UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal

UMBRAxDExVIR's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


23 entries this month

from a brother

17:11 Jan 31 2006
Times Read: 811

i am good thank you

you seem stronger

and surer

cleaning up house and weeding out the vermin

it is indeed cheering to see this

perhaps the real babies will begin to come now

shyly maybe at first

perhaps your love must be hard and tough this time

like a stone

that one must break a tooth on, getting at it

that will keep the false ones away

only the true ones will stay

the ones that truly love you

for what you are and not for the things that you can give them

there is much mother in you

and mother must be tough on her children sometimes

like nature

she is cruel only to be kind

she inflicts the wounds that will heal the bigger illness

perhaps a restraining and gaurding of the heart is necessary for those whose outpouring is much

whose flow is more than their ebb

it is important i have found that the other is aware of ones value at all times

very few are noble

the rest must be taught

be well my friend




To Noctem Aeternus

21:11 Jan 30 2006
Times Read: 789

Travis his wife and dave and his wife are dead to the house NO ONE CAN CONTACT THEM OR SHARE THERE FATE! I will have no more fucking games this is how it is they left us out now they are out!!!!!!!!!THIS I COMMAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am sick of having honorless motherfuckers in my house it will be done by the books from this day forward...........My fucking blood runs in your vains My will be done!




Brothers till death? bullshit

20:48 Jan 30 2006
Times Read: 793

You have the BALLS to talk shit Motherfucker

on who I fucked and didn't how fucking dare you , you punk ass motherfucker before you open your mouth know what the fuck you are talking about cause if I told your new wife who you fucked I am sure she would not be to fucking happy your a back stabber and a lyer, A waste of good blood mother fucker a coward who chould not come to me with what you have done and you called your self my brother drop fucking dead.





19:22 Jan 30 2006
Times Read: 802

can some body tell me where I went wrong I trusted two fucks with my all and they went got married both of my boys and didn't tell me one two we all lived together and and lost our place cause one of them had to have afucking hooka instead of paying the rent so we lost it and he said its ok we will be back in a new place soon but went and got one him self with his new wife and didn't tell anyone from the house now here we are in a fucked up place not having a place to live and he sitts in his place with out telling anyone. and the other one does the same thing were is the honor in that how can they say they are family yet leave us out in some shit like a wedding or two. thanks




Brothers till death? bullshit

03:33 Jan 29 2006
Times Read: 816

well you know what I think is FUCKED UP! that the obes who call you brother the ones you give a gift to that no one can give but you fuck you over forget about you but when they need you they were up your ass and now when you are down they forget all about you but hey its all FUCKING GOOD FUCK YOU BE GONE YOU ARE NOT NEEDED NOR WELCOME YOU PLAYED YEAH YOU DID BUT HEY LIKE I SAID ITS ALL FUCKING GOOD....................got married didnt tell me , got a place didn't tell me what the fuck what happened to our place we lived together it was your doing the cost us our place your fucking hooka what was it yo look for a place and i will who ever finds one first the others move in we will be back together again soon don't stress it yo you are so fucking full of shit ... yo i got this dog! fuck you yo you let me down and the rest of the family buit you say fuck us NO! FUCK YOU!




from a friend

16:25 Jan 27 2006
Times Read: 823

i am good thank you

you seem sad

and dissillusioned

is there perhaps much that is being removed from your life

and the pain that it entails

could it be perhaps that something new is wanting to manifest

and these things that are leaving are making space for the new thing to be

and that the pain and confusion that you feel is the energy from that release

perhaps there are lessons here

perhaps this time and these events are actually a gift dressed in the garments of misfortune, as the most precious gifts usually are,

a hard gift that one should break a tooth on trying to get at

perhaps it is like the fever that preceeds the burning away of an infection

subduing it only keeps the infection sleeping , to raise its head another day

the infection i refer to here is perhaps your limitations that are trying to surface and be released

all fires die out eventually i have found in my experiences

even suns burn out

the night however goes on

be well my friend




To the members of Noctem Aeternus with out Honor you know who you are..........

