Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them:
When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?
A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?
Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?
Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Your devoted fan,
Your Posting Rights were suspended on 08:46:45 Nov 14 2009 by ToiletDuc for infinite days.
The following comment was left with your suspension:
Starting drama, being inflammatory towards other members, and making threats in the forum. You've had more than your share of warnings.
we have many houses backing the project and we are sure many more will help out. so we can better our community for the community
Greeting to all. First I want to take the time to give thanks to all who have taken time to read and respond to the idea that is being presented. Also please excuse any spelling or grammer problems with this e-mail...I spell like crap and I am really tired...with that said i want to try to address some concerns and questions. I hope to offend no one here and due this with total respect in mind for you all. Here we go.
People have said this sounds like a "power play". Ok I can understand that...but what real power do we have? You can be " lord of the vampyres"...that and a $1.50 will get you on the bus. Respect means so much more. To have the respect of the community is all any one of us can truly ask for.
As for enforcing the "laws"..you are right no one person can do that..and people will do what they will, but if that one person is truly shuned for breaking a set of values we as a community hold true and dear...it may make that person think before that act in such a grievous manor. This also would keep people from screwing up in one place and fleeing to another very hard....because as a community we would be aware of these acts and again "together" work for the betterment of our comunity.
We as a comunity are also varied in our types. Who's a sang, whos a psi, who a lyfstyler. We share a common bound. We should respect each other equally. I know sangs and psi's. They do whats in the nature to do MY hope would be to not only broaden the respect for them..but protect them from the.....Well Jerkoffs who go on TV and tell the world what they do and make it either seem "unsafe" or "crazy". I have close friends who fall on either or both sides of that. They are discrete, and safe...and have a "true beauty" to there calling....why should any person be able to go to the media and make it seem otherwise.
And your are right the black veil is a piece of paper...but the thought and meaning behind it ...its spirit is what is important. We are outcasts for the pure nature of who and what we are. I have always felt that the principles of the veil was to protect us form all sorts of crap. Does anybody who anyone who lost the birth children on the soul principle of them being a vampyre or any other group that we associate with? I do and have seen this injustice to many times. We should not have to live with a fear like that. THe thought behind the veil was to protect us from that type of horror. Coming together as a community ( and we are huge) to agree to protect ourselves from that I feel is beyond important, and something we can all agree on.
This idea is not a one man show...its many people coming together, like minded and free thinkers to bring us ALL together. Thats why this is an open discussion.
Just in the responses I have read..I feel like I have found "lost family" and "new friends". If this discussion can do that...then why not see how many of us can come together. Build bonds, become stronger as a group. Unity is power.
I can take great solace that in lost cities around the USA that i can reach out and find "family"....and likewise be family to someone who is in my city, share a drink, a meal with a person who sees the world as I do.
I believe this idea has merit. I believe it can give us all "power".
This community has always been my place of piece and my passion. I went dormant for a while for my own reasons. I thank from my heart My brother RYU and my family in the AVA for awakening it in me again. I also thank my family who has stood by me through my "quiet time"...I write their names one by one, brother and sister alike...but we'd be here a while reading.
All i can ask is for everyone to try and makes this idea happen. Unite us all.
As this idea grows i think we will have many great ideas come forth....like I said worse comes to worse we all can meet some new people, forge new friendships....I dont see a downside to any of it as long as we respect each other enough to not "bash" on each other and open our minds to a new idea. If anybody wants to talk in private to me about my part in this feel free (vampcop632@aol.com) or Stephen O'MAllie on myspace (same e-mail URL) I look foward to meeting new people and hopefully seeing this idea bloom into something fantastic.
Much Love to you ALL
STephen O'mallie
(insert titles here)
I am prompted to put my 2 cents in on this and it is my sincere hope it doesn’t get too long.
My short history (there is a very long one) is that I’ve been in occult practices since is was 14 and I am now 56. I have been a priestess and member of so many different covens and groups that it would stager most of you. As to who I have in my speed dial...LOL. I am also an author and professional (at several disciplines) . Enough pedigree!
