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some of The Vampire Codex

04:43 Dec 13 2005
Times Read: 822


We are neither wholly born nor wholly made what we are. The choice for us to become was made long ago. From that time onward, we have been reborn again and again, carrying within us in every lifetime the seed of what we are.

Sometimes we forget ourselves, and wander our lives like sleepwalkers, only half-aware of our true natures. Yet sleeping or awakened, we are born with the potential for transformation.

Awakening is a process of expanded awareness. Anyone with gifts and talents of a subtle nature undergoes an awakening in their life. This is when they come into their own, finally accepting what has been latent within them since birth. For us, the process can be traumatic, as the existence we awaken to opens us up to a host of strange thoughts, sensations, and experiences which lie outside the limits accepted even by other Awakened.

Awakening is the alchemical forge in which we are transformed from dross to spiritual gold. It is the recalling of a part of our Selves that has become clouded over time. It is becoming more than the little self of this lifetime, grasping the totality of who we were and who we are to be -- our Essential Self.

Some of us have greater potential than others. Some are born with an instinctive understanding of their potential and they may gradually come to realize that potential on their own. They recall without prompting and their power is great.

The bulk of our number are born ignorant to what they are. As they grow and mature, there are subtle hints of the latent power, but fear and self-doubt generally keep these from being acknowledged and accepted. Such as these must be awakened to their true selves by another of our number already familiar to our ways.

There are two rituals of initiation. The Lesser Initiation is an exchange of feeding which occurs between the teacher and the initiate. The initiate is drained deeply, often for the first time. This heightens his awareness of his energy body and will often catalyze him into realizing his potential in the next few days. The sensations that this process inspires are usually too intense to ignore or explain away. If fed from deeply enough, his instincts will overcome him and he will feed from others in order to replenish his depleted system.

The Greater Initiation involves a ritual death and rebirth which occurs on both the physical and spiritual levels for the initiate. It is visionary and shamanic in nature and forces the initiate to face himself and all that he has been within the boundaries of his own soul. Like all deaths and rebirths, this ritual strips away old identities and assumptions. The little self of this lifetime is subsumed into the greater Self, and the initiate is irrevocably changed. This rite is reserved for only the strongest minds, for any who are weak or filled with fear may not survive the initiation. Their minds can be blown away like dry autumn leaves in the face of the totality of who they are.

Other Awakened

There are many beyond ourselves who have the potential for power. They also undergo a process like our Becoming which consists primarily of a expanded awareness and an awakening to their greater Self. This commonly occurs with the onset of puberty, although it may happen later or earlier, depending on nature and circumstance. These are commonly referred to as the Awakened. Their ways and their powers are diverse.

Like us, many of the Awakened follow a particular archetype. They use this archetype as a symbol to define themselves and their powers. They have a fundamental connection to the energy of this archetype, and although human in body, they are something more in spirit. Angels, witches, the Fey, Otherkin, Shifters, these are but a few of the archetypes that may be followed. Like ourselves, it may be that such individuals are responsible for inspiring much of the folklore that gave rise to the archetype in the first place and now, in a less spiritually open time, they have only the buried grains of truth lingering in the folklore to fall back upon to define themselves. Like us, they are human and Other. They are spiritual travelers who take up bodies as garments. We should always treat them with respect, for ultimately, we serve common goals.

You will be attracted to the Awakened in much the same manner that you are drawn to Potentials of our kind. Much is unspoken and unconscious. Trust that your greater Self is guiding you, for it knows and understands what may not always be accessible to your conscious mind.

Like ourselves, the Awakened can perceive and manipulate the many layers of reality. They call themselves by many names and they follow many diverse paths. Most of the Awakened draw their power from the positive, generative forces of reality. Thus, they may fear us when they first encounter us. This fear arises from ignorance. Though we are darkness and they are light, we all work toward the same goal. We each in our way bring awareness to the world, catalyzing those with potential toward Awakening.

When we come upon one who is verging upon Awakening, it is our duty to guide and instruct them. Do not mistake every Awakened being for a Potential of our kind. Nor should you attempt to push those not of our kind into accepting our ways and our arts. This way is not for everyone, and no one should ever be forced into following it. Be aware that some may resonate with more than one archetype, and these are the most difficult of all to identify and to educate. They may have much in common with us, but there will be limits to what we can explain and help them understand. In all cases, serve your function as a catalyst, helping them toward their path but not seeking to define that path for them. Ultimately, each person must walk their path alone.


You are responsible for teaching and guiding those of our kind whom you have awakened to their true natures. You must guide them through their transformation, helping to ease the transition from one level of awareness to the next.

Those who you guide in this way will be as your children and will share a deep bond with you like no other.

You will know their very heart and soul. The mysteries of their Essential Self will be unveiled to you. No distance will separate your awareness of them.

