Her last words is all I could hear replaying in my mind like twisted psycho remix my mind had been playing tricks on me again ..here it was 4:43 in the morning like always I'm awake a thinking .. Feeding my mind with knowledge.. Just let it rest..loretta I think to myself ..but I can't I have to find out why ? Why I'm so different why I was chosen to live this life full of anger and pain why I must keeping telling myself let dead rest...hes your son ..but he's gone. That justice is bs and life is well confusing and long ... But why him.. He was just a baby that did no wrong .i can still picture everything that happen 13 yrs ago like it's replay over and over of crazy bad song . every night same time never fails my eyes pop open at 4:43 the last time I held my baby ...
16:18 Apr 02 2020
When the dead is at rest, let his remembrance rest; and be comforted for him, when his Spirit is departed from him.