The Black Veil was written by Michelle Belinger. She is a psy-vampyre and not sanguinarian. I believe that unless you understand the reasons behind blood feeding you can not truly understand what it is to be a vampyre. The rapport and energy released in blood feeding is nothing like psy-feeding and to use those thirteen rules contained in the Black Veil is mostly immaterial to that feeding.
I would prefer to see general guidelines instead of hard and fast rules. I have developed my own rituals and rules regarding my court. For the most part I am the ONLY public face of the Court. Since last year I have had to make changes, drastic changes that cleared the posers. Those were the only actions that would preserve the integrity of the inner circle and my authority.
I don’t necessarily hate posers but when found out I do let them know they are treading on very thin ground both physically and legally. I will see them in court if they even try to use The Queen Vampyre anywhere in Colorado.
I will say this, my inner Court does participate in “possessing the host”. (Feeding for the uninitiated). These are NOT mindless people. They have studied very hard to get there and everyone can call themselves a Magi. I teach a very deep magick course as a prerequisite to the inner Court. To say we have secrets would be an understatement. Oh, I could give you the books but you still wouldn’t know how to use the host energy and direct it.
I am not worried about, “…gainning legitimacy for the community.” I went through that with the Witches, Wiccans and Pagans and to what end? Several lawsuits, of which the ones I was involved with we won. Power plays in the community, (ever hear of “Witch Wars” in your respective communities?) There is so much regurgitate, political diarrheal rhetoric no matter what the community that I have ignored most if not all of it.
I’ve read the “Code” and The Sanguinarium”. I found them interesting. I’ve also read the vampyre material from The Temple of Set and their rituals and find them fascinating as well. I still prefer mine. I just am not ready to share them yet.
I think we need to respect our territories and communicate with each other. What I will NOT do is set rules for my Court that I do not make personally (sometimes with advise from the Court.) I have seen too many groups fall apart due to “consensus rule” instead of “totalitarian rule”. This is MY Court.
In closing let me express my intent of answering this. I think our groups need to communicate. This is a good start. Trying to use old models isn’t going to get us anywhere due to the fact that the old models for interaction do not work. They are patriarchal and based in “male” models and if I am not mistaken the “Code” defers to the “female” as the authority in vamphiric matters.
Let us see where this goes.
Your’s in Blood
Danelle Dragonetti Queen Vampyre of Colorado
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Lord Ryu of Noctem Aeternus (45046992)
To: (79987629)
Date: 11/10/2009 6:31:00 PM
Subject: Ave my brothers and sisters
Ave, Greetings my brothers and sisters.
I have been speaking with Stephen Omallie, Rev. Vicutus, Sir Shaolin Macphee and Maven Lore. We have been reaching out to other members of the community.
About how we as a community can come up with a code of conduct we can all agree upon, and ways to enforce them.
We have been discussing making a of list of legitimate house holds and covens, and guidelines for each house hold to uphold to get on the list and to remain on the list.
Now hear us out, we are trying to find a way to better our community and protect it from those whom would do it harm.
We have all seen at some point or another were some yahoo who plays the masquerade who takes it too far and end up on the news making us look bad.
We all have a council or something like it in our states and each one has a Keeper of the Veil ( Sheriff )
what is the point in having one and Mradu if they don’t do anything?
I know this works because here in my Halo Septem Civis ( VA ) we enforce the laws we live by and have been doing so for over a year now.
We are looking for way to better our community and keep it safe, we would love to hear your thoughts on what we are trying to do.
Please feel free to contact me at RyuMorales@..yahoo.com or call 757 515 6368.
Ryu Noctem Aeternus.
Childe of Lord Father Vincent Orion and Mother Lady Saige Orion of the original Clan Sabreooth.
Founder of the House of Noctem Aeternus, Keeper of the Veil and Co-Founder of the court of the Order of the Vampyre and the Halo of Septem Civis.
As my brother Ryu has stated...we need to protect our kind. Now don’t misunderstand, this is not some wild back alley treaty where we conspirte to "rule the world" (I laugh as I type this) this comes from watching a few....what’s the word I’m looking for....oh yeah JERKOFFS who love to get in the news, on the net and any other media and boast and brag " look at me mom I’m a vampyre". We (for the most part) are adults who work and live everyday to better ourselves and our familys. I am proud of who I am, and who I choose to call family. With that said I want to help bring us together as a whole and keep the wolves from our door (the media and mundanes, not the weres....love you furry fukers LOL) . I hope that as the network of true houses and covens grow....so can we as a comunity. All voices in this matter are welcome, but please let’s not nay say, let’s work together.
