there will be a time all vamps come together and the dick head closed minded fucks who say we are nuts or fake will come to understand that we are all of the same strand of life and see past the face and look inside with understanding and love....The way I see it is that if we can put aside the small things that make us diff. is what makes us , us and the world go around the rainbow bright...We can teach the youth Honor pride in who they having pride in who we are..
Started a site were we can say what we feel.
A safe place for info with respect for each other.
hopefully it will grow and others will post there feelings and what they have learned about our kin there.
I have met and talked to many who like what I have to say and some who don't. but that is life and what is in it I turned 32 today and I had a good day my mate made me a cake it was good it had lil bats on it so cute.. THANK YOU BABY I HAD FUN BUT I MISSED OUR SON!!!!
to all the ones I met today or who have joined our site thank you I hope you like it and help it grow...
I saw plenty in your journal. One of Cancer's recent journal entries covers it pretty well.
Not to mention, the thread that you're spending so much time whining about, I happen to know that one of the Admins told you not to post it in the first place.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
Oh, and please don't send any more ridiculously long messages to my inbox, it's rather a pain on my connection. I generally don't block anyone, as a result of being part of the administration team of the site, but I will make an exception if necessary.
As for my opinions towards you and your behavior, I did something rather abnormal when dealing with this type of bullshit and addressed a good deal of it in a journal entry, but that is all I'm going to speak on the matter. I was doing as I was supposed to and maintaining the forums
what I have to say about the above
Bullshit it was the way you did it that was wrong and you know it look you play the game if you want I read the rules aswell what is it I think Cancer said if you don't what the thread says don't fucking read it!!!! Now as to what you think of me look to me you are nothing I am not here for you I am here to learn and teach you don't like what I have to teach thats fine move on I am not here for you...Childish? me that is funny crying over shit thats even funnyer no I dont like the way the site is now to manny bullshit threads on the hollywood type and not the hlv's to you that may mean nothing but there are many and I mean many that feel the same way. but mr big time admin to the threads thats not your prob. I am sick of you fucks talking to peopel the way you see fit do to the fact you hold rank and I was told I use my rank wrong, you I did fuck up and I am man enuff to say so but yous lol if we don't fall inline we get kicked off wtf so do you cause I know if we met in person you would hold your lip.
Ignorance can be tolerated, but stupidity should require pain!
the last 18 post in my journal are for you to read why do you not say something to me ToiletDuc
I want to know what you think...
I think he just has the wrong perception of what you are trying to say. And with that being, ToiletDuct does always come off as a rude and obnoxious guy himself.
lol well,der sir I hope he leaves your future forums alone. Unforturnatly I don't have the authority on doing so. I have read his comment over and over again and he don't make sense. The very thing he is bitching about is what he was doing. lol
I do see that he has taken both of your forums off. If he didn't like it then why didn't he just leave the forums?
Your welcome my Dear Lord,
You shouldn't have let that guy get to you. Some people like that, look for ways to annoy others and like confrontation. I usually just ignore it.
If he was truly into vampyres. He would accept all things of our way of life and in his blindness our way of death. Just because we do not talk about what we are doesn't mean we do not exist. VR is showing our values, and I love it. I treat all members and this site as my family and home. This is to me a place where you can be yourself and not hide. That guy does not care to know what this site is truly about. There is a difference in looking for information and just being plain ignorant about things. He is being plain ignorant.Cancer has come up with the greatest site. If that Toiletteduc guy doesn't like it here, then I say to him....."DON'T BE SO JUDGEMENTAL ABOUT THINGS THAT YOU SHOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE, QUIT ACTING LIKE A BABY, and if YOU can't handle the real thing DON'T LOG ONTO THIS SITE!" I actually think I might send this to him. But unlike him, I do not like causing confrontation. This site means to much to me.
When you sent that comment he made on your forum,I do see why you had gotten upset. I am sorry. I went off but I will defend this site and what it means to me. By the way, why didn't you show that to Cancer? I know he would've take care of the situation.
Anyway... take care my brother and let those assanine people comments just go in one ear and out the other. Cheers:)
I read your journal....number one...screw that guy mouthing off...r u here to please him? give information to others who appreciate it.....
Greetings Lord Ryu .....
THou art kidding ... Have thou read this child's profile ..... I practically fell off my seat ... There is a reason why this child is single at his age ... LOL ...
I beleive that thou should appeal this child's statement to Cancer ... although I have very lil faith in Cancer, personally ...