The link goes both ways, and they can communicate with you and know your feelings when they choose. You may use the link to feed from them at a distance, to borrow their strength as your own.

Their thoughts will be yours to know; their actions will fall under your control if you so choose -- but do not seek to abuse this power you wield over them for as dearly as they may love you and revere you while under your control, they will just as thoroughly hate and revile you once that control has slipped away.

The Beacon

Our kind has ways of recognizing its own. Often this recognition occurs on an unspoken level and is very subtle, so you must learn to trust your impulses and allow your greater Self to guide you.

Especially in the unawakened, this recognition manifests itself as a Beacon which calls us to them so that they may realize their Potential. The Beacon calls to us on a very basic level, and often speaks purely to our unconscious minds. Thus we find ourselves inexplicably attracted to a Potential, stricken with a sudden fascination for him and a need to draw him closer to us. If we listen to our perceptions and trust our instinctual reactions, we can refine this awareness of others until we can consciously pick out the Beacon in those around us. Sometimes, even after such a refinement has been achieved, the Beacon still slips past our conscious actions and we find ourselves simply responding to its unspoken pull. The pull of the Beacon drives us to feed from the Potential, thus awakening him to the most basic aspect of his hidden nature.

We must learn to recognize the Beacon in others, to judge its varying degrees of strength so that we may go about the awakening in a deliberate manner. We must learn to recognize when it is appropriate to awaken a Potential and when that awakening will bring only grief to all involved.

We must let our judgment rule us in this matter and we must sometimes resist the merely instinctual pull of the Beacon for awakenings that are not appropriate. Not all of those with Potential are fit for the awakening, and if we act rashly we may unwittingly loose the beast of our destruction through a careless move.


The Beacon is present to a limited degree in those who have already become. It is strong enough for us to recognize one of our number when we come into contact with him, even if this recognition is the barest hint of perception.

We may also be known by our distinct auras: deep purple sometimes shot through with red, surrounded by a nimbus of black or grey mist. The outer layer often stretches into tendrils that extend far beyond our physical forms, reaching out and feeding from those around us. To those who can perceive that level of reality, we often appear to be a nexus of such tendrils.

The tendrils are varying shades of grey, with a smooth, rope-like appearance. They are not perceptibly present in everyone; they can be filaments so fine even the most experienced seer will have difficulty perceiving them.

We are often noted for our pallor, but more often it is the intensity of our eyes which gives us away. We tend to be thin with a powerful and often intimidating presence which wraps about us like a shroud.

Our hands are often very cold. This is a cold which saps heat away, and lingers where it has been touched. It is a symptom of our constant, low-level energy draw. If we consciously channel energy through our hands, they grow very warm. It is not the temperature which is important: it is the responsiveness of our physical bodies to subtle effects that is distinctive.

We are sensitive to strong odors and tastes, as our senses are often acute. Many of us can hear in a more than normal human range. Some of this is physical hearing, some may be limited clairaudience, as our subtle senses extend far beyond our physical selves. We are almost always much stronger and quicker than we look, for the body is merely a vessel for a much more powerful Will.

We are sensitive to light and to the excessive heat of the sun. This is symptomatic of our acute sensitivity to energy. The radiation of the sun is an overwhelming form of energy which our systems have trouble assimilating. Many of us burn very easily in the sun. Almost all of us are made sick by it. When required to be out in full daylight, we develop headaches, nausea, dizziness. The light saps us of our strength, leaving us exhausted and drained. The night is our natural dominion, for in the mythic imagination, it is the realm of secrets, of magick, and all that the day-lit world rejects.

We carry ourselves with a proud determination and can seem arrogant, detached, and cold. We are often of a predatory nature, and with difficulty avoid using those around us.

To most we seem unapproachable. There is an air about us which seems somehow to set us apart. Even those ignorant to our true natures react to this, treating us with respect, attraction or fear.

The unawakened stare then look away from us and are unable to meet our gaze. They are disturbed by our presence but rarely will they understand what disturbed them or why. Instinctually, they fear us.

The Awakened will know us for what we are, though they may hesitate to put a name to it. Still, on an unspoken level they will understand and attempt to define us through the filters of their individual beliefs and symbol systems.

Children will know us, though rarely do they fear. In their innocence, they have not yet learned to doubt, and thus are open to a clear perception of the world around them.

Basic Feeding

We may gain what we need through feeding, drawing in life as we would breath.

When we are the center of attention of a whole group, we may feed upon the emotions of those around us as they are directed toward us. Those involved in the group are unlikely to notice the loss of energy, and oftentimes feeding in this way only increases their focus upon you.

This is an activity many Potentials engage in, though they do not often consciously understand what it is they do. This is one of the main reasons many Potentials are drawn toward the stage. Many become actors, storytellers, musicians or other performers so that they may achieve the kind of focused attention they crave.

