUGHING MATTER: Don't laugh if your creative male lover gets carried away and says things like, "I want to rinse your mouth with my fresh, white love potion." Laughter at any aspect of the male performance will not enhance it. Just be grateful you've got a guy who can speak in whole sentences.

5. CLOSING UP: If a man is willing to take the trouble to come on your face, don't close your eyes. He wants you to share this ecstatic moment of joyful union and love with him. Semen is not likely to cause permanent blindness in most cases - but this is a risk you should be prepared to take for his happiness.

6. POOR PRESENTATION: Presentation is all important. Don't wait to be asked to get it doggy-style. Roll over and present. You know you love it.

7. HANGING AROUND: When he is done, you should not kiss and cuddle, he does not want to touch you. You should leave the bed and leave him in peace. If you are a one-night stand you should leave the premises with out thieving anything or asking for a phone number. His work is done.

8. BEING SHY: Always offer the Hershey Highway. You know you love It. If you don't like it that much, still offer it as you can quite easily play with yourself as he rams away.

9. BEING A DRIP: You always have tissues in your bag, use them to clean his sheets and any ball bag drippage if you have misbehaved and not swallowed everything.

10. CLOCK-WATCHING: Never, ever, ever, ever even think of saying: "Are you going to come soon." If you're doing a blowie, you'd have to take your mouth off to utter the question. If you're giving a hand-job, you should have gone to the gym to work your biceps. If he's shagging you and takes more than 10 minutes you should be grateful. This is not a time trial but a blissful act of union between two sexually aware and gifted human beings.

11. FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS: Don't ask him if you're the best lover he's ever had most men have had so many sexual partners that it is unlikely that you are. Please don't ask a man to lie about such an important thing.

12. PLAYING DEAD: Don't just lie there, do something. Good sex is not a spectator sport and it helps if both parties move around a bit. I know you expect the men to do all the hard and skillful work. We don't mind that and we're blessed with the equipment and know-how to do it but at least put some effort into the act to show your appreciation.

13. BEING POSSESSIVE: If you are lucky to have an imaginative lover who can satisfy two women at a time don't sneer at or reject his exciting suggestion that one of your friends joins you to make up a threesome. If he's a real man he's probably shagging her anyway. Plus you might learn something from her to keep your man really happy.

14. NOT KEEPING YOUR HAIR ON: Don't shave all your pubic hair off. It makes your snatch look like a piece of poultry past its sell-by date. At best, it looks like the snatch of a ten-year-old. If you want to trim, go for a nice sexy racing stripe in the manner favored by the Playboy models that your man would rather be shagging.

15. SPITTING IT OUT: When a man has gone to so much trouble to ejaculate and get his aim right into your mouth, it is rude to spit it out without savoring taste and gluey texture. You should play with semen like a block of Hubba Bubba, blowing bubbles, chewing and throwing from side to side. A line like "I love it when you come in my mouth" makes for a happy finale to fun and games.

16. BEING UNGRATEFUL: Never forget to thank a man for all the effort and energy he has expended on making love to you - especially if a)sex has lasted more than five minutes and/or b)you managed to achieve an orgasm. A man's role in sex is far more demanding than a woman's so it is always nice when one's prowess is appreciated.

17. SEEKING FAVORS: Never contemplate taking advantage of your man's warm after-sex glow to seek favors or make requests. As he drops off into well-deserved slumber, resist the urge to ask, "Do you think I should buy that dress, skirt, sofa, Mercedes, country cottage?" There is a name for the practice of mixing sex with material gain - prostitution.




curing MS by prevention

07:58 Dec 06 2006
Times Read: 716

that is why they call it a revamp. I am half way

through. Now I have to rewire the heart. So the auto

immune thing doesn't give embolisms and aneurisms,

here is a letter of an IM to a girl, let me copy and

paste and then send it back to me...

blurrfeul: Hey there

blurrighter: hey monyana girl

blurrighter: montana

blurrighter: give me some rope

blurrighter: Charmaine was it?

blurrfeul: Some rope 4 what?lol

blurrighter: crossroads,

blurrighter: I am at

blurrighter: I haven't been here before or have I?

blurrighter: is this different?

blurrfeul: Yep thats a me ?

blurrighter: I do not wish to ascend to the glass

ceiling I knew was broken

blurrighter: I mean the glass ceiling is shattr proof

blurrighter: I tried to leave

blurrighter: and something kept me

blurrighter: here

blurrighter: and now I am ascending

blurrighter: again

blurrighter: hmmmm

blurrighter: I think I have to do it

blurrighter: II have to kill myself again

blurrighter: but keep the lung

blurrighter: blue is bad

blurrighter: tere was the right brain aneurism


blurrighter: and the lung

blurrighter: I think the lung was before the right

brain thing

blurrighter: I wish I took notes

blurrighter: before

blurrighter: I just have to think before I do


blurrighter: anything

blurrighter: thanks for the bartender effect

blurrfeul: Is this one of ur new writings

blurrighter: yeah I cured the potentiality of MS in

me, by rewiring it, I had the sensation of ants

crawling up my legs

blurrighter: this is me

blurrighter: this is what I have to face

blurrighter: now

blurrighter: life or death

blurrighter: there are two sides

blurrighter: I have to rewire my heart

blurrighter: too

blurrighter: that would solve the aneurism problem

blurrighter: or embolism

blurrighter: embolism

blurrighter: you see the body attacks the circulatory

system when it doesn't recognize it

blurrighter: and so the nerves feeding the heart have

to be rewired

blurrighter: then there will be no embolism

blurrighter: and then there fore no aneurism either

blurrighter: I figured it oout

blurrighter: death is life

blurrighter: if you cling to life then you die

blurrighter: Thaks Charmaine give me a tequila sunset

blurrighter: thanks

blurrighter: bye

blurrfeul: How r u?

blurrighter: I'll be fine

blurrighter: I am sure

blurrighter: I will be a god almost

blurrighter: I will not be a man that is for sure

blurrighter: I will not even be a werewolf either

blurrighter: revamped

--- kristen lee wrote:



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