Much love
Stephen O’mallie
(Insert titles here)
:: Filtering the Illegitimate ::
(an idea)
By: Rev. Vicutus, Dominus de Ordo Sekhemu
Greetz Brethren!
A pressing issue at hand has come to my attention. With so many groups claiming to be chartered by a ruling House or under the auspices of the same, it leads one to wonder if the claims hold any validity.
To weed out groups that do not adhere by certain guidelines, I propose an idea on constructing a list to be kept in each House for reference in receiving visitors and applications for affiliations; simply put, a list of Legitimate Houses Vampyric. Any household not found listed will be considered a “clandestine” group unless identified as being “legitimately independent” since the vampyre community as a whole is a huge mirror broken into thousands of shards.
This list should be for dispensation only and a ‘Committee on Vampyre Education and Service’ needs to be established on who will be maintaining its updates as well as House applications for legitimacy and confirmation of its validity.
This list should also be made available public. In doing so, seekers and members alike will be better informed in the group(s) being considered. Some may question why their own House isn’t recognized.
It is questionable whether a legitimate House should be affiliated with a clandestine group. Masonic Lodges do not allow it. However, a legitimate House may be affiliated with an Independent. So this is open for debate and vote amongst the Elders.
This is simply an idea to be tweaked & toyed around with. -END-
I am vampyric, yes; as to what path I follow (if you’re referring to the caste system), I haven’t bothered to classify myself as any of the three as of yet, simply because I can’t seem to fit directly into a particular one- and on top of that, because I don’t have a House, it would be a bit foolish to try and constrain myself to only one category, when the three paths seem to have been designed moreso to enhance a physical community than individual existence. I look like a counselor, but definitely don’t have excess energy to give away and am not exactly the warm-and-fuzzy counseling sort. I don’t have the unquenchable thirst of a priest, though I enjoy leadership duties and excel in occult practices. I’ve spent several years studying the martial arts, but I’m not a full bodied or aggressive person, as many warriors would be described. (Though I do have a passion for collecting weaponry. Heh.) I’ve been simply following various occultic paths on my own over the years, seeing what works for me and what doesn’t. Black and chaos magick seem to be doing the trick, and as you know, I subscribe to a LaVeyan philosophical system- become your own god, and learn to stand on your own. Be strong and honest with yourself.
Anyway, ego-centered ramblings overwith, here’s my take on your idea- perhaps my blabbing will help a bit, who knows?
We already have a code of conduct: the Black Veil. It may unnecessarily complicate things to create yet another code of conduct, since there are already several different versions of the Black Veil. If the entire community is involved, though- especially important leaders, as you’ve mentioned- I can see a new law system coming into effect. It is important to have a unifying code for the community in order to advance it, and one that’s enforced will only make said code more official and respected- which will, in turn, gain legitimacy for the community. An unenforced honor code can only take us so far- with enforcement, we can avoid having idiots appear on humiliating documentaries in the first place.
I fully agree with your idea that these laws need enforcing. How has your area been dealing with troublemakers? That may help to push the idea forward.
What nags at me most are the criteria for determining what is a legitimate House- the guidelines would have to be loose, non ideal-based, and primarily to do with safety to avoid having accusations of mind-control and an ideological monopoly fly around everywhere. I think a few good ones would be "doesn’t resemble a cult" (i.e. doesn’t make people hand over ridiculous amounts of cash, leave their friends/..families, and stop questioning everything while obeying the leader mindlessly) "doesn’t exploit/abuse non-vampires", and "doesn’t promote illegal activity" (initiating minors, murder, arson... you know. But a House shouldn’t be excluded simply because it accepts and condones blood drinking, provided it’s done safely). If a House is too secretive and belongs to a "clandestine group" as mentioned before, that sends up a warning flag in my mind, so it’s of my personal opinion that it shouldn’t be included- due to risk, and because vampires deserve to be able to know what they’re joining before they join. It could too easily be a cult in disguise.