For those who have Become, this is a pleasing activity, but rarely satisfies more than the most superficial of needs.

Even when a group is not focused upon us, we may feed generally upon them. No physical contact is necessary: we simply expand our awareness to encompass the group around us as if throwing out a net, or visualize ourselves at the center of a whirlpool, drawing everything in. Thus our energy extends beyond ourselves and, like embracing good friends, we pull bits of everyone about us into ourselves, breathing them deeply.

This is less satisfying than a focused group draw but can sustain us in a time of desperate need when no other option is available. Places with high energy and many emotions are preferable for this activity, and thus we are often drawn to dance halls and clubs. Once again, this manner of feeding is subtle and easily overlooked, and those being fed from are unlikely to notice the loss. High energy places often have enough ambient energy floating loosely in the atmosphere that you are truly taking little from any of the individual people there.

The two above techniques may be focused variably upon a single person for a slightly more intense effect. The individual in question does not have to be aware of your activities, and they do not even have to be close for you to feed from them. With concentration and focus, you can easily reach out across a room and draw off energy from a specific individual. At most, this person will feel a little tired from what you have taken, but most people are so desensitized to the subtle reality that they will pass this off as ordinary fatigue, stress, or too much drink.

Taking from unawakened individuals has its drawbacks, however. Certainly there are more of them, and they are far less likely to notice what you are doing than Awakened individuals. However, they are almost wholly ignorant to the energy that courses through them and they do little or nothing to cultivate this aspect of their spiritual selves, and so the quality of their energy is very poor.

Feeding from the Awakened is far more rewarding, as they cultivate their energy bodies, and so the quality of energy is purer and more intense. However, feeding without permission from the Awakened runs you the risk of getting caught. Many also perceive this as a psychic attack, and your actions will rarely be responded to kindly.

To this end, willing partners are the most advisable as they will not retaliate for anything which they consider an infringement on their person.. Having a willing partner who is Awakened is more fulfilling anyway, since the more feedback you receive from your targets, the more satisfying the drain, especially if they have some awareness of what is happening to them. It is like making love: the best partner is the one who responds to your touch, whose reactions guide you in increasing their experience of the exchange.

Single target, long-distance draws are convenient for establishing a connection to someone in order to draw them closer to you but before it is socially appropriate to engage in actual physical contact.

In general, energy coupled with some strong emotion is more fulfilling than simple energy alone. One of the most intense emotions we can feed upon is fear, but the negative repercussions associated with inspiring this emotion make it inadvisable to pursue. The next most intense emotion is passion or ecstasy, and this can be very fulfilling for both you and your partner. Any emotion that is transformative in its power and depth pleasantly satisfies our needs.

We may also feed upon energy gathered for religious purposes. This will sustain us in a time of need when no other sources are available, though often it is meager fare.

When people gather to worship, they generate a strong force of energy but few, if any of them, ever know how to properly direct it. Thus it curls up like smoke directionlessly through their place of worship or clings around those items which served as the foci for the group's attentions.

Whether we sit in on the actual worship or appear shortly thereafter, we may affect a general draw using the net technique which pulls the undirected energy into ourselves. The objects which were focused upon by the crowd can also be drained of the energy endowed in them, either from a distant, general draw or from the more direct drain of physical contact.

Many find such activities scandalous and unforgivable, but in truth the groups that can be preyed upon in this fashion have little awareness that they have been victimized and suffer not from our predations. The energy of their worship was undirected anyway and would dissipate eventually on its own, having served to benefit no one.

some of The Vampire Codex by Michelle Belanger




Vampire Evolution

04:26 Dec 13 2005
Times Read: 823

Vampire Evolution

The modern idea of the vampire is open to many different possibilities. What defines a vampire? And where did these traits come from?

Certain ideas about the vampire are now fixed. Sie almost always survives by drinking blood. Sie has died, and come back to life. Almost always, sie is unable to be active during the daylight hours. Often, sie fears holy objects such as crucifixes and blessed wafers, and is also allergic to garlic. Sie can be killed by means of a stake through the heart, or, sometimes, by burning.

But the vampires of Eastern Europe, whence some of the oldest traditions regarding the 'vrolock' can be traced, were not blood drinkers at all. They were reanimated corpses who killed their victims out of pure malice rather than any need to survive, and their usual means of murder was suffocation by pressing on the chest, which later developed into biting the chest. Unless appropriately treated, anyone who died in this way would go on to become a vampire.

These days, vampirism is usually considered to be contagious only when an exchange of blood occurs, when the victim consumes some of the vampire's blood. In Anne Rice's tales, almost all the blood in the body must be thus exchanged before any change can take effect. In Bram Stoker's time, it was enough for the victim merely to have tasted their attacker's blood; however, they would not necessarily die when bitten, and would not be transformed until their death occurred, often years later. If the vampire who bit them died before they did, they would be saved.