16:13 Jan 27 2006
Times Read: 825

I gave you all my love but you just through it all away.

and now there's nothing left to do no words left to say

I never thought that there would come a day that you would deceive me and be untrue so now you go your way and I'll go mine but I am crying over you..........

Every night I find myself thinking about you all I can't get you off mind.

I dream of fantasies I wish to be real... Of you and me all the time.

I believe that the house still has much to offer, giving time I'll prove it's true.

Nothing to lose, but to gain without laughter because it's all about you.

Just look back you'll see the best of you and me thought we had till the end....

I can't believe it's gone this love we both had once,

Now we can't even be friends.

My heart is screaming all night, give us a second chance listen to my cries, listen to my cries, listen to my heart cry!

I don't know what I've done to hurt but now I do feel the pain.

Set back the time with us I wish that I could do, to were we all have all to gain.

Lose not the love that I have lost from your broken heart.

Foolish now alone I stand, alone I stand.

Fearing the thought of you staying away so far and me never getting that chance.

to prove my love is strong, knowing right from wrong the challenge has now begun, to gain the house control seceding that my goal.

No less then all my love I gave.

My heart is screaming all night, give us a second chance listen to my cries, listen to my cries, listen to my heart cry!

Just look back you'll see the best of you and me thought we had till the end....

I can't believe it's gone this love we both had once,

Now we can't even be friends.

My heart is screaming all night, give us a second chance listen to my cries, listen to my cries, listen to my heart cry!





07:57 Jan 26 2006
Times Read: 834

some times I sit in the dark and ask "what am I here for" I know alot of us do, but I find it hard to go on at times I mean I miss one of my past just like me I was I was there the day they fell.

the new ones never understand as they did we were the same , and now I am alone even with my fledeglings..I long for the days of my past.




To the Members of the house of Noctem Aeternus

23:35 Jan 23 2006
Times Read: 845

The beautiful ones= the members of Noctem Aeternus

Baby, baby, baby

What's it gonna be

Baby, baby, baby

Is it him or is it me?

Don't make me waste my time

Don't make me lose my mind baby

Baby, baby, baby

Can't u stay with me tonight

Oh baby, baby, baby

Don't my kisses please u right

U were so hard 2 find

The beautiful ones, they hurt u everytime

Paint a perfect picture

Bring 2 life a vision in one's mind

The beautiful ones

Always smash the picture

Always everytime

If I told u baby

That I was in love with u

Oh baby, baby, baby

If we got married = our unity

Would that be cool?

U make me so confused= (We are Noctem Aeternus we are family but act the way you's do)

The beautiful ones

U always seem 2 lose

Baby, baby,

Baby, baby,

Baby, baby,


What's it gonna be baby?

Do u want him?

Or do u want me?

Cause I want u

Said I want u

Tell me, babe

Do u want me?

I gotta know, I gotta know

Do u want me?

Baby, baby, baby

Listen 2 me

I may not know where I'm going (babe)

I said I may not know what I need

One thing, one thing's 4 certain baby

I know what I want, yeah

And if it please u baby

Please u, baby

I'm begging down on my knees

I want u

Yes I do

Baby, baby, baby, baby

I want you

Yes I do

Dig if u will the picture

Of u and I engaged in a kiss

The sweat of your body covers me

Can u my darling

Can u picture this?

Dream if u can a courtyard

An ocean of violets in bloom

Animals strike curious poses

They feel the heat

The heat between me and u

How can u just leave me standing?

Alone in a world that's so cold? (So cold)

Maybe I'm just 2 demanding

Maybe I'm just like my father 2 bold

Maybe you're just like my mother

She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied)

Why do we scream at each other

This is what it sounds like

When doves cry

Touch if u will my stomach

Feel how it trembles inside

You've got the butterflies all tied up

Don't make me chase u

Even doves have pride

How can u just leave me standing?

