ToraShiro1992's Journal

ToraShiro1992's Journal


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5 entries this month

The Hard Road vs. the Easy Road

14:14 Feb 26 2008
Times Read: 599

Some people I know insist on taking the hard road. They can't seem to find away within them to make things more simple.

The seem to do everything the hard way.

I for one find this time consuming and pointless.

It is far easier to do something once and not have to repeat steps or go back and do it agin. Just do things right the first time and not worry about it.

I will never understand why some people insist on laying down with out a fight either.

For example:

I have a sister who is in the middle of a divorce not only that but she it also about to give birth to her 5th child. Her soon to be ex husband kicked her out and kept the 3 girls and (one child live w/his father) told her that this baby is not his and that she could keep it.

well now that the baby is going to be born on Thursday he has decided that he is going to take it from her. She is ready to lay down and give up with out a fight. She insisted that he would never do this to her ( why she thinks she's special i don't understand) and that they can be friends.

I mean come on she originally left him for a woman! he's pissed!

to make a seriously long story short. She doesn't want to fight she wants to take the Easy way out....

What is my point you ask....

My point is this.... To many times in life we refuse to stand and fight.Wether it be for our children or our way/ standard of living.

Could you fight for your freedom were you faced with that challenge?

That very well may be a challenge we have to face some day. Would you stand and fight? Would you take the Hard Road (the road less traveled) or would you take the Easy Road and lay down your freedoms to keep the "peace". ?




Premium Membership

02:40 Feb 18 2008
Times Read: 600

I was finally to buy a premium membership and I am going to take full advantage of it!!

I love the idea of being able to tweak my profile and enjoy my new features!!!




A Quiz

18:22 Feb 06 2008
Times Read: 605

What Kind of Serial Killer Would You Be?
Your Result: Organized and Hedonistic

You're a planner. You'd carefully plot each murder, and carry it out methodically. You'll kill them in one location and move them to another later, and you'll study up your forensic science. The good news is, you're much harder to catch.

You'll kill for the sheer pleasure of killing. The aspect that you'd enjoy varies- the chase, perhaps, or torturing and abusing the victims before their deaths. Maybe you'd be a necrophiliac or a cannibal. Murders excite you, either emotionally or sexually. You're disgusting, man.

Organized and Goal-Oriented
Organized Visionary
Organized and Mission-Oriented
Disorganized and Hedonistic
Disorganized and Mission-Oriented
Disorganized and Gain-Oriented
Disorganized Visionary
What Kind of Serial Killer Would You Be?




Why Do We Settle?

15:24 Feb 03 2008
Times Read: 606

Variety is the spice of life.... or so I've been told. However sometimes we get stuck in a rutt that we can't seem to get out of.

As married couples go most tend to get into these long lasting "routines" that in some cases can last for years. I have heard of a couple that got into the habbit of only making love on Tuesdays and it was like that for 20 years! 20 years!!! I can not even imagine. I mean how do we allow our lives to get that predictable?

What has happened to the days when spontenaity captured our hearts and we tried to make our love lives fresh and fun? Why do we settle for "safety" or "security" or even finincial comfort? Why is it that some of us women can't quite decide to choose love over security?

When I was grown up I always heard from women in my family that it is just as easy to love a rich man as it is a poor man.

That may be true but I can not figure out why it is that money is so important. I mean I've been married almost 10 years and things are decent yet I still have issues being truly happy.




my soul mate

14:05 Feb 02 2008
Times Read: 609

The day I met him my world changed forever! I was so young but I knew then that we were made to be together. Everything about us seemed to be a perfect fit. Our hands fit perfectly together, his arms fit perfectly around my waist.

We became one mind, heart, body and soul.

Our bond was strong and it has lasted over the years.

We spent 11 years apart and our bond is just as strong now as it ever was. We are 500 miles apart yet I can still feel his emotions and he feels mine.

We are closer than ever and cherish each moment we get to steel together. Eventhough we are both married to others we are still closer to each other than to them.

We depend on one another to be available. We depend on one another to listen, and to be a shoulder.

oh geez... here i've gone and rambled on and on ...



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