In older mythology, as Montague Summers concluded in his research on the subject, anyone who faces damnation, has been excommunicated or has traded in hir lifetime with the powers of darkness, faces the danger of turning into a vampire after the point of death. Summers warns that such creatures are wholly the possessions of the Devil, and have no real free will of their own, so that this is a foolish way for a sorcerer to attempt to prolong hir own life.

The idea of the damnation of the victim was perhaps the most terrible aspect of the curse of vampirism in past ages, and implied the connivance of the victim in the damning act. This is notably parallel to developing cultures' attitudes to rape. In primitive times, women who had been raped were often excommunicated or killed for having behaved imorrally. It was believed that the moral nature of the victim could be altered and condemned by forces wholly outside hir ability to control.

Various things could be done, in old Eastern Europe, to prevent the transformation of a corpse into a vampire occurring, and so to save the soul of the unfortunate individual. As sie was damned, the victim could not be buried in consecrated ground, but the planting of a thorn bush on top of the grave might prevent hir from rising again. After several nights had passed, a white gelding might be led into the graveyard, where it would indicate the location of a vampire's grave. The vampire could then be killed in the appropriate way. Afterwards, the body could be reconsecrated and reinterred in consecrated ground, whereby the soul could escape the clutches of hell, if the person had, in life, been appropriately good.

Anne Rice has conjectured that the mindlessness of these early vampires might well be due to their burial in the earth, and their lack of awareness of their state, so that when they came around - effectively buried alive - they would go insane with terror, like the Haitian zombies drugged into a temporary seemingness of death. Certainly, as the vampire legend developed, vampires became more intelligent, and have in modern times often been held to be of superior intelligence to the average mortals around them

Perhaps the most significant contribution to this developing evolution was Dr. John Polidori's eighteenth century novel The Vampire. The protagonist of this novel is suave, sophisticated and able to seduce almost anyone he chooses. He is charming and intelligent, but fickle in his affections, and absolutely cold hearted. Polidori wrote the piece as a satire, intending to insult Lord Byron, whom he had adored and who had recently discarded him. However, much to his horror, the public bestowed equal adoration on the Vampire figure himself, and, as Polidori drifted into obscurity, many attributed the authorship of this astounding book to Byron himself.

It was with this novel that the concept of the aristocratic vampire really took off, and a whole wave of similar tales precipitated over the following century. Sheridan LeFanu's famous Carmilla used the vampire myth to explore forbidden aspects of sexuality, and in so doing created an interesting heroine who, despite her nature, attempted to resist harming the girl whom she loved. The vampire and the human had at last become directly entwined.

Thus the vampire finally completed its progress from mindless, terrifying monster to sometime sympathetic, tragically cursed hero.

Among all these famous vampires there is one, of course, who truly stands out, and whose name will always be remembered: Dracula. Vlad 'Tepes' Dracula (the impaler) lived between 1430 and 1476, when he was reportedly killed in war. At this time, a whole variety of supernatural insults were hurled at him to emphasise the horror of his cruel treatment of prisoners - he not only impaled his victims, but also blinded, skinned, castrated, dismembered, boiled them alive and gave them to savage animals in order that he might watch them be torn apart. However, he made no pretense of immortality, and was quite definitely and finally killed - slain in battle, his head was later presented as a trophy to the Sultan of Constantinople.

It was only among the peasant folk that any real supernatural traditions regarding the Wallachian warrior persisted, and it was not until the publication of Bram Stoker's novel, centuries later, that an incarnation of Vlad Tepes was thoroughly portrayed as a blood-drinking, damned vampire.

Older stories of the actual powers and abilities of vampires differ more widely than is genuinely understood. Not all of them fear the daylight. Count Dracula could go about in the light quite safely, though his other powers would be weakened by it. In desert countries, and in some of the Ancient Egyptian traditions, vampires were active not by night, but by day. In the desert, it is the daylight hours when mortal man might rightly fear to wander. In the desert, it is the daylight hours during which people die.

Many vampires of the last three centuries were considered to have hypnotic powers over their victims, particularly if they managed to make eye contact (their eyes are often described as reddened or glowing red, though in keeping with the modern tradition, female vampires enjoy an unmarred beauty). Older tales of vampires place a great deal of emphasis on their capacity to shape-shift (most commonly into 'devillish creatures' such as bats, crows or wolves), but the modern vampire tends to lack these traits. Likewise, it is uncommon for a modern vampire to require to rest on the soil of hir own homeland during daylight, or to suffer from the old eldritch traditions of being unable to pass a threshold unless invited to do so, and unable to cross running water except at the flow or the ebb of the tide.