Alone in a world so cold? (World so cold)

Maybe I'm just 2 demanding

Maybe I'm just like my father 2 bold

Maybe you're just like my mother

She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied)

Why do we scream at each other

This is what it sounds like

When doves cry

How can u just leave me standing?

Alone in a world that's so cold? (A world that's so cold)

Maybe I'm just 2 demanding (Maybe, maybe I'm like my father)

Maybe I'm just like my father 2 bold (Ya know he's 2 bold)

Maybe you're just like my mother (Maybe you're just like my mother)

She's never satisfied (She's never, never satisfied)

Why do we scream at each other (Why do we scream, why)

This is what it sounds like

When doves cry

When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)

When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)

Don't Cry (Don't Cry)

When doves cry

When doves cry

When doves cry

When Doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry, doves cry

Don't cry

Darling don't cry

Don't cry

Don't cry

Don't don't cry





07:16 Jan 23 2006
Times Read: 857

today I was told that my brothers had found a place to live...Yet it was not from them but from another...now from what I remember what was told me stress not bro "I GOT THIS" we will be at our new home soon it will be as it was..

they called to always ask for a ride yet now they have a car they are gone they dont call for anything don't pick up...Now HOW THE FUCK IS THIS LOOKING? to me it looks like you forgot your kin one, two that you broke your word!!! Yet again!! BUT HEY I NEED NOT ONE WHO CAN NOT KEEP THERE WORD! so if that be you........

BE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




the bullshit

06:17 Jan 22 2006
Times Read: 867

Today I was told to delete the pics of my kids by there mother. wtf!




The Last Thread I will make.

13:06 Jan 12 2006
Times Read: 911

I thought the site was to post our views on what we are Forgive me but I understand this not I will no longer post any more threads.

brothers and sisters of the Council I need thy input. Help me understand what thios site is here for. Now the the admin and others I love the site but at times it loses me I can not understand if we are here to enlighten each other why do this?

We do not bring only pain and loss to those we feed upon. The experience of our touch on levels far deeper than the physical can be transformative to those strong enough to bear up under it.

Let others condemn us, call us evil or perverse, but let them never speak of love or an understanding of it. For we love and share with one another in way so profound that those not of our number have never imagined it before. Ours is the kissing of souls, unburdened by the limitations of physical flesh. Ours is the deepest knowing of another soul. Ours is the truest communion.

Those we feed upon experience waves of ecstasy, like riding the crest of a prolonged orgasm, though one which is not located specifically in the flesh.

Our draw is like a drug. Our partners are overcome with a soothing sensation, until they relax to their very core. They feel they are drifting in an ocean of pleasure. They are filled with a golden, melting sensation that is almost narcotic in its intensity. Our draw can bring visions and it can bring rest and sleep even to the most restless of souls. The pleasure we give is not wholly physical but occurs upon all levels, and serves to bridge the space between these levels of existence in our partners, raising them up into an apotheosis of Self. Our touch is mystical, and it changes our partners profoundly on levels they may only have imagined.

Like a drug, however, our draw can be addictive. We understand too well the overpowering desire our need inspires in us, but our partners can also come to be reliant upon the pleasure that we give to them. They can become trained to be responsive to our touch, and their physical and subtle bodies can grow so accustomed to our drain that they overproduce vitality in anticipation of having it drained away. Thus we must always take care in how often we feed from our partners, and try to guard against obsessing them with the pleasure that we give to the exclusion of all else.

LordOfNoctemAeternus, with respect please could you refrain from putting your teachings into the forum please? The better place for your threads would be in your journal, and that advertised in the personals section.

