UndeadJuggalo's Journal


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9 entries this month


19:44 Nov 29 2011
Times Read: 436

not feeling up to par for some reason...i can feel something bad is coming my way.....i can sense it like a storm on the horizon building its strength and taunting me as it draws closer and closer......im not sure what it is or whom it is...but i can tell that it will be life changing.....maybe its my fate that comes for me now....i have been thru many lifetimes and my soul has benn thru alot and has gotten older thru the milenia and centuries i have been thru.....maybe now ill finally get what ive always dreamed of.......peace





14:12 Nov 28 2011
Times Read: 439

seems i may as well be the fuckin protector of earth...i have gone all over the us tryin to find one runaway girl that met up with the wrong ppl and ran away from home....so my friend calls me and i spent almost a week no sleep hundreds of dollars in gas tryin to find this girl and where do i track her too...fuckin disney world in florida. some ppl just need to bend their kid over there knee and wear that ass out....and the ride back was awesome made me really happy i brought duct tape....hahaha




yay me again.....

10:51 Nov 19 2011
Times Read: 454

my donor left me saying something about me being the spawn of satan...note to self..keep all magical spells away from prying eyes....so i had to go 3 days without blood and i suffered for it greatly...i fed a bit off a dear friend of mine psychically...ty my friend....and my dad brought me some blood..he thinks it awesome having an immortal in the family especially that immortal being his youngest son.....lol....so im well fed and have enuff to last me till i have a delivery of some more...so all u vampires out there dont neglect ur blood stock...the hunger pains will damn near kill you



14:38 Nov 19 2011

You are most welcome..... anytime as I said you are welcome to it....


fuck this shit

23:44 Nov 13 2011
Times Read: 460

seems how no matter how hard i try my now ex gf knows just how to piss me the fuck off. she knows just what buttons to push and exactly how to push them. well heres the one that just blew me over the edge. she just blasted me in the face....well i dont hit women for any reason so here i sit so pissed off that i can barely breathe...my muscles wound so tight that it hurts...heart rate is slow and steady surprisingly........god help anybody that so much as looks at me wrong



04:11 Nov 14 2011

I am sorry that you are having troubles..... Would you like me to come over and help????? In fact, I am coming over next November... we should meet up somewhere...

I hope that you are well and safe....

And you will ALWAYS have friends.... especially me...


yay me...

04:55 Nov 11 2011
Times Read: 469

finally resovled my 5 problem in life without violence..took care of the guy that threatened me the old fashioned way.....called the cops....not my first choice of plans but all my friends took my guns ..knives and my autographed mark maguire baseball bat said this little bitch wasnt worth the energy wasted beating the shit out of him......good things i have friends.....but i knew the cop and the guy hit his head and broke 3 ribs getting into the car cuz he was packing a very nice ruger 22 with SILVER BULLETS....which i added to my inventory...lol......but silver bullets.....do i look like a fuckin lycan...i mean seriously......i wish ..but seriously....ok maybe i dont wish...fleas would drive me insane and i prefer not to kill my donors.....well another day done...lets see what the night has in store for me



14:43 Nov 19 2011

I am glad that you don't want to kill your donors...

I am also glad that you caled the cops for the loony.....


may the gods help this man.......

02:46 Nov 06 2011
Times Read: 483

i just recieved a message on facebook from a gentleman claiming to kno what i am and the he pities me and feels the need to end my suffering. ok first off yes im miserable but i live with my gf so yea im gonna be miserable.....but to say ur gonna kill me so that my soul will leave this earth...ok now ur getting a little weird..and then the last part of the message that really got to me was the part of how he knows for a fact that i lived when the romans invaded germania.....ok now that is a piece of information that id like to see....he even knew about the scar i have on my left shoulder blade......ok so hes either a psychic of epic skill or the scar i got in a fire fight in iraq was already there and im over a thousand years and im italian......or this guy is 100% insane......anyways he has my address lets see how well this plays out ...cuz some of us vampire have military training ....hahaha....this is gonna be fun



06:42 Nov 06 2011

I have no training on how to physically fight but my verbal fighting skills can leave a hole in anyone....

Want any help???? I haven't unnleashed my verbal fighting skills in a while....... and I am itching to do so....

You don't mess with my friends or family and get away with it!!!!!!!!!!!

04:55 Nov 11 2011

no but u can help with the next one i promise

00:33 Nov 10 2019

Thank you for that. It was fun.


another day.....

10:18 Nov 05 2011
Times Read: 487

48 hours and 5 hours of sleep and 2 pints of blood later here i sit......bored as hell and cant decide what to do....already sharpened my blades...cleaned the guns...and met a very nice austrailian vampire that seems to be quite simular to myself..holds things long forgotten in this world at high regard like honor and loyalty and trust...things that i cant help but notice that i very rarely see in normal folk but i see alot of it in the vampire community ....guess that settles it then...vampires cant be heartless monsters...seems the humans instead of fearing and judging us...can maybe learn a thing or 2 from us



13:10 Nov 05 2011

I am sorry that you are bored my friend...

Honour and loyalty to friends and family is of highest regard to me and should be so for others..



00:54 Nov 05 2011
Times Read: 493

well foundmyselfadonor..yay me...lol....she sends out immensepsychic energy and lets me take blood from time to time......cant say im completely satisfied but itll do for now.......got a call from somefriends in afghanastan......they want me to putdown myvideogame controllerand pickmy rifle back upand come play with them........im sure i still have myskillsbut idk if i can go backto doing that...tookme 2 years to refind my humanity the last time i did that......maybe its time once again to consider my place in this world and see if being Death's right hand man is what i was created for.....it wud be very fitting a vampire in combat...lol...i am harder to kill then most men but now that i have mystrength and speed and stuff wonder ifmaybe now is the time to really put my powers and abilities to the test.......



06:20 Nov 05 2011

Congratulations on finding a donor......

Drop me a line if you ever need to talk....



07:57 Nov 03 2011
Times Read: 495

had an awesome hallows eve..raised alot of power and the rituals went off without a hitch...sorry i havent written in here for awhile...lifes givin me lemons and i just stabbed life in the chest and squeezed lemon juice in the wound whilst screaming " HOWS THOSE LEMONS BITCH!" so i hope everyone had a good halloween and got drunk and ate alot of candy...well till next time...peace out



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