The ancient vampires of eastern Europe and of the desert cultures were uniformly described as ugly - they were little more than half-rotted corpses, and would be perpetually filthy from the grave where they must rest each day. In modern times, however, the image of the vampire has often been adored. Though Murnau's classic Nosferatu gave us the image of a shrivelled, impish fiend worn by the ages, more popular are the tall, dashing men and voluptuous women, usually pale skinned and dark haired, with the giveaway pointed fangs so noteably absent from their earlier incarnations.

With the decline of popular religion over the last century, less and less influence has been placed on the significance of the vampire's damnation, and it is rarely any longer considered that items such as crucifixes and holy water might be used against these creatures. Also the subject of modern hilarity are the old herbal remedies, garlic and dogroses and rowan, with which a person or a house might be protected.

In ancient times the vampire could be killed in a variety of ways, such as staking, burning, decapitating, or even striking with a blessed knife or sword. Sometimes, the evil spirit posessing what was really just a corpse could be driven out by means of excommunication. In modern mythology, only a wooden stake through the heart tends to be effective; if the head is cut off, garlic should be placed between it and the neck, and the liberal application of blessed crucifixes is desirable.

Neither does the modern vampire always feed on blood. Throughout the ages, there have been various stories relating alternative forms of parasitism on the living by the dead. In Iceland, the tradition holds that one must never put a baby to sleep in a room with an old person, because even without intending to the old person will be drawing life out of the infant and into hirself. Increasinly, vampirism is used as a metaphor used to refer to many such conditions. As some eighteenth century authors had intended, the figure of the aristocratic vampire has begun to be perceived as a satirical one; the rich man is drawing life out of the beleagured working classes.

Some modern vampires feed off the personality, or draw a kind of psychic energy out of their victim; or a sheer, unadulterated life-force. In The Girl with the Hungry Eyes, an icon is built out of society's idealised woman, a figure who always wants more, always wants you; but the horror of it is that her need for the absolute nature of her worshippers can destroy them utterly, and condemn them to the emptiness of a modern damnation.




more info I got online

01:51 Dec 13 2005
Times Read: 825

Vampyres CAN NOT go out in the sunlight. It burns them, right?

WRONG That is completly false. Although many vamps do prefer the night time, they are not limited to it because of sunlight. They may have a slight sensitivity to bright light but they don't go about bursting into flames and such.

Do vampyres have to sleep in coffins?

Not from what I've heard.. some do just out of preference, but many would not reccomend it (very uncomfertable I hear)

Crosses, garlic and holy water are a vampyres worst enemy, right?

Wrong again my friend. Some vamps think crosses make fine decorations, garlic is great on Italian food, and if they really wanted to, could drink that holy water... no big deal.

Are vamps immortal?

Now thats a question that I myself am not totally sure of.. I have been told yes, I have been told no, and I have been told they just live extermely healthy, long lives.

Can vampyres fly and shapeshift like in the books and movies? Do they have super strengths?

I seriously doubt it. I have yet to meet anyone (Vampyre or otherwise) that claimed they could do any of those things. Contrary to popular belief, Vampyres are much like normal people.

How do I become a vampyre??

Well.. I have been told a few variations on that one too.. mostly the vampyre bites and then you consume their blood also




Vampire's Underling is Sentenced (1999)

19:44 Dec 10 2005
Times Read: 833

Sven Volkert, 20, of Oostburg, was sentenced to six months in jail for his actions in Phillip K. Buck's vampire ring.

Volkert was decribed by authorities as "an assistant for sadism and vampire-like blood sucking at parties involving teen-age girls." Volkert helped Buck by whipping a juvenile girl who was tied to a bed, then providing a knife with which she used to cut her arms and legs.

Sheboygan County District Attorney Robert Wells said that Buck tried "to use Mr. Volkert as a go-between to keep victims quiet."

Pleading no contest to three counts of battery and to obstructing an officer by supplying false information, Volkert could have received 12 years in prison, along with a $40,000 fine. In addition to his six month term in prison, Judge L. Edward Stengel gave Volkert three years of probation.

Volkert has finished his high school education, found a job and will be starting college in Madison, said his lawyer. Had the judge sentenced him to more than a year in prison, Volkert would have faced deportation to his native Germany.

Source: AP Wire Services, June 23, 1999




State Senator Seeks to Criminalize Vampires!

19:38 Dec 10 2005
Times Read: 834

State Senator James R. Baumgart, Democrat from Sheboygan, has drafted legislation aimed at criminalizing vampire or vampire-like activity directed at juveniles.

Baumgart says the legislation will close loopholes in the law that hampered prosecution of Phillip K. Buck for his role in preying on teen-age girls. The proposed bill, Senate Bill 213, would classify any action "causing the mutilation of a child" as a Class E felony, with a fine of $10,000 and maximum imprisonment of up to five years.

