Captus in a Parvulus– The Rite Of The Apprenticeship:
Choosing this path is choosing to be recognized in the Vampyre community as a fellow Vampyre. However in order to do this, the Seeker needs to become apprenticed to a more experienced Vampyre, a Calmae or Elder, as a Fledgling. In House Sabertooth Noctem ...Aeternus, this period is normally for a year, and begins with one ritual ceremony, and ends with another.
Captus in a parvulus – the Rite of the Apprenticehip:
This is a personal ceremony to be performed by the Adra and the Fledgling alone. Both stand, facing each other.
Adra: “Why have you come to me?”
Fledgling: “I have come to you this night, to show you my heart and to learn, so that I may take my place among our Kindred.”
Adra: “Tell me what troubles you.”
Fledgling: “I have awakened to darkness in blinding light.”
Adra: “I know the darkness. I know the light.”
Fledgling: “I have awakened to questions.”
Adra: “I have knowledge to share.”
Fledgling: “I have awakened to Hunger and Thirst.”
Adra: “I know that of which you speak.”
Fledgling: “I have awakened, a Vampyre.”
Adra: “What do you ask of me?”
At this point, the Fledgling goes down on one knee, and offers the Adra a chalice containing a small mixture of wine and blood, or wine infused with PSI essence, or both, from both participants.
Fledgling: “I ask to join with you, as a Vampyre. I ask you to teach me what you know, I ask you to walk with me as my Adra, my teacher, my friend, my Sire.”
Adra: “Do you know the significance of what you ask of me?”
Fledgling: “I do.”
Adra: “As do I.”
Adra: “Do you understand the implications this choice holds for us both?”
Fledgling: “I do.”
Adra: “As do I.”
At this point, the Adra accepts the chalice from the Fledgling.
Adra: “What is your name?”
Fledgling: “I am (Mundane name). Drink of my essence, to know my sincerity.”
At this point, the Adra takes the chalice and sips from it.
Adra: “What do you seek?”
Fledgling: “Will you teach me the Law by which we abide?”
Adra: “I will teach you the Totum Lex Vampyrica, the law of the Vampyre nation.”
Fledgling: “Where will I carry it?”
Adra: (Touches Fledglings head) “In your thoughts.” (Touches Fledglings lips) “In your words.” (Touches Fledglings hands) “In your deeds.”
Fledgling: “Will you teach me to honor the whole of the Law?”
Adra: “I will show you how to abide by it, as I do.”
Fledgling: “Will you teach me our ways, our strengths, our weaknesses?”
Adra: “I will show you all that I know, and guide you as best I can in darkness and light.”
Fledgling: “Will you be my Adra, my teacher, my friend, my Sire?”
Adra: “I (Name), agree to take you (Mundane name) as my Progeny/Childe. I undertake to educate you in the ways of our Kin to become a worthy and honorable member of our community. I will, till one year hence, or for as long as you need me. This is my promise to you.”
Fledgling: “I will learn from you, I will honor and obey you, until I am ready to take my place among our Kin. This is my Vow to you.”
Adra: “Drink, (Mundane name), taste of my essence to seal this, our Captus in a parvulus.”
At this point, the Fledgling sips from the chalice, emptying it. The Adra rises.
Adra: “What is your name?”
Fledgling: “I am (Vampyre name).”
Adra: “Rise my childe, (Vampyre name), let us walk this world together.”
The Fledgling rises. The ceremony is ended. Congratulations, Fledgling – and welcome to the family of House Sabertooth Noctem Aeternus! Together, we will see to your education as a member of the community.