The site would have to be controlled by someone fairly neutral to avoid accusations of "taking over the vampiric world". If the list becomes a pawn in politics, all kinds of havoc could result. It would definitely be best if it weren’t associated with any particular House, and the individual running it should remain a mystery.
It may also be a good idea to list on the website, in summary, what each House is about- any religious and philosophical affiliations, rank systems, location (obviously), its stance on the Black Veil, and anything else that may be of interest.
Anyway, that’s just my take on the subject. Take it or leave it as you wish; you’re the one with the authority here. I just write things.
Ronin sister Pandora Z
I knew you didn't have it in you to say all that shit in black and white,Because you know what would have happened, and I never turned down your bullshit challenge, I just took the rules out of it, by saying face me on the streets here but you and I both know you fear that! because in real combat for true warriors there are no rules, I trained to fight for real not some bullshit ass sport. remember this meat... you will never be apart of this, MY community!
you are a shit talking, lying, coward who runs like a bitch.
all you had to do was stay the fuck away.. just move on..
funny you went to skidd and asked him to lie for you. asking him to say he sired you LMFAO what a fucking joke you are... such a sad sad little piece of meat you are!
This letter is in regards to the situation with Jason Michael Jones, whom I refer to as Jay throughout this letter.
I, in my time in Noctem Aeternus, have never awakened any one. For Jay to say that I awakened him is not true. When I was trying to open my own house I was being told of things that Ryu was trying to do, like kill me, leading me to move away from Virgina so I could have a more peaceful life away from all the problems. I was going to open my own house and, as I was going to get started on it, found that it was to much of a problem and cast any idea of ever starting one. Then Jay took it over and told me that he will not give up on it. I encouraged him to let it go but he would not. I did get rumors of him trying to turn other people from the house by saying things about Ryu like him having STDs. I can not say if he does or does not because there is no proof of this, so for others to say that he does is not right and have no place saying such things until they have proof. I have also been given word from my brother that Jay is going around saying that Ryu sells drugs and prostitutes girls out. Both of those I know for a fact are lies. I have know Ryu for over seven years, he does not like the fact of anyone using drugs nor does he even like them anywhere near his own home. To the part of Ryu prostituting women out is also a lie. Not to sound mean, but Ryu likes to keep his women to himself and does not like it when another man touches them. Also I am hearing that he, Jay, has been in the community for 14 years. When we first met him, I believe it was a year or so ago, he had no clue of what we were and all he wanted was to start a business with us for the community. Also, I was told that I was accused of stealing from Noctem Aeternus which is a lie; I don't like the fact of being called a thief. Jay had the money box for a short time and even told me that he took some money out that Noctem Aeternus had owed him. My own brother, Deshler, knows that I saved my money up while living at my parent's house to move. From what I am starting to gather now is all Jay is doing is making all this up to start a war which I can not allow. I would rather have peace and for Ryu and Jay to leave each other be and forget all of their transgressions. This is a time that we all need to stand as one and protect each other. I am not taking sides on this because all I want is to live my life in peace and with friends and loved ones, but I will not let the truth get twisted that I know is going to start a war between two people that will drag out and hurt more than needs to be.
Christopher Archer
so far what we have, still working on it and waiting for the others of the order to get back at us with their input.
Ave, Greetings my brothers and sisters.
I have been speaking with Stephen Omallie, Rev. Vicutus, Sir Shaolin Macphee and Maven Lore.
About how we as a community can come up with a code of conduct we can all agree upon, and ways to enforce them.
We have been discussing making a of list of legitimate house holds and covens, and guidelines for each house hold to uphold to get on the list and to remain on the list.
Now hear us out, we are trying to find a way to better our community and protect it from those whom would do it harm.
We have all seen at some point or another were some yahoo who plays the masquerade who takes it too far and end up on the news making us look bad.
We all have a council or something like it in our states and each one has a Keeper of the Veil ( Sheriff )
what is the point in having one and Mradu if they don't do anything?
I know this works because here in my Halo Septem Civis ( VA ) we enforce the laws we live by and have been doing so for over a year now.