However, if during the mutilation of the child, the child suffers "great bodily harm," the offender faces the same fine and imprisonment of up to ten years, which is a Class D felony.

If the offender goes the next step and "consumes the child's blood," the person is guilty of a Class C felony, and could face fines of $10,000 and up to fifteen years imprisonment.

Buck had pleaded no contest to fourth-degree sexual assault and causing bodily harm to a child. He was sentenced to ten years and nine months prison time for cutting several teen-age girls with a razor (or encouraging them to cut themselves with a razor), then drinking their blood.

"This would protect juveniles from exploitation of people that want to get into this kind of sadistic ritual. If adults want to do that, it's one thing," said Baumgart.

Sources: AP Wire Services, July 13 & 14, 1999, The Sheboygan Press, July 14, 1999,

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 13, 1999




00:50 Dec 07 2005
Times Read: 864

The Creed Of Noctem Aeternus

I am Strigoi VII of Noctem Aeternus So We Begin!

Truth is within my night side, all I must do is listen to

myself for I am my own temple.

I lead, explore, learn, inspire, feed, create, love,

provide, dance, honor & pleasure.

I acknowledge my day side is the sensory illusion,

known as the Maiiah.

I acknowledge by night side as my natural,

Primal and Magical subconscious.

I uphold and respect the Black Veil & the Noctem Aeternus

Covenant, the foundation of ethics of our family.

I acknowledge that I am at the top of the food chain,

however, I respect the chain that I am on.

Blood is the life.

I worship those who give me their most precious gift.

Noctem Aeternus is my chosen family,

I honor my Brothers, Sisters, our path and traditions.

Therefore I will experience most in life here and now.

For I am Strigoi VII of Noctem Aeternus So we begin!



The Seven Principles

1.Duty (Chu)

2. Justice Mortality (Gi)

3. Complete Sincerity (Makoto)

4. Polite, Courtesy (Rei)

5. Compassion (Jin)

6. Heroic Courage (Yu)

7. Honor (Meiyo)


Higher Thinking

Live with an open Mind!

To live with an open mind, is to live with Understanding.

To live with Understanding, is to live with Peace.

To live with Peace, is to live with Love.

To live with Love,

Is to live with GOD!


Noctem Aeternus is an international organization,

which is part magickal order , part vampyric family and a fraternal order,that is based on teaching and learning more on who and what we are.

We are not R.P.Ger's.

But true life vampyres/vampires

coming together with like minded people

for a better understanding of who and what we are.

Noctem Aeternus membership is only for the serious seeker.

open by invite and sponsorship.

No one under the age of 18 will be


We of Noctem Aeternus

hold the Black Veil and the Pillars of our house

in the strictest of respect.

we suggest you read the Black Veil,

and agree to live by it for yourself before

coming to us.

Our way of life is not for all!

These are the traditions and codes of ethics,

for the house of Noctem Aeternus.



The Pillars are here for our safety.

The outside world (human or day side)

does not understand who and what we are.

Therefore, for your safety and the safety of the family

we must hold our traditions, codes and ethics with the highest regards.

The Covenant

1. Secrets

Secrets not only protect us from those that would cause us harm,

But they also bind us,

and give us a common ground.

The inner teachings should not be shared with any who are not part of the house,

or ready.

Community secrets are our unity.

The outer teachings are a tool for screening others into the family,

And bring us together.

Share your nature only with those who have the wisdom to,

Understand and accept it.

Learn to recognize these individuals.

Our secrets are our safety and unity.

2. Responsibility

We of Noctem Aeternus embrace the concept of,respecting the Human /Day side worlds laws.

Though we are an international subculture without own codes of conduct,

we still live in there world.

NO member of the family should ever commit,

ANY illegal act which will bring shame, unwanted and unhealthy,

attention to yourself the house or the nation.

3. Minors

Some of us feel that the first signs of Awakening start at an early age.

yes in some of us this is true,

But the risk is to great for a misunderstanding.

Under no circumstances allow anyone under 18

to be initiated into a house of any kind, attend Quabals, undertake ordeals,

or gain access to any outer or inner teachings.

4. Our Mission

All of our kind are of the same great spiritual family.

We are all parts of the spiritual organism that is Elorath.

It is our job to our brethren to see past our differences,

and pull together and try and make something of ourselves.

In doing so we create jobs for those in our nation,

and set an example for the next generation.

Never force our way or will on another,

Doing so will weaken there love for the nation,

thus making it and us weaker.

Let them come to us.

if they feel the calling they will come.

Understand we come from all walks of life and faiths.

teach what you know and learn from them ,

no one has all the answers to who and what we are what you can.

we learn a little from each other and grow.

Our diversity is our strength

Am I my brothers keeper?

Yes I am.

5. Recognition

Respect! and recognize All! Vampyre,

Dark & Esoteric Organizations and Groups.

