How many kajirae here have a collar???
This kajira does and she is proud of it. It reminds this girl of her place and what she is.
Some of you on here, have probably never heard the term kajira, but to those who have, you understand that a kajira or kajirus is slave... property owned by their Master or Mistress to be used when they see fit.
Being a kajira or kajirus is a lifestyle, not just a passing phase. It is for life.
and for a little information.. in Gorean the spelling for collar is Ko-lar
How many people on here are part of the Gorean lifestyle (Master/kajira)???
This kajira wants to meet other kajira and talk with them (if their Master permits it of course)
This kajira had a session last night where her Master had her arms bound to the bed and he used a wand on her body (including the more sensitive parts) and kajira had the best climax that she has ever felt.
This kajira is now cleaning house and making sure that it is clean for when her Master comes home from work today.
Master has said that if the house is not clean, Master will have to punish this kajira.
I'm a kajira but not owned
That is amazing. this kajira would have picked you more for the dominant type
Nah .. I been a kajira since I was 17
Wow, that's longer than this kajira
yeah I'm now 47
this kajira is only 33 lol....
I am using my new computer that my partner built for me. I am in love with it and I hope to get it to point where the games will run better than they currently do.
I can't play sims 4 on it without it crashing every five minutes, however, I can play township and bejewelled 3 on it so, I am happy.
Those are good games!
It's crazy how the Sims was meant to be playable on any crappy computer, but it really doesn't run so well for most people these days. I'm lucky I can play it on my dinosaur computer, but juuuuust barely. I have to turn the autonomy off for it to un-lag enough to function at all.
LOL. Good games are hard to come by these days
i play minecraft