The Scorpio cat is brave and the head of the home. They are happiest when they are the top cat. The Scorpio cat is not a cat to make concessions; after all, you are the human, you should make the compromises. Scorpio cats are typically curious about the kitchen and whatever you might be cooking. They like to perch on the counter and keep a careful eye on your meal preparations. If your Scorpio cats seems down in the dumps, a surefire way to cheer them up is to have an aquarium or pond and allow the cat to unwind, and watch the fish.Scorpio cats will like to try for a fish snack from time to time, so make sure you prevent this by adding plants to the pond or a lid to your aquarium. This cat has a mind of it's own and can form strong bonds with it's chosen human, as loong as they are treated well. Scorpio cats are protective of small children and will guard their humans territorially when they feel under the weather-thay way they can sit next to you and keep you in line until you are acting like your old self again.
The Libra cat is an elegant, poised, and easygoing pet who loves greeting new people, as long as their owner is around. The Libra cat brings serenity and harmony into it's owners life. While well-behaved, the Libra cat is unpredictable, and even as it likes laid-back human companions, they will enjoy losing that air of gracefulness and just being goofy and rowdy from time to time. A Libra cat's idea of a good time is to stretch out on you while you are reading or watching TV. As long as you are sitting still, you are a target for an affectionate Libra cat. Same goes when you retire for the evening-expect that they will be perched on your bed, waiting for you to lie down so they can snuggle up in your covers. Libra cats enjoy the outdoors, but their innate, cheerful sort of laziness usually prohibits them from chasing bugs or birds around the garden. Libra cats are typically content to sit in a patch of sunny grass and watch the world go by.