Our community is far to small to have conflict keep us apart.

6. Creation

Support and host Quabals,

open havens, start a business, encourage and support artist,

Dance, Performances, Rituals and all

forms of creative expression which will help keep the dark flame burning.

We are here to create a culture in which we can all

support each other and thrive at the fullest of our potentials.

7. The Pact Honor, Chivalry and Loyalty

are benchmarks of Strigoi VII.

We seek to resurrect and express the empowering traditions,

of a long lost eras,

While consistently updating them for modern times.

We are all adults and should strive for a higher moral standard.

8. Respect

Always be civil even to your deepest enemy.

Resolve conflicts in private.

Confront those who have offended you,

directly and respectfully.

know that you have the right to protect your Honor , self ,Family and home

but do it with respect.

when in another's land know the laws and respect them.

9. Swans

We are to have two Swans and a mate.

Screen you Swans.

Let them understand they have to be clean.

cause it is not just there health at risk

but the health of the rest of the house as well.

When feeding sexually use protection.

Know that feeding is not only sexual!

When feeding from Blood make sure the donor is clean.

Never feed from the ill, elderly or young.

Never feed from some one else's swan without there permission.

10. Problems

Noctem Aeternus is not a role playing organization,

or society of fang wearing teenagers trying to be something they are not.

We are a secret society in that we maintain absolute,

confidentiality of our membership.

Noctem Aeternus is a neutral family within the,

Sanguinarium and Vampyre community,

we as a family do not get involved in the politics of other,

organizations or games of individuals.

If it has nothing to do with the house,

let it stay were it is.

11. Progress

All members of Noctem Aeternus are encouraged to contribute,

to the family and vampyre community with the fullest use of their

talents and skills.

there is no shame in running businesses for the benefit of the house hold.

Monetary stability provides power to achieve goals of the household.we know you must start some where.

no matter what the job be, a job is a job.

but we in Noctem Aeternus strive to better ourselves.

Never settle for less then you are worth.

12. Family

We in Noctem Aeternus are a family,

and understand that family may not always see eye to eye.

Fights happen in family, words are said and deeds are done,

but what makes a family, a family is how it gets past the hurtful things and deeds,

that unites us.

Try to see thing through there eyes, and understand

why and what they are saying.

So you can better understand were they are coming from.

it is this diversity and open-mindedness that empowers us.

it is that view of the bigger picture that lets us see the cycles and,

commonalities of all in the house and nation.

To become blind to one of them would be to lose a piece of the puzzle.

We are family!

We are of the same mind and blood, let no one come between us!

13. Haven

Open your doors to our kin.

know that doing so will open the hearts of others,

and bring unity, Let our kin knows they have a safe place to rest,

when in our land.

If we can not trust our own kind ,

then who can we trust.

14. Your Word

Your word is your bond.

We of Noctem Aeternus put our Honor first.

If you say something mean it.

A man has nothing if he has not his word.

So when you say you will do something it will be done.

15. Knowledge

Noctem Aeternus is here to teach and learn.

We seek to better ourselves through,

researching who and what we.

One cannot learn if ones mind is not open.

Seek out to better your self in life.

progress is what we seek , how can we teach if we are not willing to learn.


Initiate Ordeal ( Jahira )

This is the most basic of all Ordeals.Study the Black Veil.

Here we are EXPLORING and TESTING,

The elementary Outer Teachings of Strigoi Vii and beginning to,

experience Zhep'r and awaken our inner dragon.

Prospectii must be at least 18 years of age.

Prospectii are required to know the Black Veil , The Strigoi Vii Covenant and

The House Covenant.

It is traditional that for the Jahira Ascension rite the Prospectii be

accepted by sponsor ( Adra , Sire )

who has at least completed the Calmae ordeal.

during the Ascension the Jahira is given or chooses a Night side name,

and consecrates their own Strigoi Vii ankh.

The qualities of what makes up a Noctem Aeternus member:

Every seeker is a unique experience and there are certain qualities which ,

distinguish a Noctem Aeternus seeker,

from other Sanguinarium or Vampyre families.

1. Realists in that Vampyrism is more than just a fashion statement.

We physically do not turn into bats or mist,

Our bodies do not last forever.

We are human beings who have been modified on an astral level.

2. Ambition and realizing the world is not an easy place and willing to challenge things in your life.

You must realize that you are your own person and if you want to get things done,

in this world you have to do them your self.

3. Individual, you are not a follower , sheep or seeking membership to a Vampire fan club for self gratification or just looking for something to belong to.

You are seeking affiliation with Noctem Aeternus for self growth and to achieve Xeper

individually and as a family.

4. Magickal ability.

No fear but respect of the occult and a skill at ritual and energy work.