Most of the Vampire House Masters here put their teachings into their journal, and people who follow them, or wish to know of their ways read it. Thankyou :) ~Em~





18:01 Jan 09 2006
Times Read: 932

I'm over it

You see I'm falling in the black obyss

Clouded by memories of the past

At last, I see

I hear it fading

I can't speak it

Unless you will dig my grave

We fear them finding

Always winding

Take my hand now

Be alive

You see I cannot be forsaken

Because I'm not the only one

We walk amongst you

Feeding, raping

Must we hide from everyone

I'm over it

Why can't we be together

Erase it

Sleeping so long

Taking up the mass

At last, I see

I hear it fading

I can't speak it

Unless you will dig my grave

We fear them finding

Always winding

Take my hand now

Be alive

You see I cannot be forsaken

Because I'm not the only one

We walk amongst you

Feeding, raping

Must we hide from everyone

You see I cannot be forsaken

Because I'm not the only one

We walk amongst you

Feeding, raping

Must we hide from everyone



Everyone [fading out]





Confucius Says

14:15 Jan 09 2006
Times Read: 936

Confucius Says ...

Man who stand on toilet high on pot.

Man who jump off cliff, jump to conclusion.

Man who run behind car get exhausted.

Virgin just like balloon ... one prick, all gone.

Secretary not permanent until she screwed on desk.

Man who put cock in Peanut Butter jar is F***ing Nuts.

Man with tool in woman mouth May not necessarily be dentist.

Couple on 7-day honeymoon make hole weak.

Girl who marry Richard must kiss Dick.

Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.

Man who excels at putting worm on hook is Master Baiter

Man young when he snatches kisses, old when he kisses snatches.

Man who loses key to lady's apartment get no new-key.

Man who go to sleep with itchy butt, wake with smelly fingers...

War do not determine who right, war determine who left.

Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok

Schoolboy who play with schoolgirl during wrong period, get caught red-handed.

Girl who sit on judge's lap get an honourable discharge.

Girl who go camping must beware of evil intent.

Man with tight trousers is pressing his luck.

He who farts in church sits in own pew.

He who sneezes without a handkerchief takes matters into his own hands.

He who fish in other's hole often catch crabs.

Man who go to bed with hard problem wake up with solution in hand.

Squirrel who run up woman's leg not find nuts.

He who kisses woman's ass get crack in jaw.

Passionate kiss just like spider web - lead to undoing of fly.

Girl who sit on jockey's lap get hot tip.

If you want pretty nurse, you got to be patient.

Man who stand on street corner with hands in pockets, not feeling crazy, feeling nuts.

Woman who go to bachelor apartment for snack get tit-bit.

Man who put rooster in Ice Compartment take out Stiff Cock.

No difference between man and mouse - both end in pussy.

Nail on board is not good as screw on bench




I think these fucking cowards are lucky we never meet

22:52 Jan 08 2006
Times Read: 944

this prick would not last I hate people like him...

to stupid to know better> I will say this if we ever meet I will be the last thing he will ever see

ive herd of this "teacher" and neither of you have the right nor authority to do such a thing, she is her own person and from my understandings she wants nothing to do with either of you here in VR, so leave it.

and nor do i want anything to do with it, she can handle her self quiet well, if she requires my input i shall give it, but untill such time i lay dormant and do nothing, but i expect not to be provoked, understand?

On 16:26:49 Jan 08 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:

your mates teacher his asked me to look past your mates unlady like words and to understand that she is new to this he is part of my house and sits at my side so I will honor his wishes and help him teach her




more kind words from the same friend

16:26 Jan 08 2006
Times Read: 948

you are welcome

i desire to see you win, triumph

in a way this is selfish on my part

in a way perhaps in your victories i win something to

your victories over your self

and your limitations

that in my experience is perhaps where the gold is

that ancient code you seek so desperately for always

that always seems to elude you

whose absense makes you question


espescially in the face of critisism

from those that would like to use your noble nature against you

lions dont argue with jackalls do they

i wish you well

for the year that we find ourselves in and the years to follow

may you find your gold

my friend




Kind words from a friend

16:05 Jan 08 2006
Times Read: 949

i am good thank you

i think about you sometimes

about your struggle

your despair

and hope

your strength

and that will to destroy on one hand and the need to nurture and care for on the other