He is clearly a limited young one ... LOL
well, brother i dont agree with his statemnet of course, but yet i am no one to do something about it... if you feel harassed by a specific person maybe you should contact the prince himself
On 11:53:13 Jul 22 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
my sister I wish to ask you something
this is what is told to me about my threads do you to feel the same
Iconoclast (26)
Posts: 1761
Re: The vampire of fiction and the true life Vampyre
Posted: 06:36:11 - Jul 22 2006
Times viewed: 25
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
do you see me the same way as he?
No, I do not feel the same. Where does he think he gets the right to pull that shit. If he doesnt like your threads, just like Cancer has said, dont fucking read them.
On 00:11:12 Jul 22 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
this is what is told to me about my threads do you to feel the same
Iconoclast (26)
Posts: 1761
Re: The vampire of fiction and the true life Vampyre
Posted: 06:36:11 - Jul 22 2006
Times viewed: 25
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
I do not agree with him. I think he is looking for something to bitch about, but that is my opinion. If he is so concern about what other people is writing and has nothing better to do than to judge then, well, frankly I feel sorry for that poor guy.
On 00:09:00 Jul 22 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
My sister do you feel the same way as this brother about my threads read what he said...
Iconoclast (26)
Posts: 1761
Re: The vampire of fiction and the true life Vampyre
Posted: 06:36:11 - Jul 22 2006
Times viewed: 25
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
My dearest dark brother ...
I have but only recently began frequenting the Forums ...
Pray tell who is the individual that has affronted thee in such a manner ... and have they addressed this issue with thee in the past ??? ...
The implied threat is thy removal or cast from the site ... tis only an administrator that hath that power ... or so I thought ...
The challenege to thee wouldst be to assess, with a true fearless and moral inventory, what part of the dynamic didst thou contribute ... tis that and only that which thou can control ... the rest sounds as though tis a personal issue ... one that is using thine own attributes as a weapon ...
I am interested in the outcome ...
What I know of our kind overall is that we all have a vein of narssistic trait/quality ... but thats ok .... tis one of the many qualities that set us apart from otherkin ...
Perhaps, Lord Ryu ... if I knew thee better, I wouldst be better able to answer more directly ... forgive this failing, M'Lord ...
::Bows respcetfully:: .....
no sir i do not.
actualy, i like you posts, and i think they have some good meaning...
but, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and everyone has theirs as well.
On 23:35:23 Jul 21 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
my brother do you feel the same way he does about my threads..
Iconoclast (26)
Posts: 1761
Re: The vampire of fiction and the true life Vampyre
Posted: 06:36:11 - Jul 22 2006
Times viewed: 25
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
what ya do is keep on posting, and if that guy keeps on doin that, get him suspended!
I don't understand him... is he saying y'all are fake? If so, then no I do not agree. But I can't see his point...
On 23:36:05 Jul 21 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
my sister do you feel the same way he does about my threads..
Iconoclast (26)
Posts: 1761
Re: The vampire of fiction and the true life Vampyre
Posted: 06:36:11 - Jul 22 2006
Times viewed: 25
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
A good deal of your forum topics are more informative than something we can debate. So it would seem more logical if you were to write articles on the topics that you posted and submit them to the database. This way when newbies joined VR and asked questions you could direct them to the articles you have written as well as the other worthwhile articles on VR.
This way your knowledge isn't wasted and will help others.
On 23:38:53 Jul 21 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
my Sister do you feel the same way he does about my threads..
Iconoclast (26)
Posts: 1761
Re: The vampire of fiction and the true life Vampyre
Posted: 06:36:11 - Jul 22 2006
Times viewed: 25
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
I think that there have been PLENTY of people on this site who have "advertised" their personal beliefs on the vampire lifestyle. If someone wants to know down one person for putting forth their personal ideals about vampires, then they should knock every single one that does it. and if they knock down ever single person, then they might as well get more than half of the people off this site.
There have been many who post about thier own personal views of vamps which more than half of the time seems as if its straight from hollywood fiction. Thats nothing new.
I think that if they disagree with one, then they should disagree with all, and this site wouldnt be what it normally is.
everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and its not right for them to say that to anyone. It is called freedom of speech after all.
Thats just my opinion.
On 23:33:42 Jul 21 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
My sister do you feel the same way about my threads as he does?
Iconoclast (26)
Posts: 1761
Re: The vampire of fiction and the true life Vampyre
Posted: 06:36:11 - Jul 22 2006
Times viewed: 25
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
1. No, I do not feel that way. I havent really seen you belittle anyone - or start any fights.
2. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I really think his opinion should have been in a private email or message to you in this case.