Many members of Noctem Aeternus are encouraged to be powerful and skilled in many paths

( Santeia, Buddhism, Gnostic, Christianity, Paganism, Setian, Tantric workings, etc.

5. Support of the family.

We want people who are dedicated and loyal to the family.

Who want to see the success of the household and put it first amongst all other

Occult or Vampyric organizations.

6. Humbleness & Patience.

You have to understand and be willing to make the investment in the family as we are making one in you.

It will take time before you formally get initiated.

If it does not work out there is a reason.

Even if you are an "Elder" in another house.

We respect those willing to take the necessary steps

like all others that join the family.

7. Seeking one's Dragon within.

Seeking one's ultimate state of existence and realizing that pursuit of

this state is never completed and that the journey is the experience.

( Striving for perfection. )

8. Willingness to learn and educate.

Contribute to the household with your knowledge

and learn from the others.

keeping an open mind.

9. Business sensibility.

Understand we all have to eat and pay our dayside bills.

Noctem Aeternus is no place for freeloads or people who sap others.

10. Love of aesthetics

Within ritual or going out, all of Noctem Aeternus,

should be well dressed and presented.

Aesthetics are a powerful tool of communication and atmosphere in the scene and ritual.

We are a decedent and fabulous group as well as we are serious about who and what we are.

11. Serious.

We of Noctem Aeternus are seeking people who take vampyrism serious,

and are not interested in seeing life as a Roleplaying Game.

We of Noctem Aeternus are students of the vampyric life,

and wish to explore every aspect of this dark gift.

that we may better understand who and what we are.

12. A healthy ego.

We do not want people who are ego-manics,

but have a healthy ego or realize they have a big one and are willing to work on it.

13. A good sense of humor.

The ability to laugh at things and one's self.

14. The ability to face and acknowledge.

Face your fears, problems, prejudice and forgive honest mistakes.

We do not want guilt ridden people who hold on to things and can not move on.

15. Willingness to share.

Be open with others with what you have found ,

in the right time and place - and to be silent when it is not the right place and time.

Application for the Jahira Choir of Noctem Aeternus

This application is used to screen those seeking affiliation,

within Noctem Aeternus.

This must be endorsed by a member of the ordo Noctem Aeternus Magistratis,

who is willing to be your sponsor.

For all of you who are interested in house Noctem Aeternus we asked that you answer the questions but now we want to know about you what your passions are and everything that you think we should know from your weakest points to your strongest let us get to know you after all a family is a family and we hide nothing from each other

Part 1.

Date/ Time:

Dayside/given name Name:

Nightside/chosen Name:

Mailing address:

Sex: M/F

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:



Eye color:

Hair color:

Marital Status:

Name and age of Spouse:

Number of Children/ages:

Previous Affiliations:


Educational level/ Degrees:


Special Interests, Talents, Abilities Hobbies or Collections:

I am interested in traveling for family activities: Yes____No____


Part 2

1.) What are your impressions of Noctem Aeternus?

2.) What do you expect to accomplish by being a member of Noctem Aeternus?

3.) Do you own a personal copy of any of the V series of books Liber Jahira, Liber Bellah, or Liber Calmae?

4.) What is your lifes goal, and what have you done to reach it?

5.) Do you find any of our Pillars objectionable, if so which and why?

6.) Describe your political philosophy.

7.) What is your personal definition of Magick?

8.) Are you self -sufficient or are you better off in a group?

9.) Do you make friends easily?

10.) What is most important to you , what you think of your self or what others think of you?

11.) Would you rather influence or be influenced?

12.) Do you feel you have leadership skills?

13.) How long did you take to consider becoming a member of Noctem Aeternus?

14.) Do you drink or do any illegal drugs, if so how much and what?

15.) Define Vampyrism in your own words.

16.) Define the Vampyric life in your own words.

17.) Do you understand what it is to be awakened?

18.) Are you ( Klavasi latent, Ardetha embraced or turned or Dhampyri Born)?

19.) How do you feel about body modding and body art?

20.) How do you feel about BDSM?

21.) Are you HIV positive?

22.) Do you understand household life?

23.) Define Elorath.

24.) tell us your opinions on God.

25.) Do you have any experience with energy work?

26.) What road do you follow or think you will best fit at this time if any?

Kitra ( concubines ), Mradu ( warriors or guardians ) or Ramkht ( deacon ).

27.) have you ever been a donor , Pranic or Sang?

28.) Do you have any skills in magick? , if so what?

29.) What can you give Noctem Aeternus that no one else can?

30.) Do you follow the Strigoi Vii or the Black Veil?

31.) Do you know the meaning of Honor? if so define

32.) Do you have Honor?

33. Have you ever been arrested? If so for what?


Thank you for your time and interest in Noctem Aeternus.

May Mother night keep you safe in her loving embrace.

Your's in blood and shadow Ryu Noctem Aeternus



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