it is good to have you on the planet

i have wanted to tell you that for a while now


perhaps a circle completes

and another begins

with this year

one with much transformation

a rising


the honour you seek perhaps is not to be found in those around you

but in your own actions alone

where you keep it safe and guarded

and in that perhaps it may spread, some scent of it to those around

like a contagious thing




Losing my mind

13:14 Jan 07 2006
Times Read: 964

I can't take this shit anymore my loved ones are getting hurt, I'm slipping away from who I am trying to get a foot hold on my life, loved ones thinking of me like I am some low life who just wants them for there body. wtf is that shit! I truely feel as if I lost my way I don't hunt I have not broke someone face in so long its like they think me weak wtf do I have to do hurt some one to get respect. I AM NOT THE FUCKING ONE I AM SO SICK OF ALL THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a good fight! No I need to be held fuck I dont know any more. what is it I seek is it love pain war what? fuck I can't sleep I don't eat my babys mom is fliping on me for not eating my mother is asking whats up my job sucks I am going to take the test to be a cop to better my self and give back to the people. wtf GOD DAMN I AM TRYING TO DO MY FUCKING BEST IS THAT NOT GOOD ENUFF ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My house and all in it are the best thing in my life and that is all fucked up. you know I seek death one good fight that I die in that would make me so fucking happy cause I chould be with my fallen brothers and sisters.




fucking new people

02:21 Jan 07 2006
Times Read: 975

Try and send a pome and a bite to say hi and this be what you get




Jan 07 2006


Block User



Move to Saved

Email to Self

One, The poem kinda scarry because I dont know who you are ! And for fuck sakes im tired of people biting me with out a reason and not bothering to find out who I am!

For im a bitch ...

~Just leave me the fuck alone~

On 20:06:54 Jan 06 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:

fo0rgive me. may I know how?

On 20:05:58 Jan 06 2006 Dementedvamp wrote:

Wow you scared the hell out of me !

On 20:04:47 Jan 06 2006 LordOfNoctemAeternus wrote:

forgive me have I dishonored you?




I can't take this shit any more

10:34 Jan 05 2006
Times Read: 990

She bitches about everything I do . You stay up all night you smoke in the house you go out you talk online you you you you enuff I have to find another place soon or my next place will be jail she throws my shit on the floor what the fuck yo I need to get out...this was a fucking mistake coming back here I need to find a fucking place god fucking dam it.




Shit people say to me

10:22 Jan 05 2006
Times Read: 992

Hello there!

Body: Goodmorning starshine! The earth says hello!

I just was perusing Myspace and I had a few questions for you. I think what you do is really cool and respectable. I remember back in the day even I wanted to play the RPG game Vampire: The Masquerade. I grew out of that phase as I got older, but I guess it is still cool to see some people like to re-live (or did you ever even leave?) their childhood. Very appealing. I love vamps, so I would really appreciate it if you would take 5 minutes or so out of your bloodsucking day to answer these questions as accurate as possible. Thanks a lot!

1. How many litre's of blood do you drink on a daily basis?

2. Do you like to surf?

3. Have you ever eaten a real life fetus?

4. What is your favorite vampy flick?

5. Do vampires have penises?

6. Can you turn into a vampire bat?

7. Who would win in a bloodsucking duel to the death- You or Dracula?

8. Can those sharp fangs of yours replace a hunting knife?

9. Do you like to eat steak with those fangs?

10. If you are a vampire every day, what the fuck are you for Halloween?

By the way, when I said "bloodsucking day" that was a false statement, vampires don't do anything but sleep during the day, everyone knows that. Therefore, if you are reading this at anytime before sunset, you are a fraud. Thanks.

hey whats up

Body: so you are a fuckeing retard. who the fuck do you think you are? ok count chocula


can you say assholes





06:25 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 997

A new year what will it bring more pain I can see but also much love and happyness. to all I hope you all find what you seek in life and love hits you right in the heart.................




Happy new years

06:22 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 999

well tonight I had a good time I was with Ashlee and some friends we desided to work on our bond and help it grow that we had been through alot well to much to walk away from each other and I am happy cause she means alot to me. one thiong saddens me the family was not here to hang with us that sucked I miss you guys.

happy new years!!!!



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