3. If two people on VR have issues with each other, it belongs on a message, not a message board. Even MORE so when those two people have a status as high as your twos. Others who have not been here as long, like me.. may get the impression this behavior is okay.. especialy young ones with not that much experience.
On 23:32:49 Jul 21 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
My sister tell me do you feel the same way about my threads as he says?
Iconoclast (26)
Posts: 1761
Re: The vampire of fiction and the true life Vampyre
Posted: 06:36:11 - Jul 22 2006
Times viewed: 25
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
Frankly I couldnt care less of who wrote that to you but I can surely tell you this, you as any member in VR have your right to express what you like, obviously in a moderated fashion. Your threads have inspired & ignited interest in many which is why they are much well followed. I have a habit of reading much of what you write with interest even if admitedly I seldom have anything to add myself. I dont think there is any reason to doubt or concern yourself. This person expressed her opinion? Fine, if they don't like what you like then they better dont access your threads at all, it's their problem not yours, stick to your guns brother & keep sharing knowledge as you do so well.
On 23:14:05 Jul 21 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:
brother is this true about me?
"I am sick of seeing thread on a vampire site that have nothing to do with vampires or if it does it's the Hollywood type."
If you're sick of these threads, then leave. Or stop looking at the forums. Because I won't tolerate complaining about it any longer. If you would like to know why, your answer is on one of the oldest pages on this site: What is a Vampire?. The site isn't going to change for your misdirected ideals that are, at least in my opinion, just as mythological as what you're complaining about. And that's not even mentioning the massive amount of effort you have done that contributes to nothing except your ego and false self-image.
You have spammed the forums on multiple occassions, instigated fights, belittled others, and basically insulted the site in general. I, and I'm sure plenty of others, are sick of it. You will play nicely, or you will not play.
I sit and see how fucking nasty this house looks and smells I am staying at a friends house there are 4 men and two women here I cook for the fucking house and I wash my own shit I tell every one to do the same but no one does I pick up after five dogs and two cats that shit and piss in the fucking house I let them out and still..I feel that they are not mine why should I have to pick up after them, and every onr in the house are not kids so they can pick up aswell but no one does. I tell my mate to pick up she starts then needs a fucking brake I am sick of this I don't think things are going to work out even thoe we have a son. I am old school she says she feels like a house wife lol a house wife cooks cleans and takes care of the kids right????
why the fuck do I have to tell her to pick up yo I am getting sick of this....
I was told I hurt all those who I come across.
That I don't love my self nor can I love any other.
I sit and think can this be true for I feed and do my best to take care of mine I try and teach and open eyes to what is real and what is not. I play no games I do what I feel I must.
I am Vampyre this is who and what I am, I am here to understand this and live with it as best I know how. I was told I should just disapear from all that way noone will get hurt by who and what I am.. Maybe they are right I don't know maybe they would be better off with out me..but maybe not
We had a good run, many fights and many good times we made it past the games and the lies and the other guys..we stayed...I thought we would be forever. guess I was wrong again you say your in the rain alone but if you look you'll see me there to all the hurt you handed me by being with other men and I stayed even my my friends and our family said to go when they downed you by calling you a hoe I stayed.
Through your Mother doing all the things she has said and done I stayed.....when I tryed to walk away you grabed my hand and made me stay I was there when you dad died as we looked into his eyes... your Mother saying I did not belong just as our kin said you did not but I stayed. I stayed when you betrade me with another I stayed.....Now you want to go........
Ashlee you are the earth that I walk on you kept me grounded...But this is what you want so good bye if that is what you no I don't think anyone wins this battel but your Mother.... Stay safe M'Lady I wish you well may thy heart find what it seeks.
Good Bye My love
I love you Ashlee
You know you find out how true your friends are when you are let someone use your car when they don't have one, they ask you to be there for there wife and drive her place to place cause they will not be there so you say ok. they open there doors to your mate but not to you.. you stay cause of the wife but are told you have to sleep in a tent out side but you don't you clean there house from top to bottom wile there wife sits on her ass all day saying we do nothing we cooked and all then your car dies they have a new one and say you cant use it what the fuck!!!!we go away for a few days the house get to be fucking a pig stie its sickning there is roting food all over the house it smells so much bull shit its hard to put into words but the council will be coming soon to fix things I look forward to it lol I almost feel bad for them like I said almost I don't understand these fucks from out here a family is a family these fucks look out for them and them alone it was a big fucking mistake bringing them into the fold but things will be fixed soon.. they can fall in line or fall!!!! I can careless I am so sick of all the bull shit.. from talking shit to each other puting each other down to letting one fall not being there and so on.. so fuck them all they will find out soon what this life is all about!!!!!!!