We are looking for way to better our community and keep it safe, we would love to hear your thoughts on what we are trying to do.
Please feel free to contact me at RyuMorales@yahoo.com or call 757 515 6368.
Ryu Noctem Aeternus.
Childe of Lord Father Vincent Orion and Mother Lady Saige Orion of the original Clan Sabreooth.
Founder of the House of Noctem Aeternus, Keeper of the Veil and Co-Founder of the court of the Order of the Vampyre and the Halo of Septem Civis.
As my brother Ryu has stated...we need to protect our kind. Now don't misunderstand, this is not some wild back alley treaty where we conspirte to "rule the world" (I laugh as I type this) this comes from watching a few....what's the word I'm looking for....oh yeah JERKOFFS who love to get in the news, on the net and any other media and boast and brag " look at me mom I'm a vampyre". We (for the most part) are adults who work and live everyday to better ourselves and our familys. I am proud of who I am, and who I choose to call family. With that said I want to help bring us together as a whole and keep the wolves from our door (the media and mundanes, not the weres....love you furry fukers LOL) . I hope that as the network of true houses and covens grow....so can we as a comunity. All voices in this matter are welcome, but please let's not nay say, let's work together.
Much love
Stephen O'mallie
(Insert titles here)
:: Filtering the Illegitimate ::
(an idea)
By: Rev. Vicutus, Dominus de Ordo Sekhemu
Greetz Brethren!
A pressing issue at hand has come to my attention. With so many groups claiming to be chartered by a ruling House or under the auspices of the same, it leads one to wonder if the claims hold any validity.
To weed out groups that do not adhere by certain guidelines, I propose an idea on constructing a list to be kept in each House for reference in receiving visitors and applications for affiliations; simply put, a list of Legitimate Houses Vampyric. Any household not found listed will be considered a “clandestine” group unless identified as being “legitimately independent” since the vampyre community as a whole is a huge mirror broken into thousands of shards.
This list should be for dispensation only and a ‘Committee on Vampyre Education and Service’ needs to be established on who will be maintaining its updates as well as House applications for legitimacy and confirmation of its validity.
This list should also be made available public. In doing so, seekers and members alike will be better informed in the group(s) being considered. Some may question why their own House isn’t recognized.
It is questionable whether a legitimate House should be affiliated with a clandestine group. Masonic Lodges do not allow it. However, a legitimate House may be affiliated with an Independent. So this is open for debate and vote amongst the Elders.
This is simply an idea to be tweaked & toyed around with. -END-
I am vampyric, yes; as to what path I follow (if you're referring to the caste system), I haven't bothered to classify myself as any of the three as of yet, simply because I can't seem to fit directly into a particular one- and on top of that, because I don't have a House, it would be a bit foolish to try and constrain myself to only one category, when the three paths seem to have been designed moreso to enhance a physical community than individual existence. I look like a counselor, but definitely don't have excess energy to give away and am not exactly the warm-and-fuzzy counseling sort. I don't have the unquenchable thirst of a priest, though I enjoy leadership duties and excel in occult practices. I've spent several years studying the martial arts, but I'm not a full bodied or aggressive person, as many warriors would be described. (Though I do have a passion for collecting weaponry. Heh.) I've been simply following various occultic paths on my own over the years, seeing what works for me and what doesn't. Black and chaos magick seem to be doing the trick, and as you know, I subscribe to a LaVeyan philosophical system- become your own god, and learn to stand on your own. Be strong and honest with yourself.
Anyway, ego-centered ramblings overwith, here's my take on your idea- perhaps my blabbing will help a bit, who knows?
We already have a code of conduct: the Black Veil. It may unnecessarily complicate things to create yet another code of conduct, since there are already several different versions of the Black Veil. If the entire community is involved, though- especially important leaders, as you've mentioned- I can see a new law system coming into effect. It is important to have a unifying code for the community in order to advance it, and one that's enforced will only make said code more official and respected- which will, in turn, gain legitimacy for the community. An unenforced honor code can only take us so far- with enforcement, we can avoid having idiots appear on humiliating documentaries in the first place.
I fully agree with your idea that these laws need enforcing. How has your area been dealing with troublemakers? That may help to push the idea forward.
What nags at me most are the criteria for determining what is a legitimate House- the guidelines would have to be loose, non ideal-based, and primarily to do with safety to avoid having accusations of mind-control and an ideological monopoly fly around everywhere. I think a few good ones would be "doesn't resemble a cult" (i.e. doesn't make people hand over ridiculous amounts of cash, leave their friends/families, and stop questioning everything while obeying the leader mindlessly) "doesn't exploit/abuse non-vampires", and "doesn't promote illegal activity" (initiating minors, murder, arson... you know. But a House shouldn't be excluded simply because it accepts and condones blood drinking, provided it's done safely). If a House is too secretive and belongs to a "clandestine group" as mentioned before, that sends up a warning flag in my mind, so it's of my personal opinion that it shouldn't be included- due to risk, and because vampires deserve to be able to know what they're joining before they join. It could too easily be a cult in disguise.
The site would have to be controlled by someone fairly neutral to avoid accusations of "taking over the vampiric world". If the list becomes a pawn in politics, all kinds of havoc could result. It would definitely be best if it weren't associated with any particular House, and the individual running it should remain a mystery.
It may also be a good idea to list on the website, in summary, what each House is about- any religious and philosophical affiliations, rank systems, location (obviously), its stance on the Black Veil, and anything else that may be of interest.
Anyway, that's just my take on the subject. Take it or leave it as you wish; you're the one with the authority here. I just write things.
this order will be the enforcers of the Vampyric community laws, it will have members from every state, but we are still working on the details.
but this is why we have chosen this name
by Micha F. Lindemans
Divine creatures from the Old Testament, associated with the Cherubim, and later taken to be angels. The root of Seraphim comes either from the Hebrew verb saraph ('to burn') or the Hebrew noun saraph (a fiery, flying serpent). Because the term appears several times with reference to the serpents encountered in the wilderness (Num. 21.8, Deut. 8.15; Isa. 14.29; 30.6), it has often been understood to refer to "fiery serpents." From this it has also often been proposed that the seraphim were serpentine in form and in some sense "fiery" creatures or associated with fire.
It is said that whoever lays eyes on a Seraph, he would instantly be incinerated due to the immense brightness of the Seraph. They are described as very tall, with six wings and four heads, one for of the cardinal directions. One pair of wings are for flying, one for covering their eyes (for even they may not look directly at God), and one for covering their feet (which is almost certainly a euphemism for genitalia). They are in the direct presence of God.
In Isaiah's call-vision in the Temple, he sees Seraphim surrounding the throne of God, singing praise to God; the "Thrice Holy" hymn (ch 6). In this instance they are angelic beings but in the Book of Numbers, seraph-snakes are sent to punish the Israelites.
Some of the Seraphim are Metatron, Kemuel, Nathanael, Gabriel, and Lucifer.
Singular: Seraph.
I have been speaking with other households and Halos lately about a exile trying to open a house in TX.
many things have been said lines have been crossed and drawn. so my self a house from TX and NY have decided to speak with all the elders and household about enforcing the laws of our community together.
Forming a council by all the households to fix the problems we have within our community.
we are planing to discuss a code of conduct for all that we can all agree upon and how to go about enforcing them, and letting others know of each halos laws so that they are upheld and respected all over.
as well as a list of all true households and orders,
so all the false one will be known to all.
That way they can not bring harm to the real Vampyric Nation! ( the Community )
in the hopes that the bad reps. caused by the law breaking wanna be's will not be on our heads
and all that have broken our laws are made to pay the old way...
see i know this works because it works here in Septem Civis VA. here we are united and enforce the laws.
so it can be done all over..........
I know I will have the backing of NY, NOLA,STX as well VA.
Reason being from comments like this
I once myself turned my back on the community because of the Laws not being followed. I came forward after reading this honorable man teaching. I saw a future for our community once again. I have watch Lords Abuse their swans and stood up against them. They tried to kill me for it. I stand beside Lord Ryu. I will back his House and will died for this man. With any Honorable man there will be those who try to stand in their way. They will not only be subject to his wrath but mine as well. If you want Bullshit Go Rp somewhere. For I know Now it's in my Blood and my Soul to protect this Lord and all that follow him. My Life is his to do with as needed. For I see him as my Lord, Brother, Family.
Phoenix Nefarious
Jay, Skid, Kem... Texas is mine to protect. Dis-ban And face the punishment. If I have to come for you. The hunt will be on. For when my night falls on you. No Gods will save you.
and a letter like this on my birthday saying,
As the Day of your birth comes closer. I look back at what it means to the people you influence through the journey we call life. For me if I hadn't read your posts. Who I really am would have been nothing but a dream. For the people close to you some wouldn't have been here today. For this I give thanks for my Brothers birth. Thank you Mother night for my brother in blood and soul.
to letters and comments like this with out coming to me.
vampirephoenix wrote:
A Word on Lords. A Lord Protects and SUPPORTS his family. Not takes from. This is my last advice Clean house. And if you come here you will obey the Laws here. Goodbye and find your path. For I can no longer protect you.
Phoenix Nefarious
To: vampirephoenix
I do not take from my family and that is why Jason and I have problems I am protecting my family....The Family he wronged and yes I will respect your the laws in TX but I am going for jay!
As for VVC they have labeled Lord Ryu a Role Player.
As I took time to read what I feel is a wonderful outlook and lifestyle outlook Iam proud to say " A kindred spirit has spoken here". I was already impressed after our brief conversation today, now I sit in aw with the highist amount of respect for you. You do our bloodline honor. I am also equally honored to call you "brother, family and my blood". Tho the O'mallie clan is of but ledgend now know this....If you call to arms your kin...we shall respond and walk into the mouth of hell with you. Your actions, words and deeds have earned that ten fold. Till we meet, laugh and enjoy.
Much love
Stephen O'mallie
(Insert titles here)
" When Darkness falls, We are reborn"
Some would agree that Eldership can be attained by simply sitting on ones derriere long enough...and that after a certain length of time one acquires it simply by ones normal age. I humbly disagree. There are two passages to age for us...and one has nothing to do with the mundane years.
I believe that in order to attain Eldership one must do oh so much more than sit around waiting to grow old...and to be "seen" does not constitute growth either...again...in my most humble of opinions...
It is only through earnest hard works ~ deep study, meditation, and long practice that we begin the process of spiritual prosperity...and through these hard works we then are moved through our individual life ascensions...learning the archaic, often-times painful lessons that we are meant to ~ innately...and through the sheer will of who we are naturally...
If we seek Eldership, or any other "level" simply for the title...we are not walking our true path...
Eldership is given as a gift after a greater spiritual ascension has been delivered...and those who feel they have been given this gift, and who may have abused it, perchance you may want to more closely examine the true meaning of This life...perhaps go back to study, or for some begin to study...meditate and practice, knowing full well that it is okay to begin again, or to simply...begin...now. There is no shame in being a humble, beautiful, submissive creature...there never will be...(how else can you learn the lesson, unless you submit to the teaching, be it independent or by your gifted guide?) ...as a matter of "fact" I strongly feel that once you learn to release the ego and begin to study as a dedicated Childe...and bow to the unknown...you then may very well be on the path to Eldership/Greater Spiritual Ascension, and what a sublime journey it is...one that we can eventually share with those who seek to understand who they are ~ in relation to who we are.
It takes a great deal of energy to guide others on this journey, most Elders understand this loving sacrifice that is made in order to aid those who suffer what we once have, and still do at times ~ the sense of feeling alone, detached, the inner turmoils, the feelings of starvation and neglect from society, and that constant lingering - all consuming hunger that never completely dissipates...no matter how hard we try to believe it will...it is our power and our weakness...beauty and the beast ~ no matter our "age."
Yes, you can attain Eldership, but not by the normal years alone. One much younger in normal years may achieve Eldership more swiftly than one who is much older in the mundane years by passionate, sincere hard works...while the "older" individual sits around demanding respect by age/time alone.
Humble yourselves to be the Chylde...revel in the artistry of her voyage, and know you are loved...
I myself have much to learn, I anticipate the next ascension ~ no matter the labyrinth or pain involved, and am grateful for each lesson given...including the current one...
I bow my head and remain